Introduction of the Exocelinacasuarina-group, with a key to its representatives and descriptions of 19 new species from New Guinea (Coleoptera, Dytiscidae, Copelatinae)
Shaverdo, Helena
Sagata, Katayo
Balke, Michael
journal article
Exocelina menyamya Shaverdo & Balke
sp. n.
Figs 20, 44
undescribed sp. MB1377:
Toussaint et al. 2014
: supplementary figs 1-4, table 2;
Toussaint et al. 2015
: supplementary figs S1-S2, table S3.
Exocelina menyamya
Toussaint et al. 2015
: supplementary information S5-S6.
Type locality.
Papua New Guinea: Morobe Province, Menyamya, Mount Inji,
, 1500 m a.s.l.
Type material.
Holotype: male "Papua New Guinea: Morobe, Menyamya, Mt Inji, deep well, 1500m, 14.xi.2006, 07.14.264S 146.01.400E, Balke & Kinibel (PNG 98)", "M.Balke 1377" [green] (ZSM).
Body size and form: Beetle medium-sized: TL-H 4.25 mm, TL 4.8 mm, MW 2.2 mm, with oblong-oval habitus.
Coloration: Brown, with reddish pronotum. Head brown, with slightly darker areas posterior to eyes. Pronotum broadly reddish laterally and dark brown medially from anterior to posterior margins. Elytra uniformly brown, in the middle with traces of narrow reddish sutural lines. Head appendages and legs proximally yellowish red, legs distally darker, reddish brown, especially metathoracic legs (Fig. 20).
Surface sculpture: Matt dorsally. Head with rather dense, coarse punctation (spaces between punctures 1-2 times size of punctures), evidently finer and sparser anteriorly; diameter of punctures smaller than or equal to diameter of cells of microreticulation. Pronotum and elytra with distinct punctation, sparser and finer than on head. Pronotum and elytra with strongly impressed microreticulation. Head with microreticulation stronger. Metaventrite and metacoxae distinctly microreticulate, metacoxal plates with longitudinal strioles and transverse wrinkles. Abdominal ventrites with distinct microreticulation, strioles, and very fine sparse punctation.
Structures: Pronotum with distinct lateral bead. Its lateral sides with longitudinal impressions. Base of prosternum and neck of prosternal process with distinct ridge, slightly rounded anteriorly. Blade of prosternal process lanceolate, relatively short, broad, slightly convex and smooth in the middle, with distinct lateral bead and few lateral setae, lateral sides slightly flattened. Abdominal ventrite 6 slightly truncate.
Male: Antennae simple (Fig. 20). Protarsomere 4 with large, thick, slightly curved anterolateral hook-like seta. Protarsomere 5 ventrally with anterior band of more than 50 and posterior row of 13 relatively long, thin setae (Fig. 44D). Median lobe in lateral view narrowed to apex, with thin, slightly curved upwards apex; in ventral view, narrowed before apex, with apex rounded, of shape of a baby pacifier, with distinct ventral impression. Paramere slightly concave on dorsal side and with long, dense, thin setae situated along dorsal margin, subdistal setae denser, proximal setae much sparser, setae in middle shorter, thinner (Fig. 44
). Abdominal ventrite 6 with 19-22 lateral striae on each side.
Female: Unknown.
Exocelina menyamya
sp. n. is similar to
E. casuarina
E. fume
in body size, shape, and coloration but can be distinguished from them by the completely different shape of the median lobe and presence of the pronotal bead.
Papua New Guinea: Morobe Province. The species is known only from the type locality (Fig. 50).
The species is named after Menyamya Village. The name is a noun in the nominative singular standing in apposition.