New species, new geographical records and taxonomical notes on North and Central American Cerambycidae and Disteniidae (Coleoptera, Chrysomeloidea) Author Santos-Silva, Antonio 0000-0001-7128-1418 Museu de Zoologia, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brazil Author Botero, Juan Pablo 0000-0002-5547-7987 Instituto de Ciencias Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia Author Pérez-Flores, Oscar 0000-0002-4700-5779 Laboratorio Nacional de Análisis y Síntesis Ecológica, ENES, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Morelia, Mexico text Contributions to Entomology 2024 2024-10-28 74 2 199 216 journal article 304865 10.3897/contrib.entomol.74.e131012 9d5b9379-d48e-4aa7-9ebd-5b8a92890cc1 C42048B3-3456-457F-83AF-0FCD4CC9E8D0 Elytrimitatrix ( Grossifemora ) pubescens Santos-Silva & Hovore, 2008 Figs 1–5 , 11 Elytrimitatrix ( Grossifemora ) pubescens Santos-Silva & Hovore, 2008: 12; Monné 2023 c : 233 . Material examined. MEXICOHidalgo : 3 km N Tlanchinol , 1 male , 2–3. VIII. 1985 , T. W. Taylor & P. H. Sullivan leg. ( FWSC ) ; Tlanchinol , 20.990938°N , - 98.623388°W , 2 males , 17 / Julio / 2021 , Bosque Mesófilo de Montaña , trampa de luz , O. Pérez-Flores leg. ( CIUM ) . Differential diagnosis. Elytrimitatrix ( Grossifemora ) pubescens is similar to E. ( G. ) curoei Santos-Silva & Le Tirant, 2016 (Fig. 10 ; see also photographs on Bezark 2023 a and original description) but differs as follows: lateral tubercles of prothorax larger and more acute apically; elytral punctures sparser laterally and on posterior third; and femora stouter, especially meso- and metafemora (Fig. 5 ). In E. ( G. ) curoei , the lateral tubercles of the prothorax are smaller and less acute apically, elytral punctures more abundant throughout, and femora slender, especially meso- and metafemora (Fig. 10 ). Elytrimitatrix ( Grossifemora ) pubescens differs from E. ( G. ) guatemalana Santos-Silva & Hovore, 2008 (Fig. 6 ) and E. ( G. ) hondurenha Santos-Silva & Hovore, 2008 (Fig. 7 ) by the different elytral pubescent pattern and the elytral punctures sparser (more abundant in E. (G.) guatemalana E. ( G. ) hondurenha ); from E. ( G. ) irregularis ( Linsley, 1935 ) (Fig. 8 ) by the different elytral pubescent pattern and the elytral punctures sparser (more abundant in E. ( G. ) irregularis ), but especially by the elytra without erect setae (present in E. ( G. ) irregularis ); and from E. ( G. ) lineatopora (Bates, 1880) (Fig. 9 ), by the different elytral pubescent pattern and the elytral punctures sparser (more abundant in E. ( G. ) lineatopora ), but especially by inner margin of the upper eye lobes widely rounded (narrowly rounded in E. ( G. ) irregularis ). The specimens examined are from the same area as the holotype ( 3 miles N Tlanchinol – near Tlanchinol in the specimens now examined). The specimen from FWSC differs from the holotype (Fig. 11 ) as follows: pronotal pubescence a little sparser and yellowish (denser and grayish in the holotype ); basal antennomeres mostly orangish brown (dark brown in the holotype ); elytral pubescence on light areas yellowish-white (grayish in the holotype ); and the dark central area on the dorsal surface of elytra with elongate and isolated orangish-brown band centrally (this band not isolated in the holotype ). Redescription. Male. Head capsule black ventrally and laterally, reddish brown dorsally, more dark reddish brown on vertex, except black narrow area close to eyes; ventral mouthparts reddish brown, except yellowish-brown apex of palpomeres; antennae orangish brown, except somewhat dark-brown apex of scape and antennomeres III – V, dark reddish-brown apex of VI, reddish-brown apex of VII – X, and slightly reddish-brown ring after middle of XI. Prothorax blackish, except narrow dark reddish-brown close to anterior margin of pronotum, moderately narrow reddish-brown area of prothorax close to posterior margin, narrow reddish-brown area close to superior half of anterior margin of sides of prothorax, almost entire reddish-brown anterior third of prosternum, and reddish-brown lateral margins of prosternal process except yellowish-brown apex. Ventral surface of meso- and metathorax dark brown with irregular reddish-brown areas interspersed. Elytra orangish brown, punctures shiny black, gradually shiny dark brown toward apex, with large, complex dark area interspersed: dorsally shiny, subtriangular, blackish on anterior fifth, with oblique, moderately narrow and short projection on anterolateral region of subtriangular area and longitudinal, moderately narrow and short projection on posterolateral region of subtriangular region, almost entirely opaque, dark brown on its remaining surface, longitudinal from apex of subtriangular area to near elytral apex, projected toward sides of dorsal surface about middle, forming wide and long area reaching anterior and posterior fifths, with orangish-brown band on its central region, obliquely inclined with rounded apex anteriorly, acutely narrowed apically, and projected toward epipleural margin before posterior third of elytra and following toward humerus as a narrow band, anteriorly widened, shiny, and blackish. Pro- and mesocoxa mostly dark reddish brown, mesocoxa with small yellow macula near trochanter; metacoxae orangish brown with irregular brownish areas; protrochanters yellow, with small reddish-brown area apically. Meso- and metatrochanters pale yellow with small brownish area apically. Basal quarter of profemora yellowish-brown (yellower depending on light intensity), basal third of mesofemora and about basal 2 / 5 of metafemora pale yellow (both yellower depending on light intensity); remaining surface of all femora dark brown, gradually darker toward apex. Tibiae blackish basally and apically, yellow on remaining surface, yellow area gradually lighter from protibiae to metatibiae. Tarsi reddish brown, slightly darkened on apex of tarsomeres I – II. Ventrites dark reddish brown, except dark-brown apex of ventrite 1, dark yellowish-brown apex of ventrite 2, light yellowish-brown area close to apex of ventrites 3–4, orangish-brown apex of ventrite 4, yellowish-brown macula on sides of ventrites 4–5, and central area of ventrites 4–5 with large purplish-red regions centrally. Elytrimitatrix ( Grossifemora ) spp. 1–5. Elytrimitatrix ( Grossifemora ) pubescens Santos-Silva & Hovore, 2008 , male: 1. Dorsal habitus; 2. Ventral habitus; 3. Lateral habitus; 4. Head, frontal view; 5. Meso- and metafemora. 6–9. Elytral sculpturing: 6. E. ( G. ) guatemalana Santos-Silva & Hovore, 2008 , paratype male; 7. E. ( G. ) hondurenha Santos-Silva & Hovore, 2008 , paratype male; 8. E. ( G. ) irregularis ( Linsley, 1935 ) , female; 9. E. ( G. ) lineatopora (Bates, 1880) , holotype female, by Keita Matsumoto ( BMNH ). 10. E. ( G. ) curoei Santos-Silva & Le Tirant, 2016 , meso- and metafemora. 11. Elytrimitatrix ( Elytrimitatrix ) pubescens Santos-Silva & Hovore, 2008 , holotype male, dorsal habitus. Head . Frons narrow, sparsely, finely, shallowly punctate; glabrous centrally and moderately abundant, bristly yellowish-white pubescence laterally. Median groove well marked from posterior margin of frons to area between upper eye lobes. Vertex and area behind upper eye lobes with moderately abundant pale-yellow pubescence not obscuring integument, pubescence absent centrally from apex of median groove to prothoracic margin; with a few long, erect pale-yellow setae interspersed; area between antennal tubercles and posterior margin of upper eye lobes with a few coarse, shallow punctures; sides of vertex and area behind upper eye lobes sparsely, finely punctate; glabrous area of vertex smooth. Area behind lower eye lobes tumid close to eye, sparsely, finely punctate throughout; area close to upper eye lobe glabrous; remaining surface with sparse yellowish-white pubescence close to eye, glabrous on remaining surface; with long, erect yellowish-white setae interspersed on pubescent area. Genae with somewhat abundant yellowish pubescence close to eye, glabrous on apex. Antennal tubercles with abundant yellowish-white pubescence not obscuring integument, except glabrous apex. Gulamentum smooth, glabrous on posterior half; anterior half tumid, subsmooth, with sparse yellowish-white pubescence laterally, pubescence almost absent centrally except moderately abundant yellowish-white pubescence close and on intermaxillary process; with a few long, erect yellowish-white setae interspersed. Maxillary palpomere IV securiform. Postclypeus glabrous centrally and laterally, with abundant bristly yellowish-white pubescence not obscuring integument on remaining surface; with a few long, erect yellowish-white setae interspersed. Labrum with moderately sparse whitish pubescence on posterior half, pubescence absent on anterior half; with long, erect yellowish-brown setae interspersed posteriorly and laterally, erect setae longer laterally; anterior margin with fringe of yellowish-brown setae. Distance between upper eye lobes 0.22 times distance between outer margins of eyes; in ventral view, distance between lower eye lobes 0.53 times distance between outer margins of eyes; inner margin of upper eye lobes wide, rounded. Antennae 2.0 times elytral length, reaching elytral apex at apical seventh of antennomere VII. Scape slightly arched and widened basally, distinctly widened on apical 2 / 3; abundantly, finely punctate on basal third, punctures gradually sparser on apical 2 / 3 and distinctly sparser ventrally, except apex of dorsal surface with dense, short yellowish-white setae directed backward; with moderately sparse yellowish-white pubescence, slightly denser basally; with short, decumbent yellowish-white setae interspersed dorsally, and long, erect yellowish-white setae interspersed throughout. Pedicel with sparse yellowish-white pubescence and long, erect setae of same color interspersed laterally and ventrally. Antennomeres III – XI with yellowish-white pubescence not obscuring integument dorsally and laterally, pubescence gradually denser toward XI, sparser on apex of III – X; with abundant, short, subdecumbent yellowish-white setae interspersed, more abundant on outer surface; with a few long, erect yellowish-white setae interspersed dorsally and laterally on III and dorsal apex of IV – X; apex of III – X with short yellowish setae directed backward; ventral surface of III – VII with very long, decumbent dark yellowish-brown setae. Antennal formula (ratio) based on length of antennomere III: scape = 0.92; pedicel = 0.11; IV = 1.00; V = 0.97; VI = 0.97; VII = 0.94; VIII = 0.86; IX = 0.77; X = 0.65; XI = 0.78. Thorax . Prothorax, including lateral tubercles, wider than long; lateral tubercles large, conical, subacute apically, located about middle; anterior and posterior constrictions wide, well-marked. Pronotum with five distinct tubercles, one on each side of anterior half close to anterior constriction, elevated, with rounded apex, one on each side of posterior half near posterior constriction, less elevated than anterolateral ones, with rounded apex, another elongated, located centrally from near anterior constriction to near posterior constriction; with abundant pale-yellow pubescence not obscuring integument, pubescence absent on central tubercle, anterolateral tubercles, and area between lateral tubercles, and almost absent close to anterior margin and sides of area close to posterior margin; with a few long, erect yellowish setae anterolaterally. Sides of prothorax with abundant pale-yellow pubescence not obscuring integument, except subglabrous anterior region, subglabrous area gradually widened toward prosternum. Posterior half of prosternum with abundant yellowish-white pubescence laterally and close to procoxal cavities, glabrous on remaining surface; anterior half with a few short, decumbent yellowish-white setae and long, erect setae of same color interspersed centrally. Prosternal process narrow, gradually narrowed from base to near apex, slightly widened apically; with abundant whitish pubescence centrally, with a few long, erect setae of same color interspersed, glabrous laterally; narrowest area 0.12 times procoxal width; apical width 0.21 times procoxal width. Mesoventrite with moderately abundant yellowish-white pubescence not obscuring integument, pubescence absent on apex of sides; mesanepisterna and mesepimera with abundant yellowish-brown pubescence partially obscuring integument. Mesoventral process with abundant whitish pubescence not obscuring integument and a few long, erect setae of same color interspersed; apex strongly emarginate centrally; maximum width about as wide as mesocoxal width. Mesanepisterna and sides of metaventrite with abundant yellowish-brown pubescence partially obscuring integument; remaining surface of metaventrite with moderately sparse yellowish-white pubescence and a few long, erect setae of same color interspersed, except almost glabrous area on sides of metathoracic discrimen. Scutellum with dense pale-yellow pubescence. Elytra . Sparsely, coarsely punctate, punctures aligned, gradually finer and sparser toward apex; with abundant yellowish-white pubescence not obscuring integument on orangish-brown areas and abundant dark yellowish-brown pubescence on remaining surface, pubescence on dark areas slightly sparser than on orangish-brown areas; without erect setae; apex rounded toward sutural angle. Legs . Femora with sparse whitish pubescence on light basal region, and abundant yellowish pubescence not obscuring integument on remaining surface, yellowish pubescence sparser on ventral surface of profemora; ventral dark area with moderately short spines with blunt apex, spines shorter and sparser toward metafemora. Tibiae with sparse white pubescence, except ventral apex with yellowish-brown pubescence and dorsal apical third of mesotibiae with dense, short, erect yellow setae. Dorsal surface of tarsomeres with abundant yellowish-white pubescence not obscuring integument, and long, erect setae of same color interspersed; metatarsomere I as long as II – III together. Abdomen . Ventrites with abundant yellowish-white pubescence not obscuring integument, except glabrous apex of ventrites 1–4. Apex of ventrite 5 slightly concave. Dimensions (mm). Total length, 12.25–13.35; prothoracic length, 1.80–1.90; anterior prothoracic width, 1.60–1.65; posterior prothoracic width, 1.75–1.80; maximum prothoracic width, 2.50–2.60; humeral width, 2.80–2.95; elytral length, 9.60–9.75.