Palaearctic species of Ammoplanus (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae) Author Boucïek, Zdenek text Journal of Natural History 2001 35 849 929 journal article 1464-5262 A. (Ammoplanus) platytarsus Gussakovskij Ammoplanus platytarsus Gussakovskij, 1931: 451 . Turkmenistan : Kopet-Dagh (Mts.) SW of Ashkhabad. Lectotype male, designated by Marshakov (1976: 679) ; in ZMAS (examined). Additional diagnostic characters Male. Facial mask yellow. Frons and mesoscutum shiny. Median third of clypeus in form of a convex plate bearing on margin three broad teeth. Maxillary palpi unusually short, apparent penultimate segment less than twice as long as broad. Flagellum very long and slender, middle ¯agellar segments about 1.8 times as long as broad each. Frons shiny, with moderately sparse puncturation. Transverse groove on smooth scutellum deep and broad but its sides smooth, only in deepest part minutely crenulate (punctured). Hind basitarsus (®gure 44) distinctly but not abruptly expanded before middle on its ventral side (see also Marshakov, 1976: 671 , ®gures 47±49), concave in distal half, basal half bearing on mesal side a strip of rough suberect whitish setae. Sternite 6 at apex triangularly produced, before apex with broad complete semicircle of erect short hairs. Female. Not yet known. Material examined. Turkmenistan (S.W.): 5±6 km NNW of Kara-Kala , 2 km NE of source of the Parkhay , 4, 9 May 1991 (Kazenas; BMNH ) . Distribution. Turkmenistan , West Tajikistan (Khrebet Petra Velikogo [5 Peter the Great Range]) ( Gussakovskij, 1935: 421 ).