Revision of the world species of the genus Fusicornia Risbec (Hymenoptera: Platygastridae, Scelioninae) Author Taekul, Charuwat Department of Entomology, The Ohio State University, 1315 Kinnear Road, Columbus, Ohio 43212, U. S. A. Author Johnson, Norman F. Department of Entomology, The Ohio State University, 1315 Kinnear Road, Columbus, Ohio 43212, U. S. A. Author Masner, Lubomír Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, K. W. Neatby Bldg., Ottawa, Ontario K 1 A 0 C 6, Canada; urn: lsid: zoobank. org: author: FA 505310 - F 606 - 4 F 6 C-A 1 DF- 74 B 9 A 0055 B 2 E & Zoological Survey of India, Western Ghats Field Research Station, Jafarkhan Colony, Calicut - 673006, Kerala, India; urn: lsid: zoobank. org: author: 32162 F 96 - 0051 - 473 E-A 54 F- 229 E 1 E 75520 C Author Shu-Pei, Chen Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute, 189 Chung-cheng Road, Wufeng, 413 Taichung, Taiwan, Republic of China; urn: lsid: zoobank. org: author: 9 CE 9 D 5 CA- 07 ED- 4 E 61 - ABE 8 - 730 C 15130769 text Zootaxa 2008 2008-12-17 1966 1 52 journal article 1175­5334 AFB6DC4C-E568-44B5-9CA7-EA9626C7CDB1 Fusicornia tehrii Mukerjee Original concept: C4EBD53B-8089-4F25-9FC3-8A5AFBBCB728 Current concept: Figures 139–144 ; Morphbank 82 Fusicornia tehrii Mukerjee, 1993: 75 , 77 (original description). Fusicornia noonae Buhl, 1998: 271 (original description), new synonymy . 81B4D5C1-EC6E- 4667-9E6D-EE886748B3B9 ; 152819 Description. Female body length: 1.55–1.87 mm (n=20). Male body length: 1.38–1.56 mm (n=11). Head: Vertex between posterior ocelli: rounded. Female OOL: less than or equal one ocellar diameter. Frontal sculpture: at least partly smooth or considerably effaced. Sculpture of central frons: smooth or with shallowly impressed reticulate microsculpture. Setation of central frons: glabrous. Inner orbit in frontal view: more or less parallel. Upper gena in dorsal view of female: expanded, convex, therefore in lateral view compound eye separated from posterior margin by gena. Sculpture of gena behind lower half of eye: smooth, with reticulate to coriaceous microsculpture. Setation of gena: sparsely setose. Antenna: Radicle color: yellow to orange brown. Color of female A1: yellow to orange-brown. Color of female funicle (A3–A6): dark brown. Claval formula: 1-2-2-2-2. Claval color: dark brown to black. Mesosoma: Pronotal cervical sulcus: absent. Mesoscutum sculpture: reticulate. Longitudinal sculpture in posterior half of mesoscutum: absent. Admedian line: absent. Mesoscutal humeral sulcus: foveolate. Notauli: absent. Mesoscutellum shape: rounded. Sculpture of mesoscutellum: almost entirely smooth. Length of medial metascutellar spine: medial spine short to moderately long, distinctly shorter than distance between medial and lateral spines. Length of lateral metascutellar spine: short, only slightly longer than wide. Sculpture of propodeal nucha: strongly foveolate to longitudinally striate. Sculpture of suprahumeral area of pronotum: puncticulate. Sculpture in lower pronotum: reticulate to weakly rugulose. Netrion setation: sparsely setose to glabrous. Mesopleural carina: present dorsally, interrupted or absent ventrally. Mesepimeral sulcus: complete or briefly interrupted, foveate above, appearing as fold ventrally. Area 2 on metapleuron: polygonal, setose. Setation of area 4 of metapleuron: setose ventrally. Setation in anteroventral metapleural triangle: absent. Setation of propodeum anterior to spiracle: sparsely setose (less than 10) or absent. Legs: Coxae color: all coxae yellow. Wings: Female fore wing maculation: hyaline or with slight infuscation below marginal vein. 82. FIGURES 145–150. 83 Fusicornia tehrii Mukerjee , female (OSUC 149008). 145, Dorsal habitus; 146, Lateral habitus; 147, Head and mesosoma, dorsal view; 148, Head and mesosoma, lateral view; 149, Head, anterior view; 150, Mesoscutellum and metanotal spine dorsal view. Scale bars in millimeters. Metasoma: Length of T1: less than or equal to one times width. Horn on T1 of female: absent, T1 longitudinally furrowed throughout length. Lateral setation of T1: sparsely to moderately setose (6–15/side). Medial sculpture on T3: smooth and shiny. 83. Diagnosis. The smooth or with shallowly impressed reticulate microsculpture on the central portion of the frons distinguishes Fusicornia tehrii from the cohort of the species from Asia, F. koreica , F. indica , and F. episcopus . This species is also immediately distinguished by the very short lateral metanotal spine and the almost entirely smooth mesoscutellum ( Figs. 147–150 ). Link to Distribution Map. 84 FIGURES 151–154. 85 Fusicornia noonae Buhl , holotype male. 151, Dorsal habitus; 152, Lateral habitus; 153, Head and mesosoma, dorsal view; 154, Head, anterior view. Scale bars in millimeters. Material examined. Fusicornia tehrii , holotype female: INDIA : Narendra Nagar ( Tehri ), M.K. Mukerjee & party (deposited in North Regional Station , Zoological Survey of India ). Fusicornia noonae , holotype male: PHILIPPINES : Mindanao , Sapamoro , Curuan District , 20.XII.1961 (deposited in ZMUC ). BANGLA- DESH : 2 females , OSUC 211161–211162 (deposited in CNCI ). Brunei : 3 females , OSUC 149020 , 206280–206281 ( CNCI ). INDIA : 1 male , OSUC 149007 ( CNCI ). INDONESIA : 1 male , 5 females , OSUC 149005 , 149008 , 149019 , 149026 , 206231 ( CNCI ); UCRC ENT 171070 ( UCRC ). JAPAN : 1 female OSUC 179124 ( BPBM ). LAOS : 1 male , 1 female , OSUC 179119 , 179120 ( BPBM ). MALAYSIA : 5 males , 2 females , OSUC 179114 ( BPBM ); OSUC 149011 , 149030 , 164022 , 206230 , 206232 , 206234 ( CNCI ). PAPUA NEW GUINEA : 1 female , OSUC 179116 ( BPBM ). PHILIPPINES : 4 females , OSUC 179111 , 179121 , 179122 , 211164 ( BPBM ). SINGAPORE : 1 male , OSUC 149006 ( CNCI ). SRI LANKA : 3 male , 2 females , OSUC 149023 , 149024 , 206283 , 206286 ( CNCI ); OSUC 210293 ( USNM ). TAIWAN : 6 males , 7 84. 85. females, OSUC 232488–232497 , 232501–232503 ( TARI ) THAILAND : 1 male , 6 females , OSUC 211163 ( BPBM ); OSUC 149009 , 149010 , 149029 , 206233 ( CNCI ); OSUC 211200 , 253757 ( OSUC ) . Comments : F. tehrii was originally described by Mukerjee (1993) on the basis of a single male specimen from Narendra Nagar (Tehri), India . Subsequently, Buhl (1998) described F. noonae from the Philippines , also on the basis of a single male specimen ( Figs. 150–154 ). The characters of F. noonae presented by Buhl (1998) are identical to the description of F. tehrii . These characters comprise the smooth sculpture of the central frons, sparse setation of the gena, the smooth and shining sculpture of the scutellum, and smooth and shining sculpture on T3 ( Figs. 147–150 ). Buhl (1998) compared his species with F.indica , F.bambeyi , and F. spinosa , presumably on the basis of the literature. No mention was made of F. tehrii . Dr. Rajmohana K. (Zoological Survey of India , Calicut ) kindly examined the holotype of F. tehrii and compared it with the species concepts developed in this paper.