Systematic relevance of pollen morphology in tribe Hylocereeae (Cactaceae) Author Ruiz-Dominguez, Catalina Author Vovides, Andrew P. Author Sosa, Victoria text PhytoKeys 2019 128 121 140 journal article 1314-2003-128-121 E7F6A30F8981545BB28061827C26D30E 3378137 Disocactus Lindley Pollen. trizonocolpate, radially symmetrical, isopolar with circular contour in polar view. Shape : varies from subprolate to prolate-spheroidal (P/E=1.13-1.18). Apertures : 3, colpate, large; polar area of medium size (PAI=0.33-0.34). Measurements : pollen grains large to very large, (80.36)97.51(116.99) x (99.25)112.18(125.04) μm in equatorial view; exine thickness (2.24)3.27(3.99) μm . Ornamentation : smooth surface with tectum perforate, ornated with spinules of (1.22)1.63(2.50) μm length x (1.07)1.45(2.06) μm diameter in base; perforations (0.30)0.61(0.98) μm in diameter ( Figure 3B ). Species examined. Disocactus ackermanii (Haw.) Ralf Bauer ( Mexico , Oaxaca. R. Torres et al. 309 MEXU); Disocactus speciosus (Cav.) Barthlott ( Mexico , Edo de Mexico . J. Canek Ledesma 2211 MEXU).