Five new species of Tachydromiinae (Diptera: Empididae s. l.) from New World Tertiary ambers Author Solórzano Kraemer, Mónica M. Institut für Paläontologie, Nussallee 8, 53115 Bonn, Germany (moraymita 2002 @ yahoo. de) Zoologisches Forschungsmuseum Alexander Koenig, Adenauerallee 160, 53113 Bonn, Germany (b. sinclair. zfmk @ uni-bonn. de) Invertebrate Biodiversity, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, C. E. F., Ottawa, ON, Canada K 1 A 0 C 6 (cummingjm @ agr. gc. ca) Author Sinclair, Bradley J. Author Cumming, Jeffrey M. text Zootaxa 2005 2005-06-21 1010 37 52 journal article 1175­5334 Micrempis brevis sp. nov. DIAGNOSIS. Distinguished from other species of Micrempis by the cell bm being very slightly longer than cell br such that crossveins r­m and bm­cu are not confluent ( Fig. 4B ). DESCRIPTION. Female ( Fig. 4A ). Length ca. 1 mm , body dark brown to black. Head . Eyes with ommatrichia (pubescence); contiguous below antennae; facets not enlarged below antennae. Frons nearly parallel­sided, subequal to width of ocellar triangle. Two pairs of ocellar bristles; anterior pair convergent, posterior pair divergent. One pair of long, slightly convergent vertical bristles. Antennae arising below middle of head; scape small, shorter than half length of pedicel; pedicel large globose, with ventral preapical bristle; postpedicel small, ovate, with dorsoapical arista­like style longer than head; basal two antennal segments, postpedicel and arista­like style brown to dark. Thorax . Brown to black; postpronotal lobe small; 1 long pprn; 2 npl; 1 spal; 1 pal; 1 pair of sctl. Wing . ( Fig. 4B ) Length 0.8 mm . Third costal section slightly less than twice the length of second costal section; bm­cu oblique; cell bm slightly longer than cell br; A 1 absent. Abdomen . Segments uniformly telescopic with first 5 segments broader than posterior segments, lacking distinctive bristles. Terminalia: sternite 8 with apex partially separated from base; cercus slightly longer than half­length of tergite 8. FIGURE 4. Micrempis brevis sp. nov. A . habitus. B . wing, Scale 0.5 mm. (specimen Mx­266­X). TYPE. Holotype female from Mexico : exact locality unknown, MX 266 – X. Housed in SMNS . The holotype is in a somewhat cube­shaped piece of clear amber measuring about 3 x 2 mm . REMARKS. The inclusion was found together with a number of other families and orders, for example Cecidomyiidae , Chironomidae and an acalyptrate dipteran, Mymaridae , Formicidae, Coleoptera, Psocoptera and Isoptera. Two additional fossil species of Micrempis are known, both described from Baltic amber (see Table 1 ). Extant species of Micrempis are found on vegetation in a wide variety of dry open habitats, such as very open sparse woodlands, mixed prairie communities, dry stony barrens and coastal beach vegetation ( Cumming & Cooper 1989 ). ETYMOLOGY. From the Latin, brevis (short), in reference to cell br being slightly shorter than cell bm.