Revision of the Rhyacophila stigmatica Species Group in Turkey with descriptions of three new species (Trichoptera, Rhyacophilidae)
Sipahiler, Füsun
journal article
Rhyacophila torulensis
sp. n.
(Figures 21–29)
, Gümüşhane, Torul, Örümcek Forest,
1550 m
leg. Sipahiler coll. MNB (CD: A-533).
(all leg. and coll. Sipahiler): Same collection data as
1 male
1 female
(CD: A-533); Giresun, Bektaş Yaylası, Kulakkaya direction, Üççeşme,
1500 m
1 male
(CD: A-857); same place,
1 male
(CD: A-888); Trabzon, Maçka, Sumela,
1200 m
1 male
4 females
(CD: A-795); Ordu, Yukarıtepe, 21–27.
males (CD: A-19); Ordu,
25 km
south of Gölköy, Bayırköy,
1 male
(CD: A-841); Giresun, Uzundere, Şebinkarahisar direction,
1590 m
4 males
4 females
(CD: A-854); Giresun, Tamdere, Uzundere direction,
1605 m
3 males
4 females
(CD-A899); Giresun, Kümbet, Yaġlıdere direction, Çıkrıkkapı,
1341 m
1 male
(CD: A-890); Samsun, Salıpazarı, south,
700 m
3 males
(CD: A-912); Samsun, Çarşamba, Terme Stream, (light),
1 female
(CD: A-921).
Rhyacophila torulensis
, male genitalia. 21, left lateral, with left inferior appendage absent, revealing mesal surface of right inferior appendage; 22, dorsal; 23, segment X, caudal; 24, phallic apparatus, left lateral; 25, phallic apparatus, dorsal. a.s = anal sclerite; b.t.c = basal tendon of a coxopodite; cox = coxopodite (first article of an inferior appendage, paired); d.l.s = dorsal lobe of segment IX; d.p.p = dorsal process of phallotheca (paired); har = harpago (second article of an inferior appendage, paired); par = paramere; phal = phallotheca; phalc = phallicata; s.a.t = sclerotized area with tubercles; sb = sclerotized band (paired); s.IX = abdominal segment IX; s.X = abdominal segment X.
FIGURES 26–29.
Rhyacophila torulensis
sp. n.
, female genitalia. 26, segment VIII, left lateral; 27, segment VIII, dorsal; 28, segment VIII, ventral; 29, bursa copulatrix, left lateral. a.p.b.c = anterior process of bursa copulatrix; m.l = mesal posteroventral lobe of venter VIII; p.p.b.c = posterior process of bursa copulatrix; s.VIII = abdominal segment VIII.
General description.
Antennae, palps, legs and wings in alcohol dark brown; length of each anterior wing of male 8–8.5 mm (n=5), that of female
9 mm
Male genitalia
(Figs. 21–25): Segment IX with dorsomedian lobe. In dorsal view sclerotized bands articulating on segment X sinuous and touching apically, segment X quadrate with smooth apical edges (Fig. 22); in lateral view sclerotized bands curved slightly dorsad and segment X hatchet-shaped with acute dorsal and ventral corners and convex apical edge (Fig. 21); in caudal view side margins of segment X convex laterally and sinuate mesally with narrow vertical setose ridge (Fig. 23). In lateral view apical edge of basal tendon of each coxopodite convex and anteroventral edge straight (Fig. 21). In lateral view dorsolateral processes of phallotheca each with broad subtriangular basal portion having blunt dorsal corner and ventral edge prolonged as long and narrow projection apically blunt in lateral view (Fig. 24) and acute and pointed posterolaterad in dorsal view (Fig. 25); dorsomedian sclerotized area of phallicata with pair of rounded protrusions bearing small tubercles and spines (Figs. 24, 25); paramere broad, almost parallel-sided, its apex somewhat rounded, bearing row of 30 long plumose spines.
Female genitalia
Figs. 26–29
): Sclerotized part of segment VIII elongate, in lateral view about 1.3 times as long ventrally as tall anteriorly; apical edges each sinuate toward longer ventromesal lobe (
Fig. 26
); dorsal margin concave in dorsal view (
Fig. 27
); ventromesal lobe convex, short and broad, 4 times broader than long (
Fig. 28
). Bursa copulatrix long, in lateral view anterior process oval, posterior process almost equal in width, slightly narrowing toward apex (
Fig. 29
Rhyacophila torulensis
sp. n.
closely resembles
R. zwickorum
The following main differences are seen in the male genitalia: In
R. torulensis
sp. n.
the basal tendon of each coxopodite is the shape of a large plate, without a hook-shaped projection on the apicoventral corner; in lateral view the subtriangular basal half of each dorsolateralal processes of the phallotheca are rounded dorsally and the apices of the prolongations are curved slightly dorsad and blunt, the paramere is rather broad and its apex is straight. In
R. zwickorum
the basal tendon is narrow, with a hook-shaped projection on the apicoventral corner, in lateral view the subtriangular basal half of the dorsolateral process is acute dorsally and the apex of the prolongation is straight and pointed, and the slender paramere is dilated and oval at the apex.
This species is named after the place near where the
specimens were collected.