New and little known ptyctimous mites (Acari, Oribatida) from India Author Niedbała, Wojciech Department of Animal Taxonomy and Ecology, Adam Mickiewicz University, Umultowska 89, 61 - 614 Poznań, Poland. Author Ermilov, Sergey G. Tyumen State University, Semakova 10, 625003 Tyumen, Russia. E-mail: ermilovacari @ yandex. ru text Zootaxa 2013 2013-11-01 3731 4 577 588 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3731.4.9 1175-5326 5268968 6BD0E659-A076-465F-A2A2-FF56A830417E Hoplophthiracarus concinuus (Niedbała, 1982) ( Fig. 7 A–H ) Hoplophthiracarus tropicus Mondal & Kundu, 1988 syn. nov. Measurements of specimen from India (Locality: In-1). Prodorsum: length 245, width 164, height 111. Prodorsal setae: sensillum 71, interlamellar 78, lamellar 6, rostral 33. Notogaster : length 480, width and height 303. Notogastral setae: c 1 94, c 1 / c 1d 1 =0.8, h 1 99, p 1 91. Genitoaggenital plate 114 × 101; anoadanal plate 164 × 96. FIGURE 7A–H. Hoplophthiracarus concinuus (Niedbała, 1982) . A, prodorsum, lateral view; B, prodorsum, dorsal view; C, mentum of infracapitulum; D, genitoaggenital and anoadanal plates; E, genitoaggenital plates, another specimen; F, lateral view of opisthosoma; G, trochanter and femur I; H, genu and tibia IV. Diagnosis. Colour dark brown; surface of body covered with deep, regulary rounded foveolae. Prodorsum with distinct median crista and short, feeble lateral carinae; posterior sillons distinct; sigillar fields long and narrow; sensilla rather long with narrow pedicel and short, fusiform head covered with spines; interlamellar setae similar to notogastral setae, rather short, thick, erect, covered with small spines in distal half; lamellar setae minute, rostral setae spiniform, rough, procumbent; exobothridial setae vestigial (short in holotype ). Notogastral setae rather short, c 1 < c 1d 1 , thick, covered with spines in distal half; setae c 1 slightly remote from anterior border, setae c 2 more remote, setae c 3 almost at border; vestigial setae f 1 posteriorly of setae h 1 ; two pairs of lyrifissures ia and im present. Ventral region : setae h of mentum longer than distance between them; arrangement of genital setae: 4+2:3; in two examined specimens setae g 6 situated laterally of setae g 5 ( Fig.7 E ), in four examined specimens setae g 6 situated posteriorly of setae g 5 ; anoadanal plates with rough setae ad 2 the longest, ad 3 the shortest. Chaetome of legs of “complete type” . Remark. The find of this species in Arunachal Pradesh confirms suspicion ( Niedbała 2004 ) that Hoplophthiracarus tropicus Mondal and Kundu, 1988 is conspecific with H. concinuus . "It is indicated by the presence of deep, rounded foveoles of body surface, median prodorsal crista, shape and length of sensillia, prodorsal, notogastral, anal and adanal setae."