Revision of the Neotropical genus Alloraphes Franz (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Scydmaeninae) Author Jałoszyński, Paweł text Zootaxa 2013 3750 5 549 568 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3750.5.7 d35e62c7-975b-4dff-892e-e8e5c926820e 1175-5326 217852 22C6D62A-D6CA-4BBE-AD0D-29174C2A2769 Alloraphes peruanus Franz ( Figs. 6 , 36–37 , 53–54 , 65 , 68 ) Alloraphes peruanus Franz, 1980a: 214 , Fig. 200. Type material. Holotype : Peru (San Martín): ♂, three labels ( Fig. 65 ): "Umg. Tarapoto / Peru , lg. Franz" with "SA133" on reverse side [white, printed; reverse handwritten in blue ink]; " Alloraphes / peruanus m. / det. H. Franz" [white, handwritten and printed]; " Typus " [red, handwritten] (NHMW). Paratypes (2 ♀; identity uncertain, see the Remarks section below): same data as holotype , except for yellow " paratypus " label (NHMW). Revised diagnosis. Male: frons and vertex confluent, without impression; pronotum with evenly arcuate antebasal transverse groove and without median pit; elytra unmodified; aedeagus in ventral view with nearly symmetrical apex of median lobe, long apical projections and narrow apices of parameres, one bearing two thin and short setae, the other one with a dense row of several thin and short setae. Female diagnostic characters unknown (see the Remarks section). Redescription. Body of male ( Fig. 6 ) strongly convex, brown, covered with light brown vestiture; BL 0.83 mm . Head broadest at strikingly large, strongly convex and coarsely faceted eyes, HL 0.13 mm , HW 0.20 mm ; tempora absent, eyes adjacent to occipital constriction; vertex and frons confluent, uniformly and weakly convex, anterior part of frons slightly flattened; supraantennal tubercles feebly marked. Punctures on frons and vertex inconspicuous, barely discernible; setae in the only known specimen almost entirely missing. Only rudiments of antennae preserved (left scape and right scape and pedicel). Pronotum only slightly elongate, broadest in anterior fourth; PL 0.23 mm , PW 0.21 mm . Anterior margin and lateral margins in anterior third strongly rounded; sides distinctly but slightly narrowing caudad, pronotum distinctly constricted near posterior third; posterior margin slightly arcuate; ante-basal transverse groove distinct and evenly arcuate, without median pit and indistinctly deepened at each end. Punctures on pronotal disc inconspicuous, fine and sparse; setae on disc not preserved, on sides of pronotum visible remains of moderately long and disordered bristles. Elytra more convex than pronotum, oval and unmodified, broadest slightly anterior to middle; EL 0.48 mm , EW 0.38 mm , EI 1.27; sub-humeral lines sharply marked and as long as 0.6 EL. Punctures on elytra distinct but small, shallow and with diffused margins, separated by spaces comparable to puncture diameters; setae on the only known specimen only partly preserved, relatively long, sparse and distinctly suberect. Hind wings well developed. Legs long and slender; all tibiae straight. Aedeagus ( Figs. 36–37 , 53–54 ) slender and lightly sclerotized; AeL 0.25 mm ; in ventral view apical part of median lobe nearly symmetrical and with broad, shallow and asymmetrical emargination of apical margin; apical projections long; parameres in lateral view narrowing only in short and apical part which is curved dorsally, one bearing two thin and short setae, the other one with a dense row of several thin and short setae. Female. Unknown (see the Remarks section). Distribution. Northern Peru ( Fig. 68 e). Remarks. The type series of A. perunaus is composed of a holotype male (partly damaged, with missing right elytron and most of the antennae) and three paratypes (one male and two females). The paratype male is not conspecific with A. peruanus and is fixed below as a holotype of a new species, A. dentatus sp. n. Alloraphes peruanus and A. dentatus are externally highly similar but differ clearly in several characters. Alloraphes peruanus has much larger eyes than A. dentatus , more uniformly convex vertex, which in A. dentatus is noticeably more convex in middle than on sides, and the pronotal ante-basal transverse groove is more evenly arcuate, while in A. dentatus it is slightly bi-arcuate with a median pit. In my opinion it is not possible to unambiguously assign the two remaining paratype females (one of them shown in Fig. 7 ) to either A. peruanus or A. dentatus . They both differ from males of A. peruanus and A. dentatus in distinctly broader elytra and smaller eyes; the characters associated with the vertex and pronotum are ambiguous. It seems more probable that the females are conspecific with A. peruanus and not with A. dentatus , based on additional collecting data given by Franz (1980a). The holotype and two paratypes were collected in Juan Guerra, in leaf litter of a relatively dry forest, 28.ix.1968 , while one paratype in Santana, in forest leaf litter, 27.ix.1968 . These two localities are in different parts of Tarapoto and the paratype from Santana is most likely the male described below as a new species.