Fabrician types of new world Oedionychina Chapuis, 1875 (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, Alticini) deposited in the Zoological Museum of Kiel University collections with notes on Fabrician types of other collections and new combinations for species formerly placed in the subtribe Author Roie, Martijn Van BC5F187A-EF47-45E5-9218-91B1CB41397D Biodiversity Inventory for Conservation npo (BINCO), Walmersumstraat 44, 3380 Glabbeek, Belgium. & Department of Biology, Ecosphere Research Group, University of Antwerp, Universiteitsplein 1, 2610 Wilrijk, Belgium. martijn.vanroie@uantwerpen.be Author Kuhlmann, Michael B99AE0ED-FA89-4DFE-A658-1C8DF37F9FAB Zoological Museum, University of Kiel, Hegewischstr. 3, D- 24105 Kiel, Germany. mkuhlmann@zoolmuseum.uni-kiel.de Author Mack, Anne 1B595D32-2F8D-486D-B010-5065A1FC020C Zoological Museum, University of Kiel, Hegewischstr. 3, D- 24105 Kiel, Germany. amack@zoolmuseum.uni-kiel.de Author Konstantinov, Alexander 95C88059-53CD-4125-BDD5-5D307F739D7F Systematic Entomology Laboratory, USDA, ARS, c / o Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History, Washington, District of Columbia, USA. alex.konstantinov@usda.gov text European Journal of Taxonomy 2024 2024-01-26 920 1 1 60 https://europeanjournaloftaxonomy.eu/index.php/ejt/article/download/2411/10629 journal article 286823 10.5852/ejt.2024.920.2411 939be729-dc03-4845-8765-c6ee227be466 2118-9773 10575389 E2A4A0FC-FB93-490D-A601-9C667F94A53F Galleruca obsoleta Fabricius, 1801 Fig. 28 obsoleta Fabricius, 1801: 497 (America meridionali). Material examined Lectotype (presently designated) COUNTRY NOT INDICATED ON SPECIMEN • ; “ G. obsoleta en Am. Mer. Schmidt/ TYPE/ Lectotype Galleruca obsoleta Fabricius 1801 des. Van Roie , Kuhlmann , Mack & Konstantinov , 2023”; ex-Copenhagen; ZMUC 00031103 . Status in Zimsen (1964) P. 112 No.1737. “in America meridionali D. Smidt Mus. D. de Sehestedt” Copenhagen 1 specimen . Original description “G. saltatoria, nigra, thorace ferrugineo, elytris vitta obsoleta, testacea. habitat in America meridionali. D. Smidt. Mus. D. de Sehestedt. Statura praecedentium. Caput cum antennis nigrum. Thorax laete ferrugineus, immaculatus. Elytra laenia, nigra: vitta obsoleta, testacea, quae tamen apicem haud attingit. Pedes rufi, femoribus posticis valde incrassates, apice nigris.” Current status Phenrica obsoleta ( Fabricius, 1801 ) comb. nov. Measurements Lectotype ( Fig. 28 ): LB = 4.49 mm ; WB = 2.35 mm . Remarks The lectotype for Galleruca obsoleta is designated here to have a unique bearer of this name and the standard for its application. Klug (1829) listed this species as present in Suriname (as Galeruca obsoleta ). Later, this species was placed in the genus Oedionychis Latreille, 1829 (as Oedionychus ) by Heikertinger & Csiki (1940) . The rationale of this decision is unknown, and there is no indication that the authors have seen the type of Fabricius. Probably based on Heikertinger & Csiki (1940) , Bechyné mentioned this species in his unpublished catalogue as Alagoasa obsoleta . Since there was no record of this species in any other paper of Bechyné, we suspect that Bechyné made this new (unpublished) combination solely to solve any incertae sedis, without studying the type. Nevertheless, this species clearly does not belong in Oedionychina , but rather Disonychina based on the following characters: frontal ridge long, about twice as long as clypeus; pronotum quadrate, anterolateral callosity of pronotum strongly rounded, apical metatarsomere not globosely swollen. Within Disonychina, it belongs to Phenrica .