The Scale Insects Of Iran (Hemiptera: Coccomorpha) Part 3 The Soft Scales (Coccidae) And Other Families Author Moghaddam, Masumeh Department of Insect Taxonomy Research, Iranian Research Institute of Plant Protection, Agricultural Research Education and Extension Organisation, Tehran, Iran. Author Watson, Gillian W. 0000-0001-9914-0094 Department of Insect Taxonomy Research, Iranian Research Institute of Plant Protection, Agricultural Research Education and Extension Organisation, Tehran, Iran. & Science: Research, Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London SW 7 5 BD, U. K. gillian. watson @ nhm. ac. uk; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 9914 - 0094 * Corresponding author. moghadam @ iripp. ir; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0003 - 0908 - 838 X & Department of Insect Taxonomy Research, Iranian Research Institute of Plant Protection, Agricultural Research Education and Extension Organisation, Tehran, Iran. text Zootaxa 2024 2024-11-29 5542 1 1 202 journal article 306474 10.11646/zootaxa.5542.1.1 b349e73d-c49e-418c-81f7-c5d32e136362 1175-5334 14385386 2DB3A5B7-4292-4CD9-B6D8-FA97EB48DD16 Genus ANOPHOCOCCUS Balachowsky Anophococcus Balachowsky, 1954: 61 . Type species: Eriococcus inermis Green. Diagnostic characters of the adult female: Body of live adult female completely enclosed in a felted, cream or grey ovoid ovisac. Slide-mounted, body oval, tapering posteriorly. Antennae each usually with 7 segments (sometimes 6). Frontal lobes usually present. Frontal tubercles present. Labium 3 segmented, basal segment with 2 unequal pairs of hair-like setae. Legs well developed; hind coxae with or without translucent pores; inner side of hind tibia with 5 setae (median seta present); tarsal and claw digitules mostly longer than claw, all knobbed at apex; claw usually with a denticle. Macrotubular ducts of 2 or 3 sizes present, forming transverse rows across body surfaces. Microtubular ducts short, scattered or sometimes forming transverse rows or bands across dorsum. Disc-pores present on venter, each with 5–7 loculi and in some species, sometimes containing 2 concentric rings of loculi. Dorsal cruciform pores absent. Enlarged conical setae normally present only on margin, sometimes only on anal lobes and on margin of head; dorsal setae minute, needle-like. Anal lobes conical, slightly sclerotized, each lobe with a long apical seta and usually 3 short conical setae. Anal ring well developed, sclerotized, with 1 or a partly double row of pores and with 8 (rarely 6) setae. Cauda usually absent or only weakly developed. Comments: Worldwide, 26 species are included in Anophococcus at present; five species are known from Iran ( García Morales et al . 2016 ). Key to species of Anophococcus in Iran , based on slide-mounted adult females. 1(0) Each abdominal segment with more than 5 enlarged setae on each margin............................. abaii (Danzig) - Each abdominal segment with fewer than 5 enlarged setae on each margin........................................ 2 2(1) Abdominal segment VII with only 2 enlarged setae on each margin. Frontal lobe present anterior to each antennal base..................................................................................... cingulatus (Kiritchenko) - Abdominal segment VII with more than 2 enlarged setae on each margin. Frontal lobes absent........................ 3 3(2) Enlarged setae sharply pointed..................................................... kondarensis (Borchsenius) - Enlarged setae blunt................................................................................... 4 4(3) Enlarged setae with pointed apices. Abdominal segment VII with 4 marginal enlarged setae on each side. Disc-pores each with 2 concentric rings of outer loculi.......................................................... insignis (Newstead) - Enlarged setae blunt, some of those on posterior abdomen with truncate apices. Abdominal segment VII with only 3 marginal enlarged setae on each side. Disc-pores each with only 1 ring of outer loculi .................... sanguinairensis (Goux)