Systematics and convergent evolution in three Australian genera of Pepsinae spider wasps (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae) Author Shimizu, Akira Department of Biological Sciences, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Hachioji, Tokyo 192 - 0397, Japan & Research Institute of Evolutionary Biology, Inc., Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 158 - 0098, Japan & The University Museum, The University of Tokyo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113 - 0033, Japan. Author Pitts, James P Department of Biology, Utah State University, Logan, UT 84322 - 5305, USA. Author Rodriguez, Juanita Australian National Insect Collection, CSIRO, Acton, ACT 2601, Australia. Author Wahis, Raymond Department of Functional and Evolutionary Entomology, Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech, University of Liège, Gembloux 5030, Belgium. Author Yoshimura, Jin Department of Biological Sciences, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Hachioji, Tokyo 192 - 0397, Japan & The University Museum, The University of Tokyo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113 - 0033, Japan & Department of International Health and Medical Anthropology, Institute of Tropical Medicine, Nagasaki University, Nagasaki 852 - 8523, Japan & Department of Environmental and Forest Biology, State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry, Syracuse, NY 13210, USA & Marine Biosystems Research Center, Chiba University, Uchiura, Kamogawa, Chiba 299 - 5502, Japan. text Austral Entomology 2021 2021-03-17 60 2 301 316 journal article 10.1111/aen.12530 871ea7e5-8005-4c5b-9af9-a247a638aa74 4627871 Evansiclavelia poecilopteryx Pitts, Rodriguez & Shimizu , sp. nov. ( Fig. 4 ) 4376-B037-E4F7A0336C74 Material examined Holotype QLD Cape York Heathlands RP 11.616° 142.80930° GE 29 Nov 2017 Creekbed Cpt Billy’ s Landing Rd J A & J G Lumbers’ ‘ PO1486 ’ ‘Maurillus’ ‘Molecular Voucher Pitts 2019 UCE PO1486’ ( ANIC ). Diagnosis Female Body and legs black; head, pronotum and mesonotum wine red ( Fig. 4c,d,h,i ). Wings transparent with dark brown fascia occupying basal half of marginal cell, SMC1–3, discal cells 1 and 2, subdiscal cell 1, basal two-thirds of subdiscal cell 2, and clavus apically ( Fig. 4j ). Description Female Based on holotype . Length: body 8.2 mm ; fore wing 7.4 mm . Following wine red: head, scape, mouthparts, pronotum, mesonotum, propleuron, mesopleuron anterodorsally and posteroventrally, fore coxa basally and apically, mid and hind coxae apically, fore trochanter mostly, mid and hind trochanters apically, fore and mid femora apically, fore tibia and tarsomeres 1–4 except dorsally, fore tarsomere 5, and tarsal claws apically. Following light yellowish brown: tegula, wing bases, posterolateral margin of metanotum, fore and mid tibial spurs, metasomal terga laterally and posteriorly (laterotergite reddish yellow), and S1–5 posteriorly. Upper frons, vertex, pronotum and mesonotum with short coppery pubescence. Lower frons, clypeus, gena, pronotum ventrolaterally, propleuron, mesopleuron, metapleuron, mesosternum, metapostnotum laterally, propodeum laterally and posteriorly, legs, and metasomal terga with silvery-white pubescence long and dense on propleuron, mesosternum, propodeum posteriorly, coxae, and T1–5 posterolaterally. Propleuron, propodeum posterolaterally, fore coxa, T1 basally, T6 and S6 with long, somewhat yellowish pale setae. Frons, vertex and clypeus polished with small punctures irregular in size and spacing. Pronotum and mesonotum minutely tessellate and matte; mesoscutum medially and scutellum with small, dense punctures. Metasomal terga polished ( Fig. 4i ). S1–5 strongly smooth and polished with small punctures sparsely. S6 irregularly and strongly punctate. Head 1.2× as broad as high ( Fig. 4a ). Vertex raised between and behind posterior ocelli; posterior margin broadly and strongly emarginate in dorsal view ( Fig. 4b ). Frons flattened at lower half; frontal line almost vestigial. Antennocular line slightly convex. Inner orbits barely emarginate above middle, divergent below in whole ( Fig. 4a ). UID:MID: LID = 7.9:10:10. MID 0.48× TFD. Eye width 1.1× half of MID. POL:OOL = 1:0.64. Ocelli forming right-angled triangle ( Fig. 4b ); OOcD/POD = 2.1. Clypeus width 1.6× length. Malar space longer than pedicel width. Labrum not bent backward from clypeus. Gena width ~0.3× eye width ( Fig. 4c ). Mandible with anterior face flattened; inner margin sharply edged with small tooth near apical point; outer margin with broad lamina delimited by fimbriate groove from major part. Antenna rather long and thin. Scape:pedicel:fl:fl2 = 0.81:0.25:1:0.81. Fl1 4.6× as long as wide, 0.92× UID. Pronotum short with posterior margin arcuate ( Fig. 4b ). Mesoscutum convex; posterolateral margin narrowly and sharply reflexed. Discs of scutellum slightly convex withnarrow, blunt median carina ( Fig. 4e ). Metapostnotum very short, ~0.1× as long as metanotum at midline, deeply depressed between metanotum and propodeum. Propodeum in dorsal view 1.1× as wide as long; dorsum strongly rugose and slightly bumped posteromedially ( Fig. 4e ), forming angle of ~120° with declivity but not clearly divided from latter; median groove indistinct; sides almost parallel-sided; declivity longer than dorsum with fine transverse rugae. Hind tibial spur 0.48× as long as hind tarsomere 1. Fore and hind wings as shown in Fig. 4j . Marginal cell removed from wing tip by 0.6× its own length. SMC2: SMC3 = 1:1.2 on vein M , 1:0.53 on vein Rs . SMC2 narrowed on vein Rs by 0.9× its length on vein M , receiving crossvein 1m-cu at basal 0.45. SMC3 narrowed on vein Rs by 0.4× its length on vein M , receiving crossvein 2m-cu at basal 0.79. Crossveins 2rs-m nearly straight. Crossvein 3rs-m barely curved. Crossvein cu-a originating slightly distal to point of separation of vein M + CuA , weakly curved. Hind wing crossvein rs-m straight, nearly perpendicular to vein M . Crossvein cu-a originating slightly proximal to separation of vein M + CuA . Metasoma spindle-shaped ( Fig. 4i ). T1 very shortly parallel-sided basally, with anterior face not flattened or vertical. Fig. 6. Entomobora fuscipennis (Vander Linden) (a–c) and Entomobora crassitarsis (Costa) (d–g). (a) Entire body, wings and legs, dorsal view; (b) entire body and legs, lateral view; (c) head, anterior view; (d) head, anterior part of mesosoma and fore femur, lateral view; (e) head and antenna, dorsal view; (f) mandible, anterior view; and (g) head and anterior part of mesosoma, posterodorsal view. Scale bars: 0.5 mm. Male Unknown. Distribution Cape York, Queensland, Australia. Etymology The species name is derived from the transparent fore wing with subapical broad dark brown fascia.