A taxonomic revision of the genus Tentyria Latreille, 1802 in the Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Islands (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) Author Bujalance, José L. 0009-0000-7804-4124 jlbujalan@gmail.com Author Ferrer, Julio Author Cárdenas, Ana M. 0009-0000-7804-4124 jlbujalan@gmail.com text Zootaxa 2023 2023-07-28 5320 1 1 88 http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.5320.1.1 journal article 263653 10.11646/zootaxa.5320.1.1 134d459e-45b6-4434-94a7-ac8816f3eb78 1175-5326 8203747 3528C88E-8802-416D-8C47-1FEE65CEF751 Tentyria donanensis Bujalance, Cárdenas, Ferrer & Gallardo, 2016 ( Figs. 26 , 60 , 95, 96 , 131 , 178 , 212 ) Tentyria donanensis Bujalance, Cárdenas, Ferrer & Gallardo, 2016: 351 ; Martínez 2018: 58 , Iwan & L̂bl 2020: 249. Tentyria (Subtentyrina) gaditana Rosenhauer Grimm & Aistleitner 2009: 70 Types examined : Doñana Nacional Park ( Huelva ): Holotype , 15.III.2000 , La Mancha Grande , A.M. Cárdenas leg. (♁, CJLB ) ; Paratypes : Cruz de Dominguez , 15.III.2000 , 24.VII.2000 , A.M. Cárdenas leg. ( 20♁♁ and 32♀♀ , CUCO ) ; Palacio Doñana , 24.VII.2000 , idem ( 4 exx , CUCO ) ; Laguna del Taraje , 24.III.2000 , idem ( 1♁ , CJLB ) ; 25.IX.2001 , idem ( 1♀ , CJF ) ; El Puntal , 25.IX.2001 , idem ( 3 exx , CUCO ) ; La Cancela , 23.05.2000 , idem ( 7 exx , CUCO ) ; Cerro de los Ánsares , 7.VIII.2000 , idem ( 43 exx , CUCO ) ; Corral de la Liebre , 15.III.2000 , idem (1♁, CJLB ) ; Corral de la Liebre , 15.III.2000 , idem ( 1♁ and 1♀ , CJLB ) ; La Vera , 28.V.2005 , J.L. Bujalance leg. ( 2♁♁ , CJLB and CJF ) ; Nave del Inglesillo , 15.III.2000 , A.M. Cárdenas leg. ( 1♀ , CJLB ) ; Pinar de San Agustín , 30.VII.2001 , idem ( 1♁ , CJLB ) ; 25.IX.2001 , idem ( 1♁ and 1♀ , CJLB ) ; idem, 01.IV.2005 , J.L. Bujalance leg. ( 2♀♀ , CJLB ) ; El Nido del Gato , 21.II.2001 , A.M. Cárdenas leg. ( 1♀ , CJLB ) ; idem, 27.VII.2005 , J.L. Bujalance leg. ( 1♀ , CJLB ) ; La Mogea , 26.IX.2001 , A.M. Cárdenas leg. (1♁, CJLB ) ; idem, 30.X.2001 , idem ( 1♀ , CJLB ) ; Casa de Manecorro , 26.IX.2001 , idem ( 1♀ , CJLB ) ; idem, 25.IX.2001 , idem ( 15 exx , CJF ) ; El Charco de la Boca , 26.IV.2001 , idem ( 2♀♀ , CJLB ) ; idem, 23.V.2001 , idem ( 2♀♀ , CJLB ) ; Arroyo de la Rocina , 15.IX.2001 , idem ( 1♁ , CJF ) ; Caño Mayor , 2.IV.2005 , M. Baena leg. ( 3 exx , CACT ) ; idem, 28.VII.2005 , J.L. Bujalance leg. ( 1♀ , CJLB ) ; Sanlucar , 30.IV.2001 , idem ( 1♀ , CJLB ) . Additional material : Huelva : Matalascañas , 5.IV.2010 , A. Castro Tovar leg. (4 exx, CACT ) ; Matalascañas , Huelva 5.IV.2010 (1 ex, CACT ) ; P. N. de Doñana , Caño Mayor / 2.IV.2005 , M. Baena leg. (1 ex, CACT ) ; P. natural Marismas del Odiel , Isla de Saltés / 11.VIII.2007 / J.J. López Pérez leg. (1♁ and 1♀ , CACT); Guadalquivir , Espagne , 20.III.66, Coll. P. BONNEAU ( 1♀ , CJF ) ; Hispania Mer. , Huelva , 1.IV.1999 / El Abalario , Bastazo and Vela leg. (2♁ and 1♀ , CB&V); Huelva , Martinez ! (1 ex, MNCN ) ; Palma del Condado 22.VI.1981 , B. Lassalle leg. (1 ex, CJF ) ; Cartaya , 2.V.1996 , J. Casas lg. (1 ex, CJGC ) ; El Vigía , Playa , Palos de la Frontera , 1.IV.2006 , JJ López-Pérez leg. (2♁, CJJLP ) ; Moguer , Mazagón , playa, 10.IV.2006 , JPG de la Vega leg. (2♁♁, CJJLP ) ; Ayamonte , 8.IX.2006 , JJ López-Pérez leg. ( 1♀ , CJJLP ) ; El Almendral , Isla Saltés , Huelva , 8.IV.2006 , JJ López-Pérez leg. (1♁, CJJLP ) ; Idem , 2.I.2007 , JJ López-Pérez leg. (1♁ and 1♀ , CJJLP); Idem , 12.III.2006 , JJ López-Pérez leg. ( 2♀ , CJJLP ) ; Laguna de El Manto , Isla Saltés , Huelva , 18.III.2006 , JJ López-Pérez leg. (1♁, CJJLP ) ; La Cascajera , Isla Saltés , Huelva , 18.III.2006 , JJ López-Pérez leg. (1♁ and 4♀♀ , CJJLP); El Acebuchal , Isla Saltés , Huelva , 13.IV.2006 , JJ López-Pérez leg. (2♁♁, CJJLP ) ; Puerto Maltés , Punta Umbría , Huelva , 1.VI.2000 , JJG. De la Vega leg. ( 1♀ , CJJLP ) ; Lagunade Palos , Palos de la Frontera , Huelva , 28.III.2007 , JJ López-Pérez leg. ( 1♀ , CJJLP ). Diagnosis: Long body ( Fig. 212 ), about 14.25 mm long on average, tegument smooth and shiny, mostly ventrally. Head short and rounded ( Fig. 26 ), eyes very slightly convex, supraorbital folds parallel and slightly raised, epistome in continuous curve from the gena, showing a minute tooth in the middle; fine but clearly perceptible punctures; gular groove ( Fig. 60 ) usually narrow and not well defined, often consisting only of a shallow central hollow. Pronotum ( Figs. 95, 96 ) proportionately large and not very transverse, with sides in open curve and tapering equally towards both ends, the base finely bordered, in prolonged curve backwards and somewhat sinuate before the posterior angles which are very obtuse and hardly visible dorsally, especially in females; punctures fine and rather dense, more widely spaced on the disc; prosternal apophysis ( Fig. 131 ) broad, parallel-sided, rounded at the end and not exceeding the procoxae. Elytra ( Fig. 212 ) convex, moderately oval-elongated, with maximum width in the middle or frequently behind it, narrowed posteriorly in a straight line to the apex, which is very acute and surpasses the last abdominal sternite, by prolongation of the upper ridge of each epipleura which is more elongate than the lower; elytral ribs slightly indicated, punctures very fine and widely spaced; humeral angles very marked and the base notched in an arc. Aedeagus ( Fig. 178 ) about 3.4 mm long on average, with the phallobase longer than the parameres, the latter tapering towards the apex in an almost straight, not sinuous, line. Comments: Geographically and morphologically this species is close to T. gaditana Rosenhauer from which it differs in the elytra which are ovate, elongated and sharpened at the apex, with signs of striae and finely punctured, more narrowed towards the base and the apex, of nonparallel sides; the humeri are more angulous, with the base narrower and cut in arc. The pronotum is as bright as the elytra, less densely but more finely punctured than in T. gaditana , less transverse, subcordiform, the base curved and clearly prolonged backwards, with the posterior angles very obtuse and barely or not indicated in the dorsal view; the aedeagus, with the phallobase clearly longer than the parameres, which are regularly narrowed from the base to the apex. In the northern limit of its distribution area (Marismas del Odiel), there is a population differentiable of the type form by the larger average size, a somewhat more robust body, the shinier tegument and a more intense black; pronotum slightly more transverse, with the base curve and less prolonged backwards, and the punctures denser and more marked; elytra without traces of streaks, with the base wider and slightly convergent almost in a straight line towards the scutellum; finally, by the aedeagus, slightly larger and more robust and with the phallobase proportionally somewhat shorter than in the typical form. Geographic distribution: Species described from Doñana National Park (Huelva) and extended on the littoral and sub littoral areas in the southwest of the Iberian Peninsula, from the mouth of Guadalquivir River to the Odiel marsh, being particularly abundant in the typical locality ( Bujalance et al. 2016 ).