A taxonomic revision of the genus Tentyria Latreille, 1802 in the Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Islands (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) Author Bujalance, José L. 0009-0000-7804-4124 jlbujalan@gmail.com Author Ferrer, Julio Author Cárdenas, Ana M. 0009-0000-7804-4124 jlbujalan@gmail.com text Zootaxa 2023 2023-07-28 5320 1 1 88 http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.5320.1.1 journal article 263653 10.11646/zootaxa.5320.1.1 134d459e-45b6-4434-94a7-ac8816f3eb78 1175-5326 8203747 3528C88E-8802-416D-8C47-1FEE65CEF751 Tentyria kochi sp. nov. ( Figs. 22 , 56 , 90 , 127 , 174 , 208 , 256, 257 ) Tentyria laevis Solier sensu Rosenhauer 1856: 186 , Reitter 1900: 175 . Tentyria levis Solier sensu Kraatz 1865: 135 . Tentyria peiroleri Solier sensu Rosenhauer 1856: 186 ? Tentyria incerta ssp. pseudolaevis Koch, 1944a: 231-233 (specimens from Málaga and Cádiz), Español 1960: 410 . Tentyria incerta sensu Viñolas & Cartagena 2005: 84 ? Tentyria ( Tentyria ) pseudolaevis ? sensu L̂bl & Smetana 2008: 206 , Martínez 2018: 58 . Type material : Holotype (♁): Estepona (Málaga), Hispania, 6.III.1982 , J de Ferrer leg. / Tentyria gaditana Rosh., A. Viñolas det. 1984 ( MNCN ). Paratypes : similar labels than the Type (2♁♁ and 1♀ CJLB ); idem / Tentyria incerta ssp. pseudolaevis Koch. , det. P. Leo 1983 ( 2♀♀ CJLB ); idem, 24. V.1980 , idem / idem ( 1♀ CJLB ); Manilva (Málaga), 23.III.1975 , idem / idem, P. Ardoin det. 1975 ( 1♀ CJLB ); idem, Spain , III.1975 , E. Taminiaux leg. / idem (1♁ CJLB ); Málaga, J. Ardois leg. / TYPUS, Tentyria incerta ssp. pseudolaevis nov. C. KOCH / laevis / Winkler / Sammlung, Adr. Schuster (1♁, NHMB ); Tentyria laevis Sol., Espn., T, Du 64 / Laevis / MUSEUM PARIS, coll. Solier, COLL DE MARSEUL, 2842-90 / TYPE (1♁ MNHN ); Fuengirola, “Parque Sohail” (Málaga), 18.IX.2003 , Alejandro Castro Tovar leg. ( 1♀ CJLB , 1 ex, CACT); Fuengirola (Málaga), 13.IV.2001 , idem (1 ex CACT ); idem, 15.XI.1962 , S. Aberg leg. (1♁ and 1♀ NHRS ); idem, 11.XI.1962 , idem ( 1♀ , idem). idem, Spanien , 3-16/165 (1 ex, NHRS ); Nerja “Barranco Calailla” (Málaga), 26.III.1994 , Bastazo & Vela leg. (1♁ CB&V); idem, J. Baraud leg. (1 ex, MNHN ); Antequera (Málaga), 13.II.1994 , idem ( 1 ♀ , CB&V); Marbella (Málaga), IV.1966 , Palau leg. (2 exx, CJF ); idem, IV.1966 , A. Sundholm leg. ( 1♀ CJF ); Otívar “Cerro chupa” (Granada), 20.V.1987 , C. Besnard leg. (3 exx, CJF ); Cerro salchicha 1400 m , 0471300 9074953, Haza del Lino, Sª de la Contraviesa (Granada), 7.I.2007 , A. Castro Tovar leg. (1♁ and 1♀ CJLB ); idem 1600 m , idem (Granada) 23.IV.2010 , idem (2♁♁ and 1♀ CACT); Lanjarón (Granada), VI.2008 , idem ( 1♀ CACT ); idem, J. Baraud leg. (10 exx, MNHN ); Trevélez, 1476 m (Granada), 15.IV.1994 , nº 5021/249B y nº 5020/249A, Juan Pablo G. de la Vega leg. (1♁ and 1♀ CJJL); Sorvilán (Sierra Nevada), 800 m (7 exx, MNHN ); Andalus / laevis / Naturhistorika Riksmuseet Stockholm (1 exs, NHRS ); Andalusia / Dohrn / idem (1 ex, NHRS ); Hispan / Tarnier? / idem (1 ex, NHRS ); laevis Solier, Andalus Ramb. / 45542 / Hist.-Coll. ( Coleoptera ) Nr. 45542, Tentyria laevis Sol., Andalus., Rambur, Zool. Mus. Berlin (6 exx, MNHUB ). Description: Holotype ( Fig. 208 ): Elongated body; black and micro-granulated tegument, dorsally little bright. Size: 14.5 mm long and 5.5 mm maximum width in the elytra. Head ( Fig. 22 ) with the sides non-parallel; maximum width ( 2.7 mm ) at the eyes and at the genae that widen from the union with the eye towards the apex; large eyes ( 0.5 mm length) and convex; well-marked supraorbital folds; back converging temples; sub-triangular epistome, forward expanded and provide with a well-developed median tooth; fine and dense but not confluent punctures; very broad and deep gular groove ( Fig. 56 ). Filiform antennae, about five mm length, surpassing the base of the pronotum, with the 1 st antennomere robust, the 2 nd small and barely longer than wide, the 3 rd 3.5 times longer than wide and similar in length than the 4 th and 5 th together, from 4 th (two times longer than wide) to 8 th longer than wide but progressively decreasing in length, 9 th almost as long as wide, 10 th slightly transverse and 11 th conical and slightly longer than wide; pubescence of the antenna slightly gilded and long, of approximately 0.1mm length from the 4 th antennomere, and somewhat shorter in the first three ones. Barely transverse pronotum ( Fig. 90 ), 1.2 times wider than long, with the maximum width in the middle ( 4.1 mm wide and 3.4 mm long); very convex, sub-globous, with the sides in closed curve, somewhat more towards the base than at the apex, sub-straight base, obtuse and not marked rear angles; puncture very noticeable but somewhat finer than in head; prosternal apophysis ( Fig. 127 ) of parallel sides, widely margined and with the extreme rounded and not surpassing the procoxae; propleurae and prosternum smooth and somewhat brighter, with small but well noticeable puncture; protibiae graceful and with the inner edge very slightly sinuate, almost the same size as the mesotibiae, and approximately 1/4 shorter than the metatibiae; graceful tarsus, as the tibias, and with the tarsomeres provided with thorny bristles of reddish- brown colour, very well developed as in the tibiae. Oval-elongated elytra, 1.6 times longer than wide, with the maximum width in the middle, almost equally narrowed in the base than in the apex; convex and with the surface very little rough and punctures very fine and spaced; 2.6 times longer than the pronotum; rounded humeri; straight and completely margined base. Urosternites smooth and with very fine punctures. Aedeagus of 3.3 mm length; parameres 1.13 times longer than the phalobase, which is ovate and wider than these ( Fig. 174 ). Paratypes : Size of 13.2–17.1 mm length ( 15 mm average, 14.6 males and 15.4 females), 5.1–6.8 mm maximum width in elytra ( 6.1 mm average, 5.8 mm males and 6.3 mm females). Pronotum slightly transverse, 1.1–1.3 times wider than length (1.2 times average in males and females), with the maximum width in the middle (3.6–5.0 mm wide and 3.1–3.8 mm length). Elytra 2.4–2.9 times longer than the pronotum (average 2.6 times). A little ovate and elongated, 1.4–1.6 times longer than wide (average 1.5 times). Aedeagus 3.2–3.6 mm length, ( 3.4 mm average), with the parameres 1–1.1 times (1.06 average) longer than the phallobase. Females usually slightly larger, with protibiae somewhat more robust and straight on their inner edge; antennae shorter, non-exceeding the base of the pronotum. Variability of Paratypes : Differences have been mainly observed in size, in the shape of pronotum varying from subcircular to sub-quadrangular; the shape of the epistome, (which in two of them is more rounded and with the tooth reduced); and in the depth and width of the gular groove. Differential diagnosis: T. kochi sp. nov. is a species geographically and morphologically close to T. peiroleri Solier and T. prolixa Rosenhauer , sharing diverse characters, such as the general shape of the body, but clearly differing from these by the unmistakable conformation of the gular groove only resembling to that of T. platyceps Steven and T. grossa basalis Schaufuss ; the punctures of the elytra, greater, denser and clearly appreciable on the dull surface, brilliant in the other species; by the shape of the head, wider in front of the eyes and the bigger epistomal tooth; and lastly, for its greater average size. In comparison, T. peiroleri f.t., shows most transverse and less convex pronotum, particularly in females, which have a commonly chubby appearance. In addition, it is different from T. peiroleri ssp. incerta Solier by the rounded ending of the prosternal apophysis, not prolonged beyond the procoxas. Likewise, T. kochi is also distinguishable from T. prolixa Rosenhauer of by the shape of the pronotum, more convex and subcircular; the elytra less ovate-elongated and the less graceful legs. Comments: T. kochi sp. nov. is an unpublished species that has been historically confused with T. levis Solier and T. incerta pseudolaevis Koch , which are in the MNHN and NHMB respectively ( Figs. 256, 257 ) specimens catalogued and labelled as types of both taxa. Geographic distribution: Species spread in the Mediterranean littoral and nearby areas of the interior of the southeast of the Iberian Peninsula, from Granada to Cádiz, but especially in the province of Malaga. Etymology: Species devoted “in memoriam” of Dr. Carl Koch, for his important contribution to the knowledge of the Iberian Darkling beetles.