Systematics of the parasitic wasp genus Oxyscelio Kieffer (Hymenoptera, Platygastridae s. l.), part III: African fauna
Burks, Roger A.
Masner, Lubomir
Johnson, Norman F.
Austin, Andrew D.
journal article
classification Animalia Hymenoptera Platygastridae
Oxyscelio io Burks
sp. n.
Figures 34-39; Morphbank 20
Female. Body length 4.6-5.25 mm (n = 9).
Radicle color: same as scape. A4: broader than long; as long as broad. A5: broader than long. Upper frons: not hood-like. Frontal depression sculpture: with 2-4 complete transverse carinae. Median longitudinal elevation in frontal depression: present. Major sculpture of gena anteroventrally: umbilicate-foveate. Major sculpture of gena posteroventrally: umbilicate-foveate. Microsculpture of gena anteroventrally: absent. Microsculpture of gena posteroventrally: granulate. Hyperoccipital carina: wrinkle-like. Median carina extending posteriorly from hyperoccipital carina: absent; present, anteriorly incomplete. Lateral connection between hyperoccipital and occipital carinae: absent. Area between vertex and occipital carina: umbilicate-foveate; umbilicate-punctate. Occipital carina medially: with nearly flat angular median portion. Lateral corners of occipital carina: sharp and protruding corners present.
Mesoscutum anteriorly: not steep. Mesoscutal median carina: absent or incomplete. Major sculpture of mesoscutal midlobe anteriorly: umbilicate-foveate. Major sculpture of mesoscutal midlobe posteriorly: umbilicate-foveate. Microsculpture of mesoscutal midlobe anteriorly: granulate. Microsculpture of mesoscutal midlobe posteriorly: granulate. Major sculpture of mesoscutellum: umbilicate-foveate. Microsculpture of mesoscutellum medially: granulate. Microsculpture of mesoscutellum laterally: granulate. Number of carinae crossing femoral depression: 4 or more. Mesepimeral sulcus pits: 3-5; more than 5. Setae along anterior limit of femoral depression: arising from tiny pits. Metascutellum dorsally: concave. Metascutellar sculpture centrally: smooth. Metascutellar apex: convex or straight. Metapleuron above ventral metapleural area: crossed by carinae. Lateral propodeal carinae antero-medially: weakly diverging. Metasomal depression setae: absent. Anterior areoles of metasomal depression: one or more areoles present. Anterior longitudinal carinae in metasomal depression: absent. Postmarginal vein: absent. Fore wing apex: reaching apex of T5; reaching middle of T6. Hind wing vein (Sc+R): not interrupted.
Carinae between T1 midlobe and T1 lateral carina: present. T1 midlobe: with 4 longitudinal carinae. T1: without anterior bulge. T6: broader than long; as long as broad. Metasomal apex: rounded. Major sculpture of T6: umbilicate-punctate; longitudinally striate or rugose. Microsculpture of T6: granulate.
Male. Body length 4.8 mm (n = 2). A5 tyloid: expanded, teardrop-shaped or sinuate. A11: longer than road. T1 midlobe: with 4 longitudinal carinae. Metasomal apex: with acuminate lateral corners.
Both sexes: Hyperoccipital carina wrinkle-like, connected to occipital carina by lateral elevation; median carina between hyperoccipital and occipital carinae present but sometimes indicated only posteriorly; occipital carina nearly flat medially. Mesoscutellum with granulate sculpture. Metasomal depression not setose, without median carina; lateral propodeal carinae weakly diverging. Hind wing Sc+R vein complete. Female: T6 rounded apically.
Noun, referring to a moon of Jupiter.
Link to distribution map.
Material examined.
Holotype, female: GUINEA: Lola Pref., rainforest, Mount Nimba, 07°41-42'N 08°23'W, 514-740m,
1990 -
1991, flight intercept trap, L. Leblanc, OSUC369403 (deposited in CNCI). Paratypes: (8 females, 3 males) CAMEROON: 2 females, OSUC369362 (BMNH), 369363 (CNCI). CENTRAL
REPUBLIC: 3 females, 1 male, OSUC267414, 369392 (OSUC); OSUC242798, 320839 (SAMC). CONGO: 1 female, 1 male, OSUC470506-470507 (OSUC). GUINEA: 1 female, OSUC369407 (CNCI). NIGERIA: 1 male, OSUC369382 (BMNH). UGANDA: 1 female, OSUC369390 (CNCI).