Systematic revision of dactylogyridean parasites (Monogenea) from cichlid fishes in Africa, the Levant and Madagascar Author Pariselle, Antoine Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, Laboratoire d’écologie et de systématique, Centre de Belair, BP 1386, 18524 Dakar (Sénégal) antoine. pariselle @ ird. fr Author Euzet, Louis Station méditerranéenne de l’Environnement littoral, Université Montpellier II, 1 Quai de la Daurade, F- 34200 Sète (France) euzet @ univ-montp 2. fr text Zoosystema 2009 2009-12-31 31 4 849 898 journal article 8061 10.5252/z2009n4a6 d4ef2df1-7e15-49c7-9c1b-a2f1bf23af38 1638-9387 4520413 Cichlidogyrus tiberianus Paperna, 1960 Cichlidogyrus tiberianus Paperna, 1960: 10-12 , figs 7, 8. — Dossou 1982: 299-301 , figs 4-6. — Douëllou, 1993: 173 , 174, fig. 8. TYPE MATERIAL. — No type material mentioned in the original description. TYPE HOST. — Tilapia zillii (Gervais, 1848) . TYPE LOCALITY. — Sea of Galilee, Israel . ADDITIONAL HOSTS. — Tristramella simonis simonis (Günther, 1864) and T. sacra (Günther, 1865) (experimental infection only), Haplochromis flaviijosephi (Lortet, 1883) . Tilapia rendalli (Boulenger, 1897) ( Paperna 1979 ; Douëllou 1993 ). Tilapia coffea Thys van den Audenaerde, 1970 , Tilapia dageti Thys van den Audenaerde, 1971 , T. guineensis (Bleeker, 1862) , T. walteri Thys van den Audenaerde, 1968 ( Pariselle & Euzet 1995c , 1996). SITE. — Gills. ADDITIONAL LOCALITIES. — Southern Ghana on type host ( Paperna 1965 ). Uganda on type host ( Paperna & Thurston 1969 ). Uganda on T. rendalli ( Paperna 1979 ) . Egypt on type host ( Ergens 1981 ). Benin on type host ( Dossou 1982 ). Zimbabwe on T. rendalli ( Douëllou 1993 ) . Senegal , Guinea , Côte d’Ivoire and Congo on Tilapia guineensis , T. coffea , T. dageti , T. walteri and type host ( Pariselle & Euzet 1995c , 1996). REMARKS Ergens (1981) in Egypt found and re-described C. tiberianus on Tilapia zillii ; he indicated that C. tiberianus on Oreochromis niloticus and Haplochromis longirostris found in Uganda by Paperna & Thurston (1969) (with some differences with original descriptions from Ghana or Israel ) had to be considered as C. thurstonae . Dossou (1982) in Benin found C. tiberianus on Tilapia zillii , he agreed with Ergens (1981) about the confusion made by Paperna & Th urston (1969) between C. tiberianus and C. thurstonae . Douëllou (1993) , according to Ergens (1981) , considered that Paperna & Thurston (1969) confused C. tiberianus with C. thurstonae ; she added that Paperna (1968 , 1969 and 1979) may have made the same error. Pariselle & Euzet (1995c , 1996) found C. tiberianus only from hosts of the sub-genus Coptodon (namely: Tilapia coffea , T.dageti , T.guineensis , T.walteri and T. zillii ).All these remarks are leading us to the same conclusion: all individuals described as C. tiberianus from mouthbreeders hosts (genus Oreochromis and Sarotherodon ) have been confused with C. thurstonae by Paperna & Thurston (1969) or Paperna (1968 , 1969 and 1979).