Revision of the genus Lindholmiola HESSE, 1931 (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Helicodontidae) Author Subai, Peter Author Neubert, Eike text Contributions to Natural History 2014 2014-04-03 23 1 94 journal article 2630 10.5169/seals-787037 d0b846f5-0d3d-4b6d-abb4-80bc84528180 2624-9170 5842342 Lindholmiola gyria ( ROTH, 1839 ) Figs 33–34 , 35 , 44 1839 Helix gyria ROTH , Molluscorum species, quas in itinere per Orientem facto comites clariss. Schubert doctores M. Erdl et J. R. Roth collegerunt: 16, Taf. 1 Fig. 17–18 . 1846 Helix gyria , – L. Pfeiffer, in: Martini & Chemnitz: Systematisches Conchylien-Cabinet, 1. 12 (II): 283, Taf. 124 Fig. 31–33 . 1848 Helix gyria , – L. Pfeiffer, Monographia heliceorum viventium, 1: 414. 1853 Helix gyria , – L. Pfeiffer, Monographia heliceorum viventium, 3: 261. 1868 Helix gyria , – L. Pfeiffer, Monographia heliceorum viventium, 4: 312. 1859 Helix gyria , – Mousson, Vierteljahrsschrift der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Zürich , 4: 259. 1868 Helix gyria , – L. Pfeiffer, Monographia heliceorum viventium, 5: 415. 1876 Helix gyria , – L. Pfeiffer, Monographia heliceorum viventium, 7: 466. 1887 Helix gyria , – Tryon, Manual of Conchology, 3: 177. 1889 Helix ( Caracolina ) gyria , – Westerlund, Fauna, 2: 20. 1894 Helix ( Caracollina ) gyria , – Pilsbry, in Tryon, Manual of Conchology, 9: 228. Figs 33–34. Lindholmiola gyria . Fig. 33: syntype Helix gyria , ZSM 1781 , Turkey, "Cacamo Cariae", D = 14.9 mm; Fig. 34: NMBE 515613, Turkey, Vilayet Antalya, Phaselis, ruins close to Tekirova, D = 13.68 mm. — All photos Neubert/Bochud, × 3. 1898 Helix ( Gonostoma ) gyria , – Kobelt, in Rossmässler, E. A.: Iconographie der Land- & Süsswasser-Mollusken mit vorzüglicher Berücksichtigung der europäischen noch nicht abgebildeten Arten, (2) 8 (1/4): 53, Taf. 226 Fig. 1447. 1918 Caracollina gyria , – Hesse, Nachrichtsblatt der Deutschen Malakozoologischen Gesellschaft, 50: 109. 1991 Helicodonta gyria gyria , – Maassen, Basteria 55: 123, Fig. 1–3 . Diagnosis: shell strongly depressed, protoconch and first teleoconch whorls slightly immersed, whorls densely coiled, extremely long bursa copulatrix. Description of shell: shell strongly depressed, protoconch and first teleoconch whorls slightly immersed, basic shell colour brown; initial part of protoconch whorls smooth, followed by 1–1¼ whorls with a pattern of a few fine radial stripes; the following teleoconch whorls with increasingly stronger radial stripes, but almost lacking on the last whorls; surface of the last whorl covered by a fine granulation; sometimes with hairs, hair warts can be found in the granulated surface sculpture; 6¼–7¼, densely coiled and well rounded whorls, last whorl slightly descending before the aperture; suture deep; umbilicus broad, almost cylindrical, reaching a diameter of 2.8–3.3 mm ; aperture oblique, slightly bent in lateral view, and strongly ear-like in frontal view; apertural insertion with a distance of 4.2–5.3 mm , connected by a very thin, almost indiscernible callus; peristomial rim ± sharp, laterally with a strong swelling, basally reinforced with a small umbilical shield. Measurements: H: 5.3–6.4; D: 12.3–15; aH: 4.4–5.5 (5.6–6.6); aW: 5.8–6.9. Details of body (after one specimen from Phaselis): head and dorsum dark grey, flanks and tail light grey; sole cream with a greyish rim; mantle collar translucent with grey spots of pigment; secondary ureter opens 1.5 mm apart from the respiratory pore. Morphology of the genital organs ( Fig. 44 ): penis relatively long, slightly enlarged in its central part, penial glandular tissue covering ca 1/4 of the total penis length, penial lumen filled by a single, broad and serrated pilaster, starting at the distal penial wall and stretching to the narrow penial pore, where it recurves and ends centrally in the penis, remaining penial lumen with short perpendicular folds; vagina relatively long, filled with a long, narrow pilaster connecting to one of the atrial pilasters, glandula with a short stalk and a strongly folded part, bursa copulatrix three times the length of the glandula, bursa copulatrix narrow, same length as glandula, pedunculus reaching ca 40% of the total length of the bursa copulatrix, vesicle of bursa copulatrix elongate, double the diameter of the pedunculus; atrial lumen with several broad and short interdigitating pilasters. Differential diagnosis: The shell of L. gyria with its broad last whorl and the slightly concave spire resembles that of Helicodonta obvoluta , and thus cannot be confused with any of the other species of the genus Lindholmiola . The extremely long bursa copulatrix differentiates it from all its congeners. Type specimens: Turkey , Antalya County , Kekova Island , " Cacamo Cariae ", 36.17°N 29.87°E , syntype gyria : ZSM 1781 . Additional specimens examined: Turkey , Antalya County , Kekova Island (= Cacamo Cariae , 20 km E of Kaş ), UTM QA 50 /60, 36.17°N 29.87°E, ( Roth, 1839: 16 , Maassen , 1991: 124) ; rocks NW of lake near Beymelek (= 9 km as the crow flies WSW of Finike ), UTM TF 31 , 36 .2726°N 30.0456°E, leg. Welter-Schultes 27.9.1998 , coll. Welter-Schultes /1 ; Karamanbeyli pass near Finike (= Phinika Pass), UTM TF 43 , 36 .54°N 29.98°E, SMF 284853 /1 ; forest in gorge of Kemer creek (= W of Kemer ), UTM TF 75 , 36 .5943°N 30.5049°E, (Maassen, 1991: 124) ; Phaselis, ruins near Tekirova (= 10 km S of Kemer ), UTM TF 84 , 36 .4704°N 30.5131°E, ( Maassen , 1991: 124) ; leg. Subai 26.2.1999 , S 16083 /17 + 7 (juv.) + 1 (alk.). Fig. 35. Distribution of Lindholmiola gyria . Remarks: This species is probably endangered, because even empty shells are very rare. In February 1999 , it took several hours until the only hitherto known living specimen could be found close to Phaselis. The anatomical investigation revealed that it belongs to Lindholmiola and not to Helicodonta . In 1991 (p. 124, Fig. 4–6 ), Maassen described Helicodonta gyria wilhelminae from Crete , which is considered an endemic Helicodonta species. Distribution ( Fig 35 ): This species is only known from a small coastal stripe in the south-western part of the vilayet Antalya . The distribution range covers the Island Kekova (= E of Kaş) and the surroundings of Kemer to Phaselis.