On the Chilopoda from Turkey Author R. V. Chamberlin text Istanbul Universitesi Orman Fakültesi Dergisi 1952 17 183 258 http://un.availab.le journal article Chamberlin-1952-Eupolybothrus-acigolensis 2A2D7467-6B89-4044-B2F5-5B4C46430511 Eupolybothrus acigolensis sp. n. Dorsum reddish yellow, with a heavy median dorsal black stripe, the caudal borders of some tergites also black, the black color from these caudal bands tending also to extend forwards along the lateral margins. Articles of antennae, 38. Ocelli 1+4,4,3,3, the single ocellus and the caudal one of top series nearly equal in size. Prosternal teeth in type specimen 6+7; the median interval U-shaped; porodont a short spine inserted just ectocaudad of outermost tooth on each side. First legs with ventral spines 0,0,3,3,2 and dorsal, spines 0,0,3,2,2. Ventral spines of penult legs 0,1,3,3,2, the dorsal 1,0,3,2,2 . Ventral spines of anal legs 0,1,4(3),2,1, dorsal 1,0,3,1,0, with 2 claws. None of the coxae laterally armed. Fifteenth tergite of the male with the caudal margin gently convex over its middle portion, with lateral corners a little produced caudad (Fig. 12.) Genital sternite of male with caudal portion trapeziform, the median caudal margin being nearly straight and the posterior corners widely obliquely truncate. (cf. Fig. 13.) Femur of anal legs of male with a median dorsal furrow which is rather deep at proximal end where there is a patch of setae on one side; conspicuously swollen at caudal end; pore-free area at caudal end on mesal side short, not more than 1/4 the length; on the swelling, in front of the caudal spine a somewhat bulging elliptic setigerous area, the setae of this area fine and short, but with no fine-pore sieve in that location. Lenght, about 30 mm . Locality: Acigoel ( Gemic ), S. W. Anatolia , the type taklein in Oct., 1946 .