Revision of the genus Lindholmiola HESSE, 1931 (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Helicodontidae) Author Subai, Peter Author Neubert, Eike text Contributions to Natural History 2014 2014-04-03 23 1 94 journal article 2630 10.5169/seals-787037 d0b846f5-0d3d-4b6d-abb4-80bc84528180 2624-9170 5842342 Lindholmiola barbata (A. FéRUSSAC, 1821 ) Figs 1 , 16–18 , 19 , 45 1821 Helix barbata A. FéRUSSAC , Tableaux systématiques des animaux mollusques classés en familles naturelles: 41 (Folio) or 37 (Quarto), Nr. 152 [partim]. 1832 Helix barbata α, – A. Férussac , (in A. Férussac & Deshayes ), Histoire naturelle générale et particulière des mollusques terrestres et fluviatiles ( Atlas ), 22–27: T. 66, F. 3 [ Lectotype , design. Gittenberger & Groh, 1986 ] + Expl. pl.: ij. 1837 Helix ( Caracollina ) barbata , – Beck, Index molluscorum praesentis aevi musei principis augustissimi Christiani Frederici: 28. 1848 Helix corcyrensis ?, – L. Pfeiffer, Monographia heliceorum viventium, 1: 415, Nr. 1080 [partim, nec Syn. pro H. barbata FéRUSSAC ; non H. corcyrensis Rossmaessler, 1838 ]. 1859 Helix barbata , – Mousson, Vierteljahrsschrift der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Zürich , 4: 258. 1859 Helix corcyrensis , – L. Pfeiffer, Monographia heliceorum viventium, 4: 312, Nr. 2004 [partim, nec Syn. pro H. barbata α FéRUSSAC, 1832 ; non H. corcyrensis Rossmaessler, 1838 ]. 1868 Helix barbata , – L. Pfeiffer, Monographia heliceorum viventium, 5: 415. 1876 Helix barbata , – L. Pfeiffer, Monographia heliceorum viventium, 7: 467. 1879 Helix ( Trigonostoma ) lens var. barbata , – Westerlund & Blanc, Aperçu sur la faune malacologique de la Grèce inclus l’Epire et la Thessalie : 35. 1887 Helix ( Caracolina ) barbata , – Tryon, Manual of Conchology, 3: 118. 1889 Helix ( Gonostoma ) lens var. barbata , – Martens, Archiv für Naturgeschichte, 55 (1): 186, 229. 1889 Helix ( Caracolina ) barbata , – Westerlund, Fauna der in der paläarctischen Region lebenden Binnenconchylien, 2: 20 [partim]. 1894 Helix barbata , – O. Boettger, Nachrichtsblatt der Deutschen Malakozoologischen Gesellschaft, 26: 2. 1894 Helix ( Caracollina ) barbata , – Pilsbry, Manual of Conchology, 9: 228. 1904 Helix ( Gonostoma ) barbata , – Sturany, Nachrichtsblatt der Deutschen Malakozoologischen Gesellschaft, 36: 108. 1918 Caracollina barbata , – Hesse, Nachrichtsblatt der Deutschen Malakozoologischen Gesellschaft, 50: 109. 1978 Helix ( Gonostoma ) barbata , – Seidl, Mitteilungen der Zoologischen Gesellschaft Braunau, 3 (5/7): 160. 1986 Lindholmiola barbata , – Gittenberger & Groh, Archiv für Molluskenkunde, 116 (4/6): 222, Abb. 1 b (= 3). 1990 Lindholmiola barbata , – Fechter & Falkner, Steinbachs Naturführer: 222. 1991 Lindholmiola barbata , – Maassen, De Kreukel, 27 (1/2): 9, Taf. 1. Diagnosis: depressed, brown to yellowish shell; covered with yellowish hairs; last whorl with a blunt peripheral keel; umbilicus cylindrical, partly covered. Description of shell: shell depressed, basic colour brown to yellowish; protoconch 1–1¼ smooth whorls; initial teleoconch whorls with a very fine radial sculpture, riblets slightly wavy (under strong magnification), inconspicuous on the last whorl; teleoconch surface (except the initial whorls) covered by fine granules and with small hair knuckles; hairs yellowish, 0.3–0.8 mm long (shorter in the umbilicus), permanently fixed to the shell; 5¼–6¾ regularly increasing whorls, depressed above, rounded below, with a blunt peripheral keel; suture of medium depth; umbilicus almost cylindrical, slightly increasing in the last whorl, diameter 1.25–2 mm , partly covered by the columellar reflection of the peristome; aperture oblique, slightly curved in lateral view; in frontal view subquadrate, peristomial insertions with a gap of 2.8–5.8 mm ; parietal callus lacking; peristome sharp, laterally broadened and slightly reflected basally; columellar reflection of peristome broad, covering ¼ of the umbilicus (in adult shells). Measurements: H: 4.2–6.25; D: 9.7–14.4; aH: 3.75–5.8 (2–3.6); aW: 5.1–8.3. Details of body (n = 5, Crete , Bay of Soúda (= E of Haniá)): head and dorsum grey to greyish brownish, flank and foot sole laterally grey to beige; mantle collar irregularly greyish pigmented; parallel to the ureter, small elongated greyish spots present (sometimes fused to a stripe); secondary ureter opens 0.5 mm from the respiratory pore. Figs 16–18. Lindholmiola barbata . Fig. 16: NMBE 515636, Island Kríti, Nomos Iráklio, valley E from the airport Iráklio (small rounded form), D = 9.66 mm; Fig. 17: NMBE 515635, Island Kríti, Nomos Haniá, canyon ca. 4 Km N of Thériso (large flat form), D = 13.78 mm; Fig. 18: NMBE 515581, Rethimnon, Zousidi, 09.04.1993, leg. N. Chalwatzis, D = 12.49 mm. — All photos Neubert/Bochud, × 3. Morphology of the genital organs: penis short with a slightly broadened distal part; glandular tissue covering almost half of the penial tube; proximal penial lumen with broad and shallow pilasters; distal penial lumen with two raised, parallel pilasters; several shorter longitudinal folds parallel to or between the major distal pilasters; vagina of moderate length; glandula reaches 2/3 of the length of the bursa copulatrix, with a short stem and a strong sculpture of crossing furrows; pedunculus of bursa copulatrix and the slightly broadened vesicle of same length; interior of the terminal genital organs with four to five well pronounced pilasters starting at the genital pore and fusing to a thickened area in the centre of the atrium; this area connects to a single long pilaster stretching into the vaginal lumen. Differential diagnosis: Lindholmiola corcyrensis is conchologically quite close, but differs by its more tightly coiled whorls, its coarser growth ribs on the surface, its deeper suture, and the umbilicus, which is only slightly covered by the columellar callus. Its aperture is more strongly bent in lateral view, and the peristome is broader. In L. corcyrensis , the penial lumen is filled by v-shaped, obliquely arranged short folds. Forms of L. lens with rounded whorls are also similar to L. barbata . However, shells of L. lens of the same size differ by having an additional whorl, coarser growth ribs, a deeper suture, and an almost completely open umbilicus. Their aperture is more bent in frontal view. In L. lens , the short folds in the proximal penial lumen are usually missing, and the pilasters in the distal lumen are weaker. Specimens examined (all Greece , Island of Crete ): Nomos Haniá : Plátanos , UTM GE 32 , leg. Butot & Subai 10.2.1981 , S 17518 /8+1(juv.) ; leg. Kiss & Pintér 13.8.1988 , HNHM 44682 /1(juv.) ; Falásarna , N of the excavations, UTM GE 33 , leg. Neuteboom 5.4.1984 , NNM/2 +2(juv.) ; coast 2.5 km S of Falásarna , UTM GE 33 , leg. Butot & Subai 10.2.1981 , S 17519 /6 ; Kotsoumatádos (= S of Topólia ) UTM GE 42 , leg. Maassen 4.1987, Maa/1 ; N boundary of Kakópetros, UTM GE 42 , leg. Drimmer , Pintér & Varga 25.7.1994 , HNHM 43541 /1+1 ; Rodopós (= SW of Afráta ) UTM GE 43 , leg. Drimmer , Pintér & Varga 24.7.1994 , HNHM 43540 /1+2(juv., Bruchst.) ; Giflos river drift close to Kaloudianá and under stones, UTM GE 43 , leg. Butot & Subai 10.2.1981 , S 14099 /1+6(juv.) ; 1 km N of Soúgia , UTM GE 50 , leg. Drimmer , Pintér & Varga 25.7.1994 , HNHM 43542 /1(juv.) ; 1 km N of Prasés , UTM GE 51 , leg. Kiss & Pintér 14.8.1988 , HNHM 44683 /3+1(juv.) ; 1 km S of Tavronítis (= S of Kolimvári ) UTM GE 53 , leg. Maassen 4.1987, Maa/3 ; N boundary of Kolimvári , UTM GE 53 , leg. Maassen 4.1987, Maa/6 ; 1 km N of Kolimvári , UTM GE 53 , leg. Drimmer , Pintér & Varga 24.7.1994 , HNHM 43539 /1+1(juv., Bruchst.) ; 2 km N of Kolimvári , UTM GE 53 , leg. Kiss & Pintér 13.8.1988 , HNHM 44681 /1 ; between Kolimvári and Afráta , 700 m on a path to W, UTM GE 53 , leg. Butot & Subai 11.2.1981 , S 17516 /3 (juv.) ; 1 km N of Afráta , UTM GE 54 , leg. Pintér & Varga 25.7.1992 , HNHM 45252 /1 (juv.) ; N boundary of Omalós, UTM GE 61 , leg. Drimmer , Pintér & Varga 25.7.1994 , HNHM 43543 /1 ; 3 km S of Chiliaró , UTM GE 62 , leg. Drimmer , Pintér & Varga 25.7.1994 , HNHM 43544 /1 (juv.) ; Mesklá, at the bridge at the affluent of two creeks, UTM GE 62 , leg. Butot & Subai 8.2.1981 , S 17522 /3+2(juv.)+1(juv. alk.) ; Mesklá, at both churches, UTM GE 62 , leg. Butot & Subai 8.2.1981 , S 17521 /4+3 (juv.)+2(alk.) ; Thériso , old church, UTM GE 72 , leg. Butot & Subai 11.2.1981 , S 17515 /1 ; 1 km N of Thériso , on limestone rocks, UTM GE 72 , leg. Maassen 10.1992, Maa/2 ; 2 km N of Thériso , on limestone rocks, UTM GE 72 , leg. Maassen 10.1992, Maa/2 ; canyon ca 4 km N of Thériso , on limestone rocks, UTM GE 72 , leg. Butot & Subai 11.2.1981 , S 14100 /69+12 (juv.)+1 (alk.) ; leg. Maassen 10.1992, Maa/4 ; canyon 5.7 km of Thériso in direction to Haniá , UTM GE 72 , leg. Butot & Subai 11.2.1981 , S 17514 /10 ; canyon 7.6 km of Thériso in direction to Haniá , UTM GE 72 , leg. Butot & Subai 11.2.1981 , S 17517 /5+1 (juv.) ; 7 km E of Anópoli , UTM KU 39 , leg. Maassen 4.1990, Maa/1 ; canyon 1.2 km of Sfakia in direction to Anópoli , on limestone rocks, UTM KU 39 , leg. Butot & Subai 9.2.1981 , S 14102 /3+5 (juv.) ; Haniá (= Chania, Kanea) UTM KV 23 , SMF 101959 /1, 207801/1 ; Haniá , on the walls of the castle, UTM KV 23 , leg. Butot & Subai 8.2.1981 , S 17523 /14+2 (juv.)+27 (alk.) ; canyon "Farangi N., Venizélou" UTM KV 23 , leg. Drimmer , Pintér & Varga 27.7.1994 , HNHM 43548 /10+6 (juv.), 43549/2+2 (juv.), 43550/30 (adult+juv.) ; boundary of Anópoli , in direction to Sfakia, UTM KV 30 , leg. Butot & Subai 9.2.1981 , S 17520 /1 ; Chorafia (= SE of Haniá ) UTM KV 32 , leg. Drimmer , Pintér & Varga 28.7.1994 , HNHM 43551 /2+1 (juv.) ; Haniá –Stérnes road, at the crossing to Soúda, UTM KV 33 , leg. Butot & Subai 12.2.1981 , S 17512 /3+6 (alk.) ; peninsula Akrotíri , Aróni, UTM KV 33 , leg. Kiss & Pintér 16.7.1986 , HNHM 29879 /6 ; peninsula Akrotíri , Kalavás, UTM KV 33 , leg. Drimmer , Pintér & Varga 27.7.1994 , HNHM 43547 /2 ; peninsula Akrotíri , 3 km NW from the airport, UTM KV 33 , leg. Drimmer , Pintér & Varga 27.7.1994 , HNHM 43545 /2+1 (juv.) ; Bay of Soúda , 100–150 m of the rivermouth, S from the English cemetery, UTM KV 33 , leg. Butot & Subai 12.2.1981 , S 14104 /6+3 (juv.)+61(alk.)+3 (juv. alk.) ; Asígonia (= Gonia ), UTM KV 40 , leg. Drimmer , Pintér & Varga 20.7.1994 , HNHM 43524 /1 ; 2 km S of Vrises (= in direction to Sfakia ) UTM KV 41 , leg. Maassen 4.1990, Maa /1 ; 10.4 km of Askýfou in direction to Vrises , on limestone rocks UTM KV 41 , leg. Butot & Subai 9.2.1981 , S 14101 /19+6 (juv.) ; between Kalamítsi and Amigdáli , UTM KV 41 , leg. Drimmer , Pintér & Varga 23.7.1994 , HNHM 43534 /1+1 ; 2 km W of Georgioúpoli , UTM KV 41 , leg. Maassen 10.1992, Maa /8 ; 3 km W of Georgioúpoli , UTM KV 41 , leg. Maassen 4.1990, Maa /23 ; 2 km E of Neo Horió , UTM KV 42 , leg. Maassen 4.1990, Maa /10 ; at the N boundary of Kefalás , UTM KV 42 , leg. Butot & Subai 12.2.1981 , S 17513 /4 ; leg. Drimmer , Pintér & Varga 23.7.1994 , HNHM 43536 /1 ; hill slope SE of Kalámi , UTM KV 42 , leg. Drimmer , Pintér & Varga 23.7.1994 , HNHM 43538 /1+1 (juv.) ; Xirostérni , UTM KV 42 , leg. Drimmer , Pintér & Varga 23.7.1994 , HNHM 43535 /1 ; N boundary of Drápanos , UTM KV 42 , leg. Drimmer , Pintér & Varga 23.7.1994 , HNHM 43537 /3 ; peninsula Akrotíri , 2 km N of Agia Triáda , UTM KV 42 , leg. Drimmer , Pintér & Varga 27.7.1994 , HNHM 43546 /1 ; peninsula Akrotíri , 1 km N of Moni Gouvernétou , UTM KV 44 , leg. Maassen 4.1987, Maa /2 ; between Georgioúpoli and Exópoli , UTM KV 51 , leg. Drimmer , Pintér & Varga 23.7.1994 , HNHM 43533 /5+7 (juv.) ; W boundary of Geourgioúpoli , UTM KV 51 , leg. Kiss & Pintér 17.7.1986 , HNHM 29876 /26+18 (juv.) ; rock face along the motorway close to Georgioúpoli , UTM KV 51 , leg. Maassen 4.1987, Maa /26 ; NW of Kournás , UTM KV 51 , leg. Drimmer , Pintér & Varga 20.7.1994 , HNHM 43528 /3+1 (juv.) ; on the shore of the Kourna Lake (= W of Episkopí ) under stones, UTM KV 51 , leg. Butot & Subai 12.2.1981 , S 14103 /32+18 (juv.)+6 (alk.)+2 (juv. alk.) ; leg. Maassen 4.1987, Maa /4. Nomos Réthimno: 1 km N of Assomatos (= SW of Spíli) UTM KU 69, leg. Maassen 10.1992, Maa /2 ; hill slope in the village of Agía Galíni , on rocks, UTM KU 88 , leg. Pintér & Subai 10.8.1976 , S 3828/1 ; 4 km S of Ágios Ioánnis , UTM KU 99 , leg. Maassen 10.1992, Maa /1 (juv.) ; road crossing close to Ágios Konstantínos, UTM KV 60 , leg. Drimmer , Pintér & Varga 20.7.1994 , HNHM 43527 /3+1 (juv.) ; Atsipopoulo (= W of Réthimno ) UTM KV 61 , leg. Drimmer , Pintér & Varga 20.7.1994 , HNHM 43523 /1 ; between Kato Valsamónero and Ágios Andréas , UTM KV 61 , leg. Drimmer , Pintér & Varga 20.7.1994 , HNHM 43525 /1 ; road crossing close to Kaloníktis , UTM KV 61 , leg. Drimmer , Pintér & Varga 20.7.1994 , HNHM 43526 /1 ; 2 km W of Ágios Andréas , UTM KV 61 , leg. Kiss & Pintér 17.7.1986 , HNHM 29877 /20+15 (juv.+) ; E of Geráni (= W of Réthimno ) at the cave, UTM KV 61 , leg. Maassen 4.1987, Maa /7 ; river Pétres (= 9 km W of Réthimno ) UTM KV 61 , leg. Butot & Subai 11.2.1981 , S 17511 /1 ; leg. Maassen 4.1990, Maa /6 ; 1 km S of Réthimno , UTM KV 71 , leg. Kiss & Pintér 15.7.1986 , HNHM 29878 /1 (juv.) ; 3 km S of Réthimno , UTM KV 71 , leg. Drimmer, Pintér & Varga 20.7.1994 , HNHM 43522 /2+2 (juv.) ; canyon 5 km SE of Réthimno , at the bridge, UTM KV 71 , leg. Maassen 10.1992, Maa /1 ; 2 km S of Prasiés , UTM KV 71 , leg. Maassen 10.1992, Maa /1 ; S boundary of Xeró Horió , UTM KV 71 , leg. Maassen 4.1990, Maa /12 ; 2 km S of Xeró Horió , UTM KV 71 , leg. Maassen 4.1990, Maa /1 (juv.) ; 2 km E of Apóstoli , UTM KV 80 , leg. Maassen 10.1992, Maa /3 ; S boundary of Kalógeros , UTM KV 80 , leg. Kiss & Pintér 14.8.1988 , HNHM 44684 /1 ; Monastir Arkadí , on walls, UTM KV 81 , leg. Maassen 10.1992, Maa /2 ; 1 km N from the Monastir Arkadí , UTM KV 81 , leg. Maassen 10.1992, Maa /3 ; in the village of Eléftherna , UTM KV 81 , leg. Drimmer , Pintér & Varga 22.7.1994 , HNHM 43530 /4 ; 0.5 km N of Amnátos , UTM KV 81 , leg. Drimmer , Pintér & Varga 20.7.1994 , HNHM 43529 /1 ; 1 km N of Pérama , UTM KV 91 , leg. Maassen 10.1992, Maa /3 ; leg. Drimmer , Pintér & Varga 22.7.1994 , HNHM 43532 /2 ; rocks at the N boundary of of Orthés , UTM KV 91 , leg. Maassen 10.1992, Maa /1 ; SE boundary of Orthés , UTM KV 91 , leg. Drimmer , Pintér & Varga 22.7.1994 , HNHM 43531 /2 (juv.) ; Bali , UTM KV 92 , leg. Maassen 1.1993, Maa /1 ; 3 km W of Anógia , UTM LV 00, leg. Maassen 4.1990, Maa /1 ; at the boundary of Aímonas , UTM LV 01 , leg. Drimmer , Pintér & Varga 11.7.1994 , HNHM 43521 /2+1 (juv.) ; 1 km SE of Sises (= in direction to Achláda ) UTM LV 11 , leg. Drimmer , Pintér & Varga 11.7.1994 , HNHM 43520 /2+4. Fig. 19. Distribution of Lindholmiola barbata . Nomos Iráklio : 1 km W of Panassós (= S of Ágia Varvára ) UTM LU , 18, leg. Maassen 10.1992, Maa /1 ; Houdétsi , UTM LU 39 , leg. Maassen 10.1991, Maa /1 ; 2 km of Astiráki in direction to Tílisos , UTM LV 10 , leg. Maassen 10.1992, Maa /4 ; Park in Fódele , UTM LV 11 , leg. Maassen 10.1992, Maa /2 ; 1 km N of Fódele , UTM LV 11 , leg. Maassen 10.1992, Maa /1 ; Rodiá , UTM LV 21 , leg. Maassen 10.1991, Maa /2 ; "Tris Ekklesias" close to Rodiá , UTM LV 21 , leg. Drimmer , Pintér & Varga 11.7.1994 , HNHM 43519 /1+4 (juv.) ; E of Iráklio , an of the crossing the road to Prasás , UTM LV 31 , leg. Maassen 4.1990, Maa /4 ; leg. Maassen 1.1993, Maa /4 ; valley E from the airport of Iráklio , on limestone rocks, under stones, UTM LV 31 , leg. Butot & Subai 13.2.1981 , S 14098 /14+16 (juv.)+5 (alk.)+1 (juv., alk.) ; 4 km N of Kastéli , UTM LV 50 , leg. Maassen 4.1990, Maa/2. Nomos Lassíthi: Vidiáni, UTM LU 59 , leg. Pintér & Varga 3.7.1993 , HNHM 45291 /1 (juv.). Remarks: Concerning both, size and shell shape, L. barbata does not vary considerably. In this species, no local forms are known. Distribution ( Fig. 19 ): This species is endemic to the Island of Crete , where it occupies the Lassíthi-plane towards the central and western part of the island.