2699 Author Brown, Brian V. Author Kung, Giar-Ann text Zootaxa 2010 2010-12-03 2699 1 142 journal article 1175­5334 Dohrniphora uniplicata sp. n. ( Figs 217–218 , 302 ) Species recognition. This species closely resembles D. luteicincta , but has only a single white membranous area and the group of peglike setae does not taper distally. It is also similar to D. notoplicata , which has a more pointed flagellomere 1 and the distalmost peglike setae dorsally removed from the ventral margin. Description. Body length: 1.66–1.78 mm . Head: Frons dark brown, second row of setae slightly concave. Flagellomere 1 oval, elongate, bluntly pointed, brown, lighter mediobasally. Palpus of normal size, yellow. Thorax: Scutum brown. Scutellum brown, with 2 pairs of setae; anterior seta two-thirds length of posterior seta. Pleuron with proepisternum and dorsum of anepisternum dark brown, rest of pleuron whitish-yellow. Mean costal length 0.54 wing length, range 0.53–0.54. Halter yellow. Legs yellowish-brown. Forecoxa in lateral view yellow. Foretibia with 4 dorsal setae. Foretarsomeres slender, elongate. Midcoxa light brown. Hind coxa yellow. Hind coxal lobe yellow, short, truncate. Posterior face of hind femur with elongate basal group of peglike setae up to four deep; slightly more distally with single large rounded carinate white membranous area ( Figs 217–218 , 302 ). Abdomen: Abdominal tergite 1 yellow, tergites 2–6 with tergite 2 yellow anteriorly and brown posteriorly; subsequent tergites with decreasing yellow areas. Venter of abdomen whitish-yellow, with few setae, larger on posterior margin of segment 5. Male terminalia dark brown, except cercus yellow. Distribution. Known from a single site in Costa Rica . Derivation of specific epithet. From Latin for “one-folded”, referring to the single looplike carina distal of the peglike setae. Holotype . , COSTA RICA : Puntarenas : 24 km W Pan American Hwy [= 24 km W Chacarita ], iii– iv.1989 , P. Hanson , I. Gauld , Malaise trap [ LACM ENT 098247 ] ( LACM ). Paratypes . 2♂ , same data as holotype ( LACM ) .