Revision of the genus Lindholmiola HESSE, 1931 (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Helicodontidae) Author Subai, Peter Author Neubert, Eike text Contributions to Natural History 2014 2014-04-03 23 1 94 journal article 2630 10.5169/seals-787037 d0b846f5-0d3d-4b6d-abb4-80bc84528180 2624-9170 5842342 Lindholmiola girva ( FRIVALDSZKY, 1835 ) Figs 14 , 29 , 30–32 , 33–34 1835 Helix girva FRIVALDSZKY , A Magyar Tudós Társaság évkönyvei, 2: 274, Taf. 7 Fig. 11 . 1838 Helix contorta var. minor ROSSMäSSLER , Iconographie der Land- & Süsswasser-Mollusken mit vorzüglicher Berücksichtigung der europäischen noch nicht abgebildeten Arten, (1) 2 (1/2): 40, Taf. 39 Fig. 538 b. 1848 Helix corcyrensis var. ss L. PFEIFFER , Monographia heliceorum viventium 1: 415. 1859 Helix corcyrensis var. girva , – Mousson, Vierteljahrsschrift der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Zürich , 4: 257, 259. 1865 Helix corcyrensis , – L. Pfeiffer, Malakozoologische Blätter, 12: 103 [non corcyrensis ROSSMäSSLER, 1838 ]. 1868 Helix corcyrensis var. minor – L. Pfeiffer, Monographia heliceorum viventium 5: 415. 1887 Helix ( Caracolina ) corcyrensis var. girva , – Tryon, Manual of Conchology, 3: 118. 1889 Helix ( Caracolina ) corcyrensis var. girva , – Westerlund, Fauna, 2: 20. 1894 Helix ( Caracollina ) corcyrensis var. girva , – Pilsbry, Manual of Conchology, 9: 288. 1894 Helix ( Gonostoma ) corcyrensis var. girva , – Sturany, Annalen des Kaiserlich-Königlichen Naturhistorischen Hofmuseums, 9: 371. 1915 Helicodonta ( Caracollina ) contorta girva , – Sturany & Wagner, Denkschriften der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse, 91: 32, Taf. 2 Fig. 8 a–c . 1918 Caracollina corcyrensis girva , – Hesse, Nachrichtsblatt der Deutschen Malakozoologischen Gesellschaft, 50: 109. 1927 Caracollina contorta girva , – A. J. Wagner. Annales zoologici Musei Polonici Historiae Naturalis, 6 (4): 364, Taf., 19 Fig. 169. 1929 Caracollina corcyrensis forma girva , – Hesse, Senckenbergiana, 11 (1/2): 96. 1936 Lindholmiola corcyrensis , – Fuchs & Käufel, Archiv für Naturgeschichte, 5 (4): 651, Fig. 78 (partim, not those of Podgorica) (non corcyrensis ROSSMäSSLER, 1838). 1960 Lindholmiola contorta , – Urbanski, Bulletin de l'Institut Zoologique de l'Académie Bulgare des Sciences, 9: 92. 1971 Lindholmiola corcyrensis , – Schileyko, Nauchnykh Dokladi Vysshey Shkoly, Biologicheskie nauki., (Biol. Wiss. Zool.), 12: 12, Fig. 2 B (p.11), Fig. 4 , Fig. 5d [non corcyrensis ROSSMäSSLER, 1838 ]. 1972 Lindholmiola ( Lindholmiola ) corcyrensis , – Hudec, Annales zoologici Musei Polonici Historiae Naturalis, 29 (10): 337, Abb. 9, Taf. 3 Fig. 7 [non corcyrensis ROSSMäSSLER, 1838 ]. 1973 Lindholmiola ( Lindholmiola ) corcyrensis girva , – Hudec & Vašátko, Acta scientiarum naturalium Academiae Scientiarum Bohemoslovacae, 7 (9): 13. 1983 Lindholmiola corcyrensis , – Reischütz, Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien, 85 (B): 135. 1978 Lindholmiola corcyrensis , – Shileyko, Fauna UDSSR, 3 (6): 116, 118, Fig. 44–45 [non corcyrensis ROSSMäSSLER, 1838 ]. 1988 Lindholmiola corcyrensis corcyrensis , – Reischütz, Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien, 90 (B): 347 [non corcyrensis ROSSMäSSLER, 1838 ]. 1988 Lindholmiola corcyrensis girva , – Reischütz, Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien, 90 (B): 347. Diagnosis: shell depressed, shell surface covered by granulation, whorls slightly to strongly shouldered, penial lumen with two equally sized pilasters. Description of shell: shell depressed, spire only slightly raised, shell colour light to chestnut brown; initial half protoconch whorl smooth, then with a dense pattern of few fine radial stripes; the following teleoconch whorls with increasingly stronger stripes, the radial sculpture considerably pronounced on the second and third teleoconch whorls, but often decreasing on the last whorls; radial threads may irregularly vary in height, while on the subsurface of the shell, stripes are usually weak and blurred; the complete shell surface covered by a fine granulation giving the shell a dull appearance; hair warts are missing in general; besides a small, hair-free zone below the suture, shell completely covered by permanent hairs, hairs in the umbilicus usually shorter than those on the rest of the shell; hairs brownish-yellowish, hair length at the shell’s shoulder ca 0.4–0.9 mm ; 5¾–7½ regularly increasing, slightly to strongly shouldered whorls, never keeled; last whorl slightly descending before the aperture, then abruptly curving downwards, the down-bent part in a brighter to white colour; suture deep; umbilicus almost cylindrical to slightly perspective, only slightly increasing at the beginning, and the last whorl remaining circular, reaching a diameter of 1.4–2.5 mm ; aperture very oblique and strongly bent in lateral view, and ear-like in frontal view, upper part flat; apertural insertion with a distance of 2.3–3.9 mm , connected by a very thin, almost indiscernible callus; peristomial rim sharp, laterally with a strong swelling, basally reinforced, forming a narrow lip (sometimes even with a small tooth); umbilical shield small, covering less than ca 1/10 of the umbilicus. Measurements: H: 4.2–6.1; D: 8.1–11.7; aH: 3.3–5(1.6–3.4); aW: 3.75–5.8. Figs 30–32. Lindholmiola girva . Fig. 30: syntype Helix girva SMF 7047, "Albanien", D = 9.22 mm; Fig. 31: NMBE 515656, Greece, Makedonía, N boundary of Taxiárhis (small rounded form), D = 8.66 mm; Fig. 32: NMBE 515655, Greece, Makedonía, 400 m S of Kehrókambos (broad form, wide umbilicus), D = 9.75 mm. — All photos Neubert/Bochud, × 3. Details of body (according to 14 animals from 10.5 km N of Vorinó/3, Kéla/2, Taxiárhis/6, and 2.5 km of Paleá Kavála towards Korifés/3): head and dorsum light brown to grey, lateral side of body brighter; sole cream with brownish lateral rims; mantle with a pattern of dispersed, irregularly arranged, dark-grey spots covering the last 1–1½ whorls, often with a broad brown area on the last half of the last whorl; ureter opens 0.5–1.5 mm from the pneumostome. Morphology of the genital organs ( Fig. 14 ): penis long, slightly enlarged, penial glandular tissue covers ca 1/3–1/6 of the total penis length, penial lumen narrow, with two equally sized pilasters, starting at the distal penial wall and stretching to at least half of the penis length, a third usually shorter and sometimes completely missing pilaster, and sometimes with short perpendicular folds between the pilasters; vagina short, glandula usually of the same length as bursa copulatrix with a scarcely folded part, pedunculus and vesicle of bursa copulatrix not observably differentiated; atrial lumen with a large, broad and flat, serrated pilaster leading towards the vaginal lumen, usually with another narrow fold in parallel. Differential diagnosis: Large specimens of L. girva are quite similar to small shells of L. lens (= lentiformis sensu auct.), which can be found in Viotía, Fthiótida and on the Island Évvia. This form of L. lens , however, differs from L. girva by having a blunt peripheral keel, a flatter spire, and continuous acute radial riblets; in lateral view, its aperture is less strongly curved, its upper part not narrowed by the labial callus, as it is found in L. girva . In the genital morphology, L. lens has a relatively shorter penis, but a longer part of it is covered by the glandular tissue, and the pilasters in its penial lumen are usually shorter. On average, shells of L. pirinensis are larger than those of L. girva . In this species, the shell surface is covered with finer and more regularly arranged radial riblets, its hairs are longer but are lost more easily; in lateral view, its aperture is less strongly curved and lipped. In the genital morphology, L. pirinensis differs in the form of one of the penial pilasters, which is recurved and points back towards the distal penial wall. Lindholmiola girva has often been confused with L. corcyrensis , which is larger on average. In this species, the teleoconch whorls are more rounded with a blunt periphery. The radial riblets are more irregularly arranged, and the last whorl is broader. The umbilicus is oval in both species, but in L. corcyrensis , it is more eccentric. Both species can easily be separated by the form of their penial pilasters, which consist of small v-shaped folds in L. corcyrensis instead of the longitudinal pilasters in L. girva . Type specimens: " Albanien ", UTM n. det., syntype girva : SMF 7047/1 ; "...a "Balkány" hegyeinek aljasabb domboldalaiban" (see remarks). Additional specimens examined: Moldavia , Kodry (= Codrii , Chodrii ) reservat (= 30 km WNW of Chişinau ), UTM PN 01 , 47 .08°N 28.42°E, leg. Mészáros 14–20.7.1986 , HNHM 23876 /1. Romania , Craiova , UTM GQ 20 , 44 .30°N 23.80°E, leg. Knorr , 1940, SMF 279320 /2 ; Slobozia (= Slobosia ), UTM MJ 15 , 43 .85°N 25.91°E, leg. Wohlberedt , 1903, SMF 101903 /3 ; BucurestiBăneasa , UTM MJ 27 , 44 .49°N 26.08°E, leg. Grossu , 18.5.1964 , SMF 227417 /5 ; Comana (= near Bucureşti ), UTM MJ 39 , 44 .16°N 26.14°E, leg. Wohlberedt , 1903, SMF 101902 /3 ; Kuznetzov 11.1985, Maa /2 ; Bucureşti (= Bukarest ), UTM n. det., SMF 101904 /3, 284877/4 ; Fundeni (= Fundiaeni ), UTM MK 41 , 44 .38°N 26.35°E, leg. Goldfuss , 1884, SMF 284862 /1 ; Căldărusani monastery (= Caldarouchani ), UTM MK 44 , 44 .6761°N 26.2665°E, leg. Licherdopol , 1901, SMF 101925 /4 ; Adamclisi (= Adamklissi ), UTM NJ 78 , 44 .08°N 27.94°E, leg. Martens 2.7.1918 , SMF 284835 /1 ; Mangalia , UTM PJ 25 , 43 .83°N 28.58°E, leg. Montandon , 1902, SMF 101924 /4 ; forest S of Babadag , UTM PK 37 , 44 .88°N 28.71°E, 7.6.1938 , SMF 207889 /2. Fyrom , Katlanovo, UTM EM 53, 41.89°N 21.68°E, leg. Maassen 7.1980, Maa /3 ; leg. Kiss & Pintér 4.7.1985 , HNHM 30857 /5 (+ 1 pirinensis ) ; Demir Kapija , UTM FL 08 , 41 .40°N 22.23°E, leg. Brankovics 2.5.1973 , HNHM 49541 /5 ; leg. Kiss & Pintér 4.7.1986 , HNHM 29884 /1 (juv.) ; Demir Kapija , banks of Vardar River , UTM FL 08 , 41 .40°N 22.25°E, leg. Mikuska & Sipos 28–30.9.1975 , HNHM 49538 /3 + 1 (juv.), 49539/9 + 3 (juv.) ; gorge 3.5 km from Demir Kapija direction Gevgelija , banks of Vardar River , on limestone rocks, UTM FL 08 , 41 .40°N 22.30°E, leg. Maassen 7.1980, Maa /24 + 2 (juv.) ; leg. Subai 28.7.1990 , S 15637 /7 ; Stari Dojran , church ruins, UTM FL 46 , 41 .17°N 22.72°E, leg. Neuteboom 15.7.1976 , NNM/19 . Bulgaria , Kostinbrod near Sofija , UTM FN 84 , 42 .81°N 23.22°E, leg. Mészáros 9.1981, HNHM 13871 /1 (juv.) (+ 1 pirinensis ) ; [Gara] Lakatnik , UTM FN 97 , 43 .08°N 23.38°E, leg. Pintér 5.8.1981 , HNHM 33702 /3 + 2 (juv.) ; 2.5 km from [Gara] Lakatnik towards Milanovo , UTM FN 97 , 43 .10°N 23.39°E, leg. Kiss & Pintér 15.7.1984 , HNHM 37469 /1 (juv.) ; between Bačkovo and Dobrostan [ Mountain ], UTM LG 24 , 41 .95°N 24.86°E, leg. Pintér 17.7.1970 , HNHM 33700 /1 (juv.) ; Asenovgrad , UTM LG 25 , 42 .00°N 24.86°E, leg. Pintér 25.7.1967 , SMF , 198754/1 ; Karlovo , UTM LH 22 , 42 .65°N 24.81°E, leg. Pintér 28.7.1967 , HNHM 33697 /1 + 1 (juv.) ; Šipka Pass , UTM LH 63 , 42 .73°N 25.34°E, leg. Pintér 13.7.1973 , HNHM 49536 /1 ; Ropotamo Bank , Arkutino Camping , sand dune, UTM NG 67 , 42 .32°N 27.73°E, leg. Szigethy 4.7.1973 , HNHM 49550 /1 ; Madara bei Šumen , UTM NH 09 , 43 .27°N 27.10°E, leg. Kroupa 6.8.1978 , SMF 254021 /14 ; N border of Beloslav (= W of Varna ), UTM NH 58 , 43 .20°N 27.70°E, leg. Pintér , 19.7.1968 , HNHM 33698 /61 + 13 (juv.) ; Kamcija (= S of Varna ), UTM NH 76 , 43 .02°N 27.88°E, leg. Pintér 16.7.1968 , HNHM 33695 /8 + 5 (juv.) ; Galata (= S of Varna ), UTM NH 77 , 43 .16°N 27.93°E, 1936, SMF 101927 /2 ; Varna , UTM NH 78 , SMF 284872 /2 ; leg. Urbanski 8.1936, SMF 158897 /8 ; Varna , coast, UTM NH 78 , 43 .20°N 27.92°E, leg. Balogh 20.6.1956 , HNHM 33701 /2 ; Aladža monastery (= N of Varna ), UTM NH 89 , 43 .27°N 28.01°E, leg. Podani 9.8.1980 , HNHM 11641 /1. Greece , Makedonía , in dry valley at NW border of Kéla , on limestone rocks, 820 m alt., UTM EL 51 , 40 .3482°N 21.7730°E, leg. Subai & Szekeres , 19.05.1997 , S 15677 /3 + 3 (alk.) ; 2 km S of Vévi (= 17.5 km ESE of Flórina ), 900 m alt., UTM EL 51 , 40 .74°N 21.61°E, leg. Gittenberger & Uit de Weerd 10.5.2000 , NNM/1 ; rocks 11 roadkm. of Kéla (= 24 km W of Édessa ), 650 m alt., UTM EL 61 , 40 .81°N 21.78°E, leg. Gittenberger & Uit de Weerd 11.5.2000 , NNM/6 ; 1.5 km S of Árnissa , on dry limestone rocks, 520 m alt., UTM EL 71 , 40 .7775°N 21.8352°E, leg. Subai 09.05.1995 , S 15648 /15 + 1 (alk.) ; in valley behind Loutráki village , on marble rocks, 350 m alt., UTM EL 73 , 40 .9769°N 21.9454°E, leg. Subai & Szekeres , 19.05.1997 , S15676 /25 ; 8 km N of Édessa (= Édessa–Ápsalos country road), 3.8 roadkm. N of Sotíra , on rocks at S rim oft he road, 180 m alt., UTM EL 82 , 40 .88°N 22.05°E, leg. Gittenberger & Uit de Weerd 10.5.2000 , NNM/2 ; gorge 2 km N of Neohóri (= NE of Aridéa ), on limestone rocks, 250 m alt., UTM EL 94 , 41 .0475°N 22.0916°E, leg. Subai 09.05.1995 , S 15649 /1 ; valley 10.5 km N of Vorinó (= direction Pefkotó ) and 1 km walking path to limestone rocks, 850 m alt., UTM EL 94 , 41 .0846°N 22.0849°E, leg. Subai & Szekeres , 19.05.1997 , S 15675 /21 + 3 (alk.) ; above Nótia , on dry limestone rocks, 650 m alt., UTM FL 05 , 41 .1072°N 22.2115°E, leg. Subai 09.05.1995 , S 15650 /6 ; on limestone rocks 200 m N of Nótia , 600 m alt., UTM FL 05 , 41 .10°N 22.20°E, leg. Gittenberger & Uit de Weerd 10.5.2000 , NNM/3 ; gorge at N border of Gríva , on limestone rocks, 480 m alt., UTM FL 13 , 40 .9574°N 22.4055°E, leg. Subai 09.05.1995 , S 15647 /12 ; 500 m W of Gríva (= WSW of Axioúpoli ), on limestone rocks, 540 m alt., UTM FL 13 , 40 .9562°N 22.4009°E, leg. Subai & Szekeres 20.05.1997 , S 15683 /4 + 1 (alk.) ; bifurcation of highway Rendina–Asproválta to Stavrós , on crystalline rocks, 15 m alt., UTM GL 20 , 40 .6728°N 23.6633°E, leg. Subai 28.05.1997 , S 15660 /2 ; mountain slope N of Podohóri , on limestone rocks, 450 m alt., UTM KF 42 , 40 .8473°N 24.0249°E, leg. Subai 27.05.1997 , S 15672 /15 + 3 (juv.) ; Mesorópi (= W of Kavála ), UTM KF 52 , 40 .86°N 24.08°E, leg. Maassen 7.1980, Maa /1 ; Kokkinohóri , UTM KF 52 , 40 .81°N 24.00°E, leg. Neuteboom 11.7.1976 , NNM/2 (juv., alk.) ; on rocks E of Platantopos (= " Platanohóri "?), UTM KF 52 , 40 .84°N 24.06°E, leg. Neuteboom 11.7.1976 , NNM/6 ; E border of Mousthéni , on low limestone rocks, 175 m alt., UTM KF 52 , 40 .8566°N 24.1137°E, leg. Subai 06.05.1995 , S 15658 /7 + 3 (alk.) ; on marble rocks 1 km from Platanótopos direction Eleftheroupoli (= 4.7 km NE of Podohóri ), 280 m alt., UTM KF 52 , 40 .8524°N 24.0717°E, leg. Subai 27.05.1997 , S 15671 /3 ; Simvolo Mountains , 1.2 km from Sidirohóri direction Foliá (= W of Karavangélis ), on limestone rocks, 250 m alt., UTM KF 52 , 40 .8380°N 24.1375°E, leg. Subai 27.05.1997 , S 15670 /2 ; 1 km NE of Akrovoúni , 180 m alt., UTM KF 52 , 40 .90°N 24.21°E, leg. Gittenberger & Uit de Weerd , 18.5.1999 , NNM/3 ; small gorge at S border of Nikíssiani , 350 m alt., UTM KF 53 , 40 .9467°N 24.1439°E, leg. Fauer & Subai 22.09.1989 , S 15656 /1 ; beech forest 7.5 km from Akrovouni direction Pangéo peak, in leaf litter and under stones, 480 m alt., UTM KF 53 , 40 .9237°N 24.2178°E, leg. Subai 27.05.1997 , S 15669 /4 + 1 (juv.) + 2 (alk.) ; river valley 8 km from Akrovouni direction Pangéo peak, in forest, on limestone rocks, 600 m alt., UTM KF 53 , 40 .9210°N 24.2060°E, leg. Fauer & Subai 23.09.1989 , S 15641 /6 ; oak forest 11.6 km from Akrovouni direction Pangéo peak, on limestone rocks, 900 m alt., UTM KF 53 , 40 .9171°N 24.1906°E, leg. Fauer & Subai 23.09.1989 , S 15642 /2 ; river valley 12.3 km from Akrovouni direction Pangéo peak, on limestone rocks, 950 m alt., UTM KF 53 , 40 .9222°N 24.1876°E, leg. Fauer & Subai 23.09.1989 , S 15643 /2 ; 17.8 km from Akrovouni direction Pangéo peak, on NW exposed limestone rocks, 1280 m alt., UTM KF 53 , 40 .9147°N 24.1465°E, leg. Fauer & Subai 23.09.1989 , S 15644 /2 ; 22.7 km from Akrovouni direction Pangéo peak, on limestone rocks, 1600 m alt., UTM KF 53 , 40 .9079°N 24.1176°E, leg. Fauer & Subai 23.09.1989 , S 15645 /1 ; 25.2 km from Akrovouni direction Pangéo peak, meadow with limestone rocks below the peak, 1780 m alt., UTM KF 53 , 40 .9113°N 24.0973°E, leg. Fauer & Subai 23.09.1989 , S 15646 /2 ; 2.5 km of Pangéo peak, 1650 m alt., UTM KF 53 , 40 .91°N 24.10°E, leg. Gittenberger & Uit de Weerd , 18.5.1999 , NNM/1 ; 4.5 km of Pangéo peak, 1400 m alt., UTM KF 53 , 40 .90°N 24.12°E, leg. Gittenberger & Uit de Weerd , 18.5.1999 , NNM/2 ; mountain slope 4.5 km W of the bifurcation to Loutrá Eleftheró (= 48 km W of Kavála ), on limestone rocks, 30 m alt., UTM KF 51 , 40 .7211°N 24.0601°E, leg. Fauer & Subai 21.09.1989 , S 15659 /22 ; N border of Taxiárhis , under crystalline stones, 500 m alt., UTM KF 66 , 41 .2328°N 24.1888°E, leg. Subai 22.05.1997 , S 15679 /5 + 8 (alk.) ; Batis , UTM KF 73 , 40 .91°N 24.37°E, leg. Neuteboom 12.7.1976 , NNM/1 ; ruin field of Philippi near Krinídes , UTM KF 74 , 41 .01°N 24.28°E, leg. Neuteboom 12.7.1976 , NNM/1 (juv.) ; leg. Maassen 7.1980, Maa /9 + 2 + 3 (juv.) ; leg. Kiss & Pintér 7.7.1986 , HNHM 29882 /2 ; 5 km from Limnia direction Zigós , on low limestone rocks and under stones, 730 m alt., KF 74 , 41 .0589°N 24.3816°E, leg. Subai 26.05.1997 , S 15667 /1 ; 1 km W of Peristéria (= direction Adriani ), on limestone rocks, approx. 400 m alt., UTM KF 75 , 41 .1177°N 24.3837°E, leg. Subai 23.05.1997 , S 15673 /2 ; 1.3 km from Agorá direction Peristéria , on limestone rocks, approx. 380 m alt., UTM KF 75 , 41 .1165°N 24.3244°E, leg. Subai 23.05.1997 , S 15674 /1 ; 1 km E of Nikifóros , UTM KF 76 , 40 .17°N 24.33°E, leg. Kiss & Pintér 5.7.1986 , HNHM 29886 /1 ; in Makriplágio Village , beech forest and border of forest with stone walls, under stones and in leaf litter, on crystalline rocks, 880 m alt., UTM KF 76 , 41 .2267°N 24.2713°E, leg. Subai 22.05.1997 , S 15680 /11 ; beech forest 3.2 km N of Makriplágio (along the highway), under stones, in leaf litter, crystalline rocks, 900 m alt., UTM KF 76 , 41 .2350°N 24.2945°E, leg. Subai 22.05.1997 , S 15678 /1 + 1 (juv) + 1 (alk.) ; Kavála , citadel, UTM KF 83 , 40 .93°N 24.41°E, leg. Maassen 7.1980, Maa /7 + 1 (juv.) ; 2 km E of Kavála , UTM KF 83 , 40 .95°N 24.45°E, leg. Maassen 7.1980, Maa /1 ; 2.5 km from Paleá Kavála direction Korifés , on low limestone rocks and under stones, 500 m alt., UTM KF 84 , 41 .0170°N 24.4388°E, leg. Subai 07.05.1995 , S 15651 /15 + 3 (alk.) ; 3 km W of Paleá Kavála , on limestone rocks above the river, 200 m alt., UTM KF 84 , 41 .0009°N 24.3934°E, leg. Subai 07.05.1995 , S 15654 /1 ; 4.2 km from Paleá Kavála direction Halkeró, S exposed mountain slope, on limestone rocks, 440 m alt., UTM KF 84 , 40 .9994°N 24.4273°E, leg. Subai 26.05.1997 , S 15664 /1 ; on limestone rocks at SE border of Likóstomo , 740 m alt., UTM KF 85 , 41 .1078°N 24.4424°E, leg. Subai 26.05.1997 , S 15668 /7 ; 4 km from Platamónas direction Lekáni , 720 m alt., UTM KF 95 , 41 .1149°N 24.5478°E, leg. Subai 07.05.1995 , S 15655 /4 + 3 (alk.) ; 800 m W of Dipótamos , on limestone rocks beside highway, 690 m alt., UTM KF 95 , 41 .1196°N 24.5762°E, leg. Subai 26.05.1997 , S 15663 /8 ; on low marble rocks at Disvato Village , under stones and in leaf litter, 450 m alt., UTM KF 95 , 41 .0681°N 24.5713°E, leg. Subai 26.05.1997 , S 15665 /5 + 1 (juv.) ; stone hedge in valley of two mountains 1 km from Ágios Kosmás direction Makrihóri , 380 m alt., UTM LF 04 , 41 .0783°N 24.6536°E, leg. Subai 26.05.1997 , S 15662 /1 ; 1 km N of Zarkadia (= 1.3 km along the road), UTM LF 04 , 41 .02°N 24.63°E, leg. Gittenberger 29.5.1999 , NNM/2 ; limestone mountain approx. 2.5 km NNE of Zarkadía (along the road), 450 m alt., UTM LF 04 , 41 .0288°N 24.6417°E, leg. Kiss & Pintér 7.7.1986 , HNHM 29885 /6 + 2 (juv.) ; leg. Fauer & Subai 22.9.1989 , S 15657 /2 ; Subai 7.5.1995 , S 15653 /4 ; 400 m S of Kehrókambos , under (lime) stones, 390 m alt., UTM LF 05 , 41 .1514°N 24.6454°E, leg. Subai 07.05.1995 , S 15652 /3 ; small river gorge 4.1 km from Kehrókambos direction Makrihóri , stone hedge, under stones, 485 m alt., UTM LF 05 , 41 .1292°N 24.6448°E, leg. Subai 26.05.1997 , S 15666 /1 ; 7.2 km from Kehrókambos direction Makrihóri , at crossing to Skopós , under stones, 550 m alt., UTM LF 05 , 41 .1043°N 24.6392°E, leg. Subai 26.05.1997 , S 15661 /1. — Thráki , gorge at N border of Xánthi , UTM LF 25 , 41 .14°N 24.88°E, leg. Maassen 7.1980, Maa /2 ; surroundings of the cave of Marónia (= NW of Marónia ), UTM LF 73 , 40 .8900°N 25.5560°E, leg. Subai 25.07.1990 , S 15639 /13 ; mountain at sea shore 6.8 km W of Díkella , on limestone rocks, approx. 30 m alt., UTM LF 82 , 40 .8631°N 25.6399°E, leg. Subai 26.07.1990 , S 15640 /1. — Thássos Island , N of Skála Marió , UTM KF 90 , 40 .64°N 24.51°E, leg. Kiss & Pintér 6.7.1986 , HNHM 29881 /4 + 1 (juv.) ; narrow (partim) of a valley 2.8 km NE of Theológos , on marble rocks, 530 m alt., UTM LF 00, 40.6696°N 24.7329°E, leg. Subai 25.07.1990 , S 15932 /1 ; Thássos Liménas , amphitheater, UTM LF 01 , 40 .7818°N 24.7174°E, leg. Neuteboom 13.7.1976 , NNM/4 (alk.) ; between Thássos Liménas and Pahí (= 5 km W of Thássos Liménas ), UTM LF 01 , 40 .787°N 24.66°E, leg. Neuteboom 13.7.1976 , NNM/1 . Erroneous or imprecise localities: " Albanien " UTM n. id., 284847/2, 284869/1; "Rumälien" UTM n. id., HNHM 49547/1+1 (juv.), SMF 284868/3. Remarks: According to Frivaldszky (1835: 274) , this species was collected "at low hill slopes in the mountains of the Balkan". In his introduction Frivaldszky explains that the specimens were collected by colleagues from the surroundings of "Szlivno" (= Sliven , Bulgaria ). Today, there is only a single specimen left from the collections of Frivaldszky, i.e. SMF 7047/1 (in coll. Rossmässler), which is here considered a syntype . This specimen is small, rounded, and has a weak denticle on the upper part of the lip. The label states " Albanien ", but according to Zilch (pers. comm..), this label was written by Kobelt. Three other specimens in SMF (SMF 284847/2 and 284869/1) are also said to originate from Albania but stem from Stenz, and thus do not represent type material. Lindholmiola girva shows only a small degree of shell variability. There are two forms, which occur in parallel in many populations and are always connected by intergrading specimens. The first form has rounded small shells with a narrow umbilicus, while the other form is more flattened with a slightly larger umbilicus. Distribution ( Fig 29 ): Lindholmiola girva can be found in quite a large area in the northeastern Balkan Peninsula. It can be found in southern Moldavia , southern and southeastern Rumania and it is widespread in Bulgaria and northern Greece . It has also been recorded from the valley of the Vardar in Fyrom.