A Study Of The Genus Heteroconis Enderlein (Insecta: Neuroptera: Coniopterygidae) With Four New Species From Mainland China
Liu, Zhi-Qi
Yang, Chi-Kun
Shen, Zuo-Rui
Raffles Bulletin of Zoology
journal article
Heteroconis tricornis
new species
Figs. 11-13
Material examined
. –
– male (
), Guangzhou,
Guangdong Province
, South
, coll.
C.-K. Yang
27 Dec.1974
Description. –
Head brown. Eyes black. Frons with two projections above antennae and one between antennae the former one short, the latter one piliferous, about as long as scape and ampliate distally (
Fig. 11
). Three basal segments of antennae whitish, the others dark brown. Scape about three times as long as broad, and no dorsal groove present. Pedicel two and a half times as long as broad. Four basal segments of maxillar palpi brown, their distal segments and entire labial palpi light brown.
Thorax pale brown with dark shoulder spots.
Length of fore wing 2.5 mm, of hind wing 2.1mm. Membrane of wings fuscous without any distinct spot. Veins similar to
Heteroconis electrina
new species
Figs. 11-13.
Heteroconis tricornis
new species
. Male. 11. head, lateral view, 12. genitalia, lateral view, 13. genitalia, ventral view. Scales 0.1mm.
Abdomen grayish brown. Male genitalia: Ninth sternite narrow, ventral process very slender, unforked and obviously bent upwards (
Figs. 12, 13
). Hypandrium slender, curved forwards, connected between ninth sternite and penis. Styli in lateral view about two times as long as broad, forked basally and ampliate distally. This structure with thick hairs, but no long hairs present distally. Distal part penis with two long dorsal apodemes.
Female. Unknown.
Etymology. –
The specific name refers to the three projections on frons.
Remarks. –
The three projections clearly distinguish this species from the others of the genus, its male genitalia are very similar to
H. terminalis
(Banks, 1913)
Heteroconis maculatus
new species
H. hainanica
new species
in having a slender ninth sternite and ventral process, but styli in lateral view about two times as long as broad in lateral view, forked basally and ampliate distally.
Distribution. –
Guangdong Province
, South