A review of the Oriental planthopper genus Sogana Matsumura 1914 (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Tropiduchidae) with descriptions of three new species Author Liang, Ai-Ping Author Wang, Rong-Rong text Zootaxa 2008 1732 29 44 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.181357 7b6b3cdb-b35e-4c7a-a7a8-8e1925b61fec 1175-5326 181357 Genus Sogana Matsumura, 1914 Sogana Matsumura, 1914 : 268 ; Melichar, 1914 : 194 ; Distant, 1916 : 54 ; Metcalf, 1954 : 130 ; Tsaur, 1990 : 245 . Type species: Sogana hopponis Matsumura, 1914 , by monotypy. Redescription. Medium-sized, relatively slender and elongate tropiduchids ( Figs. 1–6 ), length (from apex of vertex to tip of fore wings): ď 8.3–10.5 mm, Ψ 9.3–11.0 mm. General color light yellowish to tawny brown. Vertex with 1–4 blackish spots at apex; frons with 5–7 light red to carmine transverse bands; postclypeus with basal margin and clypeus with lateral margins usually suffused with fuscous. Pronotum with anterior disc and lateral portion, meso- and metapleura, and mesonotum with anterior part usually suffused with fuscous; genae usually with reddish or blackish patch between eye and lateral margin of vertex; ocelli often surrounded with reddish; mesonotum with four brownish spots near basal margins. Fore wings with brownish nebula apically (absent in S. stimulata ), veins yellowish to pale brown, all transverse veinlets and costal cell basally suffused with fuscous; clavus with base, middle and apex often covered with black markings. Hind wings with veins, Cu underlying apex of clavus, and costal cell basally fuscous. Legs with tarsi usually blackish. Head with eyes narrower than pronotum, broadly produced in front of eyes; apex broadly convex in dorsal view and in lateral view, forming a smooth surface interposed between discal areas of vertex and frons; vertex and frons not separated and their lateral carinae percurrent. Vertex ( Figs. 1–7, 10, 13 , 16 ) nearly trapeziform, slightly shorter or longer than breadth at anterior margin of eyes (0.72–1.11:1), distinctly longer than pronotum at midline; anterior margin projected at an obtuse angle (nearly straight in S. extrema ) in dorsal view; lateral margins ridged and converged anteriorly; posterior margin angulately concave; central disc between median and sublateral carinae distinctly depressed, lateral areas between sublateral and lateral carinae shallowly depressed (convex in few specimens); median carina broadly thickened or thinned, percurrent or not reaching to the apex of vertex, diverging basally or medially and uniting with carinate posterior margin; sublateral carinae oblique and straight, meeting medially at apex of vertex. Frons ( Figs. 8, 11, 14 , 17 ) longer in middle than the widest breadth (1.38–1.67:1), disc slightly depressed between median and lateral carinae; lateral margins subparallel, slightly converging from the under level of antennae to apex; posterior margin straight; median longitudinal carina distinct, lateral longitudinal carinae approaching frontoclypeal suture. Postclypeus and anteclypeus ( Figs. 8, 9, 11, 12, 14, 15 , 17, 18 ) ridged medially, with distinct median carina; postclypeus with lateral carinae slightly surpassed the distad of middle, laterally separated from lorae by a suture. Rostrum long, reaching between hind coxae. Eyes ( Figs. 9, 12, 15 , 18 ) oval. Ocelli ( Figs. 9, 12, 15 , 18 ) small, at lower of eyes, close to eyes and away from base of antennae. Antennae ( Figs. 9, 12, 15 , 18 ) short, scape cylindrical; pedicel distally expanded, about 3 times as long as scape, with microsetae extending to base. Pronotum ( Figs. 7, 10, 13 , 16 ) wider than long medially (4.22–4.93:1), distinctly shorter than mesonotum in midline, posterior margin obtuse-angled excavated; disc arched anteriorly, narrower than width of vertex at base, carinae strongly ridged, lateral carinae converging anteriorly, median carina distinct, reaching posterior margin, inter-carinal areas distinctly depressed with a small circular depression basally beyond median carina. Mesonotum ( Figs. 7, 10, 13 , 16 ) tricarinate, with a distinct transverse suture separating mesoscutellum; median carina straight, reaching to transverse suture; lateral carinae curving anteriorly towards median carina; pronotum and mesonotum together medially 1.40–2.05 times as long as median length of vertex. Fore wings ( Figs. 19–22 ) translucent, relatively elongate and narrow, 3.31–3.54 times as long as maximum breadth, corium without granulation, costal cell without cross veins, nodal line slightly oblique, with 14–18 apical and 5–7 subapical cells various in size, two middle anteapical cells longest, Cu1 bifurcated at basal 1/4 of fore wings, claval veins uniting basad of middle of clavus. Hind wings hyaline. Legs elongate; hind tibia with 3 distinct lateral spines, abnormally with 4 (often on one leg only), distally with 6–7 spines; hind basitarsus distally with 6–9 spines; second tarsal segment pad-like, with 1 spine on each side; second and third tarsal segments together slightly shorter than first segment. Male genitalia with pygofer narrow and high, dorsal posterior margin angulately produced posteriorly in lateral view ( Figs. 24–27 ), dorsa1 margin deeply excavated to accommodate anal tube. Anal tube ( Figs. 24– 27 ) elongate, slender and narrow in dorsal view ( Figs. 28, 32 , 36, 40 ), directed caudad, distal part straight ( Fig. 25 ) or appreciably bent ventrad ( Figs. 24, 26, 27 ) in lateral view; anal styles relatively short and small. Gonostylus ( Figs. 24–27, 30, 31, 34, 35 , 38, 39, 42, 43 ) elongate, bilaterally symmetrical, 3.31–4.11 times as long as broad in lateral view, tapering to apex in distal half, membranously fused with pygofer at base, dorsal edge with an angular, dorsoposteriorly directed process near middle and two hook-like, inward and outward respectively directed processes beyond this process. Aedeagus ( Figs. 29, 33 , 37, 41, 44–51 ) elongate, tubelike, asymmetrical, basal part directed anterodorsally, then strongly curved and directed ventrally, shaft of aedeagus ( Figs. 29, 33 , 37, 41, 44–51 ) with three sclerotized processes; structure tectiform of connective ( Figs. 24–27 ) developed (degenerate in S. clara sp. nov. and S. pseudohopponis sp. nov. ); corpus connective ( Figs. 24–27 ) present; periandrium ( Figs. 29, 33 , 37, 41, 44–51 ) well developed, asymmetrical, broadly fused with ventral base of anal segment, surrounding penis from base to middle, with a long process directed caudad at ventral side; phallotrema exposed apically or laterally. Distribution. Species of Sogana are currently known from Indonesia (Mentawei Islands), China (Chekiang, Hainan Island, Guangxi, Taiwan ), Vietnam (Hanoi, Tonkin ), Laos (Vientiane, Nam Kading), Burma (Tenasserim), Japan (Amami-Oshima, Ryukyu Islands, Iriomote Loochoo Islands), and Malaysia (Borneo). Remarks. Species of Sogana can be distinguished from species of other genera in the tribe Isporisini by the following combination of characters: (1) median carina of vertex ( Figs. 1–7, 10, 13 , 16 ) forked basally or medially; (2) frons ( Figs. 8, 11, 14 , 17 ) with 5–7 light red to carmine transverse bands, median carina long and straight; (3) mesonotum ( Figs. 1–7, 10, 13 , 16 ) with four spots near basal margins; (4) fore wings ( Figs. 19– 22 ) translucent, 3.31–3.54 times as long as maximum breadth, with 16–18 apical and 5–7 subapical cells; (5) hind tibia with 3 distinct lateral spines; (6) gonostylus ( Figs. 24–27, 30, 31, 34, 35 , 38, 39, 42, 43 ) bilaterally symmetrical, 3.31–4.11 times as long as broad in lateral view, tapering to apex in distal half, dorsal edge with 3 processes; (7) aedeagus ( Figs. 29, 33 , 37, 41, 44–51 ) elongate, tube-like, asymmetrical, with three sclerotized processes; (8) periandrium ( Figs. 29, 33 , 37, 41, 44–51 ) asymmetrical, surrounding penis from base to middle, with a process directed caudad at ventral side. FIGURES 1–6. Dorsal habitus of Sogana species. 1. S. clara sp. nov. (♂, Laos, BPBM). 2. S. hopponis Matsumura (♂, Taiwan, BPBM). 3. Same (♂, Taiwan, BPBM). 4. S. longiceps Fennah (Ψ, Guangxi, IZCAS). 5. S. pseudohopponis sp. nov. (♂, Laos, BPBM). 6. S. robustocarina sp. nov. (♂, Borneo, BPBM). Species of Sogana are externally similar to those of Isporisa but can be distinguished from the latter by the diagnostic characters 1, 2, 3 and 4 listed above. In addition, Isporisa species are usually green (much darker in Sogana species) with clypeus a little broader and longer than the frons.