Review of the Blastobasinae of Costa Rica (Lepidoptera: Gelechioidea: Blastobasidae) Author Adamski, David text Zootaxa 2013 3618 1 1 223 journal article 39040 10.11646/zootaxa.3618.1.1 d2a7d193-4512-4565-a56e-49034dcf6101 1175-5326 247396 B548B139-E8D9-4F10-956E-E0001E6C7586 Hallicis bisetosellus Adamski , new species ( Figs. 1 , 57–58 , 251 , 315 , Map 2) Diagnosis.— Hallicis bisetosellus is similar to H. calviculus in facies but differs from the latter by having a larger uncus. In addition, H. bisetosellus has an emarginate posteroventral margin of the gnathos; a broadly curved apical process of the ventral part of the valva; a densely microtrichiate angular lobe of the middle region of the ventral part of the valva; a large, laterally directed, upturned lobe with 2 spinelike setae from the base of the dorsal part of the valva; and a bandlike juxta that are lacking in H. calviculus . Description.—Head: Scales on vertex and frontoclypeus grayish brown tipped with pale brownish gray. Outer surface of labial palpus brown intermixed with pale-brown scales on apical margin of segment 2, inner surface pale brown. Antennal scape and pecten pale grayish brown, flagellum brownish gray on basal 2/3, pale brown on apical 1/3; first flagellomere unmodified in male. Proboscis pale brown. Thorax: Tegula and mesonotum grayish brown. Legs grayish brown intermixed with pale grayish-brown scales near midsegments and along apical margins of all segments and tarsomeres. Forewing ( Fig. 315 ): Length 4.0–5.9 mm (n = 80), basal 1/3 pale brown except for brown costa or base brown gradually brightening to 1/3; apical 2/3 brown gradually brightening to apical end of cell; apex darker than middle 1/3 with no distinct markings. Undersurface brown. Venation ( Fig. 1 ) with R5 straight, CuA1 and M3 arising from a common point on distoposterior part of cell, and CuA2 arising about 2/3 length from of cell. Hindwing: Translucent pale brown gradually darkening to apex. Venation ( Fig. 1 ) with cubitus 4-branched, M2 broadly arched toward M1, and CuA1, with M3 divergent about 1/4 from margin. Abdomen: Male genitalia ( Figs. 57–58 ): Uncus wide basally, abruptly narrowed at 2/3 forming broadly rounded, sparsely setose, apical lobe; uncus shorter than width of anal opening. Dorsal strut absent. Gnathos, a widened band, posteroventral margin mesially notched, forming two dentate processes. Sockets of tergal setae not extending beyond 1/2 length of tegumen. Distance between articulations of tegumen and vinculum shorter than length of valva. Valva divided; ventral part broadly rounded basally from ventral articulation, apically developed into inwardly curved, spinelike process; process with inner surface planate; dorsal part with inner surface developed into finely microtrichiate, angular lobe; lobe with row of setae along dorsal margin; costa developed dorsolaterally, forming sparsely setose, digitate process; basilateral part developed into upturned lobe bearing two large apical setae, proximal flange absent. Juxta bandlike. Phallus and sclerite of phallus acutely curved from middle; anellus parallelsided throughout most of length, broadly rounded apically, setose on apical 3/4. Female Genitalia ( Fig. 251 ): Apophyses posteriores at least 3 1/ 2X longer than apophyses anteriores. Ostium bursae within membrane slightly posterior to seventh segment; antrum cuplike, as wide as long. Posterior margin of seventh sternum setose. Ductus bursae slightly shorter than apophyses posteriores, densely spinulate within anterior 1/4, gradually becoming sparser posteriorly; inception of ductus seminalis slightly posterior to anterior margin of seventh sternum. Corpus bursae small, ovoid, spinulate anteriorly; signum elongate, acuminate on each end, formed from a compact cluster of spinules. Holotype , 3, “Est[ación] Cacao, 1000−1400 m , Lado suroeste del Volcan Cacao, Prov[incia] Guan[acaste], COSTA RICA , C. Chaves, 25 Set [iembre] 11 Oct [ubre] 1990, L-N-323300, 375700”, “INBio: COSTA RICA : CRI000, 577688” [barcode label], “INBio 3 Genitalia Slide by D. Adamski, No. 2189” [yellow label]. Paratypes (70 3, 9 ƤƤ): 9 3, 3 ƤƤ, same data as for holotype except, “CRI000, 390426”, “Slide No. 2151”; “CRI000, 590739”, “Slide No. 2152”, “USNM 84107”; “CRI000, 390297”, “Slide No. 2153”; “CRI000, 577686”, “Slide No. 2155”; “CRI000, 590729”, “Slide No. 2162”; “CRI000, 590745”, “Slide No. 2175”; “CRI000, 590732”, “Slide No. 2181”; “CRI000, 390378”, “Slide No. 2183”; “CRI000, 390046”, “Slide No. 2208”, “USNM 84109”; “CRI000, 590713”, “Ƥ Slide No. 4516”, “USNM 84110”; “CRI000, 390360”, “Ƥ Slide No. 4561”, “USNM 84111”; “CRI000, 390085”, “Ƥ Slide No. 4562”, “USNM 84112”; 2 3, 1 Ƥ, “M. Ortiz, 21−29 May. 1992 ”, “CRI000, 420053”, “Slide No. 2261”, “USNM 84113”; “CRI000, 420116”, “Slide No. 2270”, “USNM 84114”; “CRI000, 420024”, “Ƥ Slide No. 4515”,“USNM 84108”; 6 3, “A. Gutierrez, 21−29 May. 1992 ”, “CRI000, 416735”, “Slide No. 2305”; “CRI000, 416775”, “Slide No. 2307”; “CRI000, 416741”, “Slide No. 2310”; “CRI000, 416770”, “Slide No. 2313”; “CRI000, 716017”, “Slide No. 2316”; “CRI000, 416768”, “Slide No. 2330”; 5 3, “C. Cano”, “CRI000, 448389”, “Slide No. 2262”; “CRI000, 448382”, “Slide No. 2282”, “USNM 84115”; “CRI000, 448395”, “Slide No. 2275”, “USNM 84116”; “CRI000, 448379”, “Slide No. 2278”, “USNM 84117”; “CRI000, 448381”, “Slide No. 2383, “USNM 84134”; 3 3, “C. Moraga”, “CRI000, 411930”, “Slide No. 2381”; “CRI000, 411928”, “Slide No. 2335”; “CRI000, 411954”, “Slide No. 2269”; 5 3, ”D. Garcia”, “CRI001, 290666 ”, “Slide No. 2331”; “CRI001, 290669 ”, “Slide No. 2327”; “CRI001, 290732 ”, “Slide No. 2280”, “USNM 84118”; “CRI001, 290715 ”, “Slide No. 2267”, “USNM 84119”; “CRI001, 290718 ”, “Slide No. 2329”; 2 3, “E. Lopez”, “CRI000, 684403”, “Slide No. 2272”; “CRI000, 684393”, “Slide No. 2281”, “USNM 84120”; 3 3, “ 21−29 May. 1992 , D. Garcia”, “CRI001, 290668 ”, “Slide No. 2306”; “CRI001, 290707 ”, “Slide No. 2334”; “CRI001, 290664 ”, “Slide No. 2324”; 1 3, “A. Martin”, “CRI000, 684374”, “Slide No. 2276”, “USNM 84121”; 3 3, “F. Araya”, “CRI000, 426084”, “Slide No. 2382”; “CRI000, 426082”, “Slide No. 2379”; “CRI000, 426072”, “Slide No. 2268”, “USNM 84122”; 1 3, 1 Ƥ, “D. Brenes”, “CRI000, 488011”, “Ƥ Slide No. 4564”; “CRI000, 487985”, “Slide No. 2319”, “USNM 84123”; 1 3, “III Curso Parataxon., May. 1992 ”, “CRI000, 426531”, “Slide No. 2279”; 2 3, 1 Ƥ, “C. Chaves, 23 Oct.-9 Nov. 1990 ”, “CRI000, 315971”, “Slide No. 2186”; “CRI000, 576704”, “Slide No. 2202”; “CRI000, 576623”, “Ƥ Slide No. 4563”, “USNM 84124”; 3 3, 2 ƤƤ, “CRI000, 645767”, “Slide No. 2301”; “CRI000, 645648”, “Slide No. 2249”, “USNM 84125”; “CRI000, 645705”, “Slide No. 2243”, “USNM 84126”; “CRI000, 645643”, “Ƥ Slide No. 4566”; “CRI000, 645713”, “Ƥ Slide No. 4565”; 2 3, “C. Chaves, Jun. 1991 ”, “CRI000, 623402”, “Slide No. 2224”; “CRI000, 613381”, “Slide No. 2254”, “USNM 84127”; 1 3, “C. Chaves, Dic. 1990 ”, “CRI000, 655977”, “Slide No. 2197”, “Wing Slide No. 7008”; 2 3, “D. Garcia, 11 Set.-11 Oct. 1991 ”, “CRI000, 349696”, “Slide No. 2386”; “CRI000, 349692”, “Slide No. 2214”, “USNM 84128”; 2 3, “C. Chaves, Set. 1991 ”, “CRI000, 357366”, “Slide No. 2289”, “USNM 84129”; “CRI000, 356686”, “Slide No. 2283”; 3 3, “C. Chaves, Jun. 1991 ”, “CRI000, 623431”, “Slide No. 2298”; “CRI000, 623562”, “Slide No. 2287”, “USNM 84130”; “CRI000, 623422”, “Slide No. 2299”, “USNM 84131”; 1 3, “D. Garcia, Jun.-Jul. 1991 ”, “CRI000, 571623”, “Slide No. 2295”, “USNM 84132”; 1 3, “II Curso Parataxon., Jun. 1990 ”, “CRI000, 609276”, “Slide No. 2187”; 1 3, 1 Ƥ, “ 1100 m , 12–17 Feb. 1995 , S. Avila, # 5858”, “CRI002, 337001”, “Ƥ Slide No. 4567”; “CRI002, 336994”, “Slide No. 2370”; 1 3, “ 2 km SW de Cerro Cacao, 1100–1200 m , 11–17 Feb. 1995 , M.A. Camacho”, “CRI00, 2386659”, “Slide No. 2347”; 1 3, “SO de Volcan Cacao, 1000 m , 21–29 May. 1992 , K. Taylor, # 1257”, “CRI001, 641697”, “Slide No. 2378”; 1 3, “ 11– 8 Feb. 1995 , E. Navarro, L-N-323100, 375800, # 4666”, “CRI002, 184456”, “Slide No. 2371”; 1 3, “ 2 km SW del Cerro Cacao, 1000–1200 m , Feb. 1995 , E. Phillips, # 5448”, “CRI002, 403962”, “Slide No. 2350”, “USNM 84133”; 7 3, Estac. Mengo, 1100 m , SW side Volcan Cacao, Guanacaste Prov., COSTA RICA , Feb. 1989 , GNP Biodiversity Survey, W85°28'10", N10°55'43”, “CRI001, 054939”, “Slide No. 2492”, “USNM 84135”; “CRI001, 054935”, “Slide No. 2498”, “USNM 84136”; “CRI001, 054946”, “Slide No. 2499”, “USNM 84137”; “CRI001, 055019”, “Slide No. 2508”; “CRI001, 054878”, “Slide No. 2509”; “CRI001, 054883”; “Slide No. 2510”; “CRI001, 054877”, “Slide No. 2516” [ 48 in INBio, 31 in USNM]. Distribution (Map 2). Hallicis bisetosellus is known from two closely adjacent collecting sites in the western most part of the Cordillera de Guanacaste in northwestern Costa Rica . Etymology. The specific epithet bisetosellus is derived from the Latin saeta meaning bristle or stiff hair, and refers to the two apical setae of the digitate process originating from the base of the valva of the genitalia.