Notes on the scorpions (Arachnida, Scorpiones) from Xizang with the redescription of Scorpiops jendeki Kovarik, 2000 (Scorpiones, Euscorpiidae) from Yunnan (China) Author Di, Zhiyong Author Xu, Xiaobo Author Cao, Zhijian Author Wu, Yingliang Author Li, Wenxin text ZooKeys 2013 301 51 99 journal article 1313-2970-301-51 Scorpiops hardwickii (Gervais, 1843) Scorpiops hardwickii : Kovarik , 2000b: 175-179, figs 14, 46, 56, 57. Scorpiops hardwickii hardwickii :Fet, 2000d: 492. Materials reported. 1 male, 3 females and 3 juveniles, China, Xizang, Nyainqentangha Mts, Lhasa, 3800m, V. Major leg. FKCP. Distribution. Lhasa, Xizang (China); (Himachal, Uttar, Jammu, Kashmir, Punjab) India; Nepal; Pakistan. Comments. The list of Scorpiops hardwickii (Gervais, 1843) "complex" , provided by Kovarik & Ahmed (2009: 10) , containing 12 species widely distributed in Asia. Di et al. (2011a) summarized the characters of Scorpiops hardwickii "complex" : (1) color red brown to dark brown; (2) total length about 45-80 mm in adults; (3) fingers of pedipalps very strongly flexed (curved) in males, slightly flexed (undulated) in females; (4) ventral trichobothria on patella number 6-8; (5) pectinal teeth number 4-9; (6) length/width ratio of chela about 1.8-2.1; (7) fulcra absent; (8) patella with two small spinoid granules on the internal aspect.