Synopsis of the Grenadier Fishes (Gadiformes; Teleostei) of Taiwan Author Iwamoto, Tomio Section of Ichthyology, California Academy of Sciences, 55 Music Concourse Drive, San Francisco, CA 94118, USA; Author Nakayama, Naohide Laboratory of Marine Biology, Faculty of Science, Kochi University, 2 - 5 - 1 Akebono-cho, Kochi, 780 - 8073, Japan; Author Shao, Kwang-Tsao Research Center for Biodiversity, Academia Sinica No. 128, Sec. 2, Academia Road, Nankang, Taipei 115, Taiwan; Author Table, Hsuan-Ching Ho text Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences 2015 2015-04-15 62 3 31 126 journal article 299670 10.5281/zenodo.11512126 522b8de7-880d-40ca-803e-aa5a3a05c5f6 0068-547X 11512126 Nezumia evides (Gilbert and Hubbs, 1920) Figure 18 . Lionurus evides Gilbert and Hubbs, 1920:557, fig. 39 ( holotype , USNM 78231 ; near Sibuko Bay [ Celebes Sea], Borneo, 4°12ʹ10ʺN , 118°38ʹ08ʺE , 260 fm [ 475 m ]; 7 paratypes ). Nezumia evides : Iwamoto, 1990:262 , fig. 614 (in key).— Iwamoto and Williams, 1999:201 (mentioned).— Shao et al., 2008 : table 2 ( 5 spec. , Taiwan [ NET , SCS ], 488–1027 m ; first record from Taiwan) . MATERIAL EXAMINED ( 17 spec. ).— NET : ASIZP 65641 (4, 147–175+ TL), CP 214, 488– 1027 m ; ASIZP 70699 (2, 156–162 TL), Da-xi . SCS : ASIZP 66830 (1, 127+ TL), OCP 317, 515 m. Other specimens : CAS-SU 25467 ( 4 paratypes , 19.6–27.5 HL, 104+-146+ TL), off Borneo , 475 m ; CAS-SU 25468 ( 3 paratypes , 22.8–23.5 HL, 12–132+ TL), Molucca Sea off Halmahera [ Gillolo ], 545 m ; and Aberdeen Fishery Station , Hong Kong uncat. (3, 22.3–27.5 HL, 120–160 TL) , SCS s. of Hainan Is. , 200–400 fm [ 366–732 m ] . DISTINGUISHING FEATURES .— 1D II,9–13; P i16–i21; V 13–15; inner GR-I 8–11 total; scale rows below midbase 1D 7.0–7.5, below 2D 8.5–10; pyl. caeca about 25. Snout length 27–33% HL; interorbital 24–29%; orbit 31–36%; orbit to angle of preopercle 32–36%; upper jaw 29–34%; barbel 13–18%; length outer ray V 83–127%. Body relatively deep, 82–92% HL; head 4.1–5.8 in TL; snout short, high, projecting slightly beyond mouth, with stout tubercles at tip and lateral angles; mouth rather small, upper jaw extends posteriorly to under posterior margin of pupil; barbel well developed, about 25 to 12 orbit diameter; suborbital ridge with coarsely modified scales; underside of head to end of upper jaw and mandibular rami naked; body scales densely covered with short, conical spinules arranged in 8–13 parallel rows. Spinous 1D ray about equal to HL, denticulation on leading edge widely spaced; outer V ray extends to 10th to 20th A ray. Anterior dermal window of light organ small, situated between inner V bases; anus between V and A, but usually closer to inner V bases. Color in alcohol overall brownish, opercle and abdomen blackish with silvery sheen, abdomen underlain with bluish; mouth and gill cavities dark; 1D with distinct black tip. A small species, probably not much> 160 mm TL. DISTRIBUTION .— From Taiwan , South China Sea , Philippines , Celebes Sea , Molucca Sea , in 475–1027 m ; the Taiwan specimens were collected in 517 m ( NET ) and 488–1027 m ( SCS ). REMARKS .— Our specimens represent the northernmost record, and the first record (as reported by Shao et al. 2008 ) from Taiwan and the South China Sea. Nezumia evides closely resembles N. condylura and N. propinqua in having similar head shape, high V counts, naked underside of snout and mandibles, black-tipped 1D, and scale size and spinulation. The slightly lower counts of V rays, somewhat longer outer V ray, slightly fewer scales below mid-1D and below 2D origin (7–7.5 vs. 8–9.5 and 8.5–10 vs. 10–13, respectively), shorter body (HL 4.1–5.9 in TL vs. 6.4–6.7), and possibly smaller size attained distinguish N. evides from the two.