The Hercules pseudoscorpions from Madagascar: A systematic study of Feaellidae (Pseudoscorpiones: Feaelloidea) highlights regional endemism and diversity in one of the " hottest " biodiversity hotspots Author Lorenz, Michelle Museum of Nature Hamburg - Zoology, Leibniz Institute for the Analysis of Biodiversity Change (LIB), Martin-Luther-King-Platz 3, 20146 Hamburg, Germany & University of Hamburg, Biology Department, Ohnhorststrasse 18, 22609 Hamburg, Germany Author Loria, Stephanie F. Museum of Nature Hamburg - Zoology, Leibniz Institute for the Analysis of Biodiversity Change (LIB), Martin-Luther-King-Platz 3, 20146 Hamburg, Germany Author Harvey, Mark S. Western Australian Museum, Collections & Research, 49 Kew Street, Welshpool, WA 6106, Australia & University of Western Australia, School of Biological Sciences, Crawley WA 6009, Australia Author Harms, Danilo Museum of Nature Hamburg - Zoology, Leibniz Institute for the Analysis of Biodiversity Change (LIB), Martin-Luther-King-Platz 3, 20146 Hamburg, Germany text Arthropod Systematics & amp; Phylogeny 2022 2022-12-14 80 649 691 journal article 1864-8312-80-649 AD0B1CC262414460B6B888E6B95F20D7 FAE6DFEF69735531A4CBA275E078320D Antsirananaella lorenzorum sp. nov. Type material examined. MADAGASCAR: Antsiranana Province [Diana Region]: Holotype ♂ (CAS 9071844 [BLF3182]), allotype ♀ (ZMH-A0016678), paratypes: 2 ♀ (CAS 9071844 [BLF3182]), 1 ♀ (ZMH-A0016679), 12°19′22″S 49°20′17″E , December 2003, B.L. Fisher. Diagnosis. Differs from all congeners by body length (1.94/2.33 ♂/♀ versus 1.80/2.17 ♂/♀ in A. leniae sp. nov. , and 2.14/2.47 ♂/♀ in A. faulstichi sp. nov. ); smallest ratio of pedipalpal femora (1.70/1.74 ♂/♀ versus 1.80/1.84 ♂/♀ in A. marlae sp. nov. , and 1.75/1.79 ♂/♀ in A. faulstichi sp. nov. ); pedipalpal chaetotaxy with sb not on same sagittal level as est but slightly more distal (on same sagittal level in A. marlae sp. nov. and A. leniae sp. nov. ), it between eb and et closer to eb than to et (equidistant in A. leniae sp. nov. ), et situated midway between dt and eb on fixed finger (situated in distal third between dt and eb in A. marlae sp. nov. and A. faulstichi sp. nov. ). Etymology. This species is a patronym for the senior author's family that include parents Sylvia and Guenther Lorenz and brother Henrik. Description. The following description is based on holotype and allotype. - Carapace (Fig. 7A ): 1.38 (♂), 1.35-1.47 (♀) times longer than broad. - Pedipalp (Fig. 7C ): Trichobothrial pattern: esb and est in the proximal half of the retrolateral face; ib , isb and ist situated basally as a slightly curved line, isb and ib closer to each other than isb and ist ; eb and it situated sub-distally and very close to each other, with it more distal and more medial than eb ; et situated distally and approximately the same distance to dt than to eb ; dt situated very distal in a plain pit; st situated sub-basally at the same sagittal level as esb ; st and est also on the same level as ist ; t distinctly closer to sb than to b ; sb distinctly closer to t than to st. Chelal fixed finger with 10 teeth in the OR, 20 in the MR and 15 in the IR; movable finger with 11 teeth in the OR, 14-15 teeth in the MR, and 14 teeth in the IR. - Dimensions (mm): Holotype ♂: Body length 1.94; abdomen length 1.33; abdomen width 1.12 (without pleura), 1.24 (with pleura); carapace length 0.58; carapace width 0.42. Pedipalp: trochanter 0.22; femur length 0.54; femur width 0.32; patella 0.46; chela (without pedicel) 0.54; hand length (without pedicel) 0.12; width 0.14; movable finger length 0.42. Leg I: trochanter 0.11; femur 0.19; patella 0.17; tibia 0.17; tarsus 0.27. Leg IV: trochanter 0.17; femur 0.13; patella 0.28; tibia 0.29; tarsus 0.35. Allotype ♀: Same as male except body length 2.26; abdomen length 1.59, width 1.36 (without pleura), 1.49 (with pleura); carapace length 0.66, width 0.49. Pedipalp: trochanter 0.30, femur length 0.75, width 0.44, patella length 0.61, chela (without pedicel) 0.64, hand length (without pedicel) 0.14, width 0.18. Leg I: trochanter 0.14, femur 0.25, patella 0.22, tibia 0.20, tarsus 0.29. Leg IV: trochanter 0.23, femur 0.15, patella 0.36, tibia 0.42, tarsus 0.39. Figure 7. Drawings of Antsirananaella lorenzorum sp. nov. . A carapace, dorsal; B leg IV; C left chela from dorsal with trichobothrial pattern; D right pedipalp from dorsal. Scale bars: 0.2 mm ( A - C ); 0.4 mm ( D ). Variation. Body length 1.94 (♂), 2.26-2.45 (♀); abdomen length 1.33 (♂), 1.59-1.71 (♀); abdomen width (without pleura) 1.12 (♂), 1.27-1.40 (♀); abdomen width (with pleura) 1.24 (♂), 1.41-1.58 (♀), 1.19 (♂), 1.20-1.27 (♀) times longer than broad; carapace length 0.58 (♂), 0.66-0.75 (♀), width 0.42 (♂), 0.48-0.51 (♀), 1.38 (♂), 1.36-1.47 (♀) times longer than broad. Pedipalp: trochanter 0.22 (♂), 0.27-0.30 (♀); femur 0.54 (♂), 0.71-0.79 (♀) in length, 0.32 (♂), 0.40-0.47 (♀) in width, 1.70 (♂), 1.68-1.80 (♀) times longer than broad; patella 0.46 (♂), 0.58-0.63 (♀) long; chela (without pedicel) 0.54 (♂), 0.61-0.67 (♀); hand (without pedicel) 0.12 (♂), 0.13-0.14 (♀) in length, 0.14 (♂), 0.17-0.18 (♀) in width, 0.86 (♂), 0.76-0.82 (♀) times longer than broad; movable finger 0.42 (♂), 0.47-0.54 (♀), 2.77 (♂). GenBank Code. OP589964. The species differs from all congeners by more than 6.9% in the H3 dataset. Habitat. Dry deciduous forest between the coast and a rising limestone plateau. Distribution. Only known from the type locality (BLF3182) in Diana Region (formerly eastern Antsiranana Province), northern Madagascar.