Four new species of Cymatodera Gray from Mexico (Coleoptera, Cleridae, Tillinae) Author Burke, Alan F. Author Zolnerowich, Gregory text ZooKeys 2014 387 33 49 journal article 1313-2970-387-33 462836DE651F47528897C8F1A0E41C73 462836DE651F47528897C8F1A0E41C73 Cymatodera bogcioides Burke sp. n. Figs 1, 6, 11, 16, 17, 26, 30, 31 Type material. Holotype: male, Mexico, Jalisco, Careyes, Hotel Costa Careyes, 7-VII-1991, tropical deciduous forest, at light, J. Rifkind and P. Gum, printed red label, holotype deposited in CASC. Paratypes: 3 males and 2 females. 1 male and 1 female: same data as holotype except male collected 4-7-VII-1991 and female collected 6-7-VII-1991 (JNRC); 1 male: Mexico, Jalisco, Estacion Biologica Chamela, 10-20-VII-1985, E. Giesbert (FSCA); 1 male: Mexico, Jalisco, Estacion de Biologia Chamela, UNAM, 14-IX-1993, Black light, Morris, Huether and Wappes, (RFMC); 1 female: Mexico, Jalisco, vic. Chamela UNAM, 19-IX-1993, J. E. Wappes (JEWC). Differential diagnosis. Males of Cymatodera bogcioides are characterized by the presence of a broad, rather deep carina that extends transversely on the first visible ventrite (Fig. 30). Bogcia oaxacae Barr, Cymatodera limatula Burke, and Cymatodera obliquefasciata Schaeffer also have a transversal carina on the first visible ventrite and similar antennae. From these, Cymatodera bogcioides is most similar to the sympatric Bogcia oaxacae (Fig. 5) and can be distinguished from Bogcia oaxacae by the shape of antennomeres 4-11 (Figs 6, 10). Cymatodera bogcioides has the antennomeres 4-10 longer than broad and the posterior distal angle of these is somewhat blunt or rounded, the last antennomere is longer than the ninth and tenth antennomeres, and its distal margin is compressed medially (Fig. 6). Bogcia oaxacae has antennomeres 4-10 as broad as long and the posterior distal angle sharply pointed, and the last antennomere is about the same length as the tenth antennomere, with its distal margin moderately oblique (Fig. 10). Differences in the protarsal unguis and abdominal segments are also evident for these species. The position of the protarsal claw is very close to the denticle in Bogcia oaxacae , but conspicuously separated in Cymatodera bogcioides . In addition, the male of Cymatodera bogcioides has the posterior margin of the sixth visible ventrite moderately emarginate (Fig. 16), and the posterior margin of the sixth tergite broadly rounded (Fig. 17), while the male of Bogcia oaxacae has the posterior margin of the sixth visible ventrite and sixth tergite narrowly truncate (Figs 24-25). The female terminalia of these two species is very similar (Figs 26, 29); as a result, identification of the female of Cymatodera bogcioides is only possible in combination with male specimens. Likewise, differences in the male genitalia are also apparent for these species. Cymatodera bogcioides has the lateral margin of the tegmen triangular, with the parameres moderately developed (Fig. 11) while Bogcia oaxacae has the lateral margins of the tegmen subparallel with the anterior 1/3 strongly oblique, and the parameres are poorly developed (Fig. 15). Figures 1-5. Habitus of: 1 Cymatodera bogcioides (holotype male) 2 Cymatodera pueblae sp. n. (holotype male) 3 Cymatodera mitae sp. n. (holotype male) 4 Cymatodera lineata sp. n. (holotype male) 5 Bogcia oaxacae (male). Scale bars = 1 mm. Figures 6-10. Antennae of: 6 Cymatodera bogcioides male 7 Cymatodera pueblae (male) 8 Cymatodera mitae (male) 9 Cymatodera lineata (male) 10 Bogcia oaxacae (male). Figures 11-15. Male genitalia of: 11 Cymatodera bogcioides 12 Cymatodera pueblae 13 Cymatodera mitae 14 Cymatodera lineata 15 Bogcia oaxacae . Figures 16-29. Terminalia of: 16 Cymatodera bogcioides (male, ventral view) 17 Cymatodera bogcioides (male, dorsal view) 18 Cymatodera pueblae (male, ventral view) 19 Cymatodera pueblae (male, dorsal view) 20 Cymatodera mitae (male, ventral view) 21 Cymatodera mitae (male, dorsal view) 22 Cymatodera lineata (male, ventral view) 23 Cymatodera lineata (male, dorsal view) 24 Bogcia oaxacae (male, ventral view) 25 Bogcia oaxacae (male, dorsal view) 26 Cymatodera bogcioides (female ventral view) 27 Cymatodera pueblae (female ventral view) 28 Cymatodera mitae (female ventral view) 29 Bogcia oaxacae (female, ventral view). Figures 30-33. First and second visible ventrites of: 30 Cymatodera bogcioides (male) 31 Cymatodera bogcioides (female) 32 Cymatodera mitae (male) 33 Cymatodera mitae (female). Arrows indicate transverse carinae. Description. Holotype. Medium-sized, rather robust, posterior wings fully developed, TL = 12.75 mm. Color: Head, pronotum, prosternum, mesosternum and metasternum ferruginous, remainder of body uniformly brown. Each elytron with two pairs of dark maculae, the first pair dark brown, located on the humeral angles, the second pair on the median region of the elytral ground, this pair extends from the second to the fifth stria (Fig. 1). Head: HL = 1.2 mm, HW = 2.2 mm. Measured across eyes wider than pronotum; finely, moderately punctate, vested with semirecumbent setae; surface slightly rugose; frons moderately bi-impressed; eyes large, feebly emarginate in front, rounded, bulging laterally, separated by approximately 1.2 eye-widths. Antennae loosely composed, extending slightly beyond elytral base; third antennomere 2.0 x longer than second antennomere, antennomeres 4-10 subequal in length, longer than broad, strongly serrate; blunt at posterolateral portion; last antennomere 2.1 x longer than tenth antennomere (Fig. 6). Thorax : PL = 2.75 mm, PW = 1.85 mm. Pronotum widest at middle; sides constricted subapically, more strongly constricted behind middle; disc flat, not constricted in front of middle; moderately vested with short, semirecumbent setae intermixed with less numerous, semierect setae; surface rather rugose, rugosity becoming more apparent on sides; moderately punctate, punctation somewhat shallow and less numer ous on disk; subbasal tumescence feebly indicated. Prosternum smooth, very feebly puncticulate, slightly rugose. Mesosternum moderately, coarsely punctate; scarcely vested with fine, recumbent setae. Metasternum convex; moderately, finely punctate; mesal area with a longitudinal sulcus; covered with fine, recumbent setae. Legs: Clothed with semirecumbent, semierect, and erect setae of various sizes; femora moderately, shallowly puncticulate, rugulose; tibia moderately, shallowly punctate, rugose; fourth protarsomere with pulvillus medially incised, incision does not extend beyond apical fourth. Elytra: EL = 7.7 mm, EW = 3.5 mm; broader than pronotum; humeri indicated, rounded; sides subparallel; widest behind middle; disc flattened above; surface shiny, slightly rugose; apices subquadrate; moderately dehiscent; elytral declivity moderately steep; clothed with short, semierect setae intermixed with less numerous, long, semierect and erect setae; sculpture consisting of coarse punctations arranged in regular striae that gradually become smaller and shallower behind posterior 1/4, punctations not reaching elytral apex; interstices at elytral base about 2.5 x width of punctation. Abdomen: Ventrites 1-5 rugose; moderately, finely punctate; clothed with long, fine, recumbent setae. First ventrite convex; subquadrate; posterior margin conspicuously elevated with a transverse carina originating next to posterolateral angles producing a broad, deep, arcuate emargination (Fig. 30). Second visible ventrite somewhat convex; subquadrate; posterior margin slightly elevated with a longitudinal carina producing a moderately broad, rather deep, arcuate emargination. Ventrites 3-4 convex; subquadrate; posterior margin truncate. Fifth visible ventrite convex; lateral margins oblique; posterior margin broadly, deeply emarginate, emargination extending to posterior third of its length; hind angles rounded (Fig. 16). Sixth ventrite subtriangular; surface rugulose; feebly convex; broader than long; lateral margins feebly arcuate, strongly oblique; posterolateral angles rounded; posterior margin broadly, very feebly, shallowly emarginate. Fifth tergite convex; surface rugulose; subquadrate; posterior margin very feebly, narrowly emarginate (Fig. 17). Sixth tergite feebly convex; semicircular; lateral and posterior margins broadly rounded. Sixth tergite extending beyond apical margin of sixth visible ventrite, fully covering sixth ventrite from dorsal view. Aedeagus: 1.95 mm long; ratio of length of paramere to whole tegmen 0.35: 1; tegmen partially covering phallus; parameres moderately developed, pointed at apex; phallobase wide; phallus with copulatory piece acuminate distally; phallic plate devoid of denticles, finely granulate on posterolateral area; phallobasic apodeme rather long, moderately robust distally; endophallic struts slender throughout length (Fig. 11). Females in the type series differ from males by having the first visible ventrite moderately longer than males, and ventrites 1-2 posteriorly truncate and lacking the moderately elevated transversal carina (Fig. 31). Other abdominal differences in the female are as follows: fifth visible ventrite rugulose; lateral margins oblique; posterior margin shallowly, moderately broadly emarginate. Sixth visible ventrite semicircular; rugulose; feebly convex; lateral and posterior margins broadly rounded (Fig. 26). Fifth tergite rugulose; subtriangular; lateral margins oblique; posterior margin shallowly, moderately broadly and triangularly emarginate. Sixth tergite subtriangular; rugulose; broader than long; surface inconspicuously convex; lateral and posterior margins strongly oblique, producing a rather continuous and semicircular margin. Sixth tergite extending beyond sixth visible ventrite. Variation. Length of males 12.2-14.9 mm, length of females 12.3-15.2 mm; n = 4. Length to width ratio of head: males average 0.65, females 0.74. Length to width ratio of thorax: males average 1.53, females average 1.49. Length to width ratio of elytra: males average 2.33, females average 2.39. Two males and one female have a slightly more obscure coloration on the elytral ground, these individuals have the humeral maculae completely black, rather than dark brown, as in the holotype. Distribution. The type series was collected in two localities close to each other in the western portion of the state of Jalisco, Mexico. The first locality is in Costa Careyes, in the Costalegre region, and the second locality is the UNAM Biological Research Station located in the Chamela-Cuitzmala natural reserve (Fig. 34). Figure 34. Map of central Mexico showing geographic position of collecting localities for: Cymatodera bogcioides (yellow circles); Cymatodera pueblae (red circles); Cymatodera mitae (green circles); and Cymatodera lineata (light blue circles). Etymology. The specific epithet refers to the resemblance of this species to Bogcia oaxacae and Bogcia disjuncta .