Additions to the knowledge of the land snails of Sabah (Malaysia, Borneo), including 48 new species
Vermeulen, Jaap J.
Liew, Thor-Seng
Schilthuizen, Menno
journal article
Taxon classification Animalia Stylommatophora Endodontidae
Philalanka moluensis (E.A. Smith, 1893)
Figure 44
E.A. Smith, 1893: 343.
Philalanka moluensis
(E.A. Smith).
Schilthuizen et al., 2002
: 356-257;
Schilthuizen and Vermeulen 2003
: 96;
Schilthuizen 2004
: 94;
Clements et al. 2008
: 2762. Type from Malaysia, Sarawak, Mulu area).
Sitala inaequisculpta
E.A. Smith, 1895: 112. Type from Malaysia, Sarawak, Mount Rabong).
Examined material from Sabah.
Interior Province. Upper Padas valley, Matang River South of Long Pasia (leg. J.J. Vermeulen, V 9812). Crocker Range N.P., Kalang Waterfalls (leg. J.J. Vermeulen, V 1178); Crocker Range N.P., Gua Laing c. 12 km North of Keningau (leg. J.J. Vermeulen, V 1110, V 1124); West of the km 10 marker on the road Tambunan-Ranau, Mahua Waterfall (leg. J.J. Vermeulen & M. Schilthuizen, V 9728). Gunung Trusmadi slopes, Gua Loloposon (leg. J.J. Vermeulen, V 13232). Pinangah valley, Batu Urun (= Bukit Sinobang) (leg. J.J. Vermeulen, V 8001, V 1166, V 1167, BOR/MOL 782; leg. M. Schilthuizen, BOR/MOL 773); Batu Punggul (leg. J.J. Vermeulen, V 1986; leg. M. Schilthuizen, BOR/MOL 778); Batu Temurung (leg. J.J. Vermeulen, V 8047, BOR/MOL 781; leg. M. Schilthuizen, BOR/MOL 777); Bukit Tinahas, East end of Batu Punggul limestone (leg. J.J. Vermeulen & M. Schilthuizen, V 7631); Gua Pungiton (leg. J.J. Vermeulen & M. Schilthuizen, V 7558, BOR/MOL 770); Gua Sanaron (leg. J.J. Vermeulen & M. Schilthuizen, V 7668; leg. M. Schilthuizen, BOR/MOL 3619, BOR/MOL 775). Sandakan Province. Kinabatangan valley, Gomantong Hill 30 km South of Sandakan (leg. J.J. Vermeulen & H. Duistermaat, V 1617). Tawau Province. Batu Baturong c. 50 km W.S.W. of Lahad Datu (leg. J.J. Vermeulen & H. Duistermaat, V 1858); North slope (leg. J.J. Vermeulen, V 7595). Segama valley,
8 km North of Lahad Datu (leg. J.J. Vermeulen, V 1219), West Coast Province. Kinabalu N.P., Poring Hot Springs, along path to waterfall (leg. J.J. Vermeulen, V 13009).
Figure 44-46. 44
Philalanka moluensis
(E.A. Smith, 1893). 44A Frontal view, shell 2.3 mm high 44B Umbilical view (Malaysia, Sabah, Interior Province, Sepulut valley, Gua Pungiton, V 7558) 45
Philalanka obscura
sp. n. 45A Frontal view, shell 2.1 mm high 45B Umbilical view (Indonesia, Kalimantan Timur, Sangkulirang Peninsula, Meweding Cave near village Tabalar Ulu (RMNH.5003939, holotype) 46
Philalanka thienemanni
B. Rensch, 1932 46A Frontal view, shell 2.7 mm high 46B Umbilical view (Indonesia, Java, Bremi, V 4019).
Shell very small, rather thin, more or less opaque, brown, very rarely yellowish, conical with approx. flat or slightly convex sides; apex rounded. Surface about dull or with a silky luster above the periphery, glossy below. Whorls convex, approx. rounded. Protoconch whorls convex; sculpture: 9-12 inconspicuous to distinct, very fine, thin spiral threads; radial sculpture absent or some subordinate wrinkles. Teleoconch: Last whorl with a distinct spiral thread coinciding with the suture of the penultimate whorl, above this 2-4 slightly less distinct threads with a very fine (just visible at 40 times magnification) spiral striation in between, particularly towards the periphery; below the periphery up to 4 fine spiral threads close to it, with very fine
striation in between. Radial sculpture: densely placed, very fine (just visible at 40 times magnification), narrow riblets that may be inconspicuous locally. Umbilicus open, narrow. Dimensions: Height up to 2.9 mm; width up to 2.8 mm; diameters of the first four whorls 0.55-0.65 mm, 0.9-1.1 mm, 1.35-1.55 mm, 1.9-2.1 mm respectively; number of whorls up to 5 7/8; height aperture up to 1.2 mm; width aperture up to 1.6 mm.
Habitat in Sabah and distribution.
Primary and secondary forest on limestone and sandstone soil, up to 1100 m alt. Sabah: West part; scattered localities along East coast. Also in Sarawak. Endemic to Borneo.
Cross diagnosis.
Kaliella microconus
(Mousson), which also occurs in Sabah, but it has much coarser and less regularly spaced spiral threads, and more convex whorls.