Taxonomic review of the Themus (Telephorops) nepalensis species-group (Coleoptera, Cantharidae) Author Yang, Yuxia Author Xi, Huacong Author Yang, Xingke Author Liu, Haoyu text ZooKeys 2019 884 81 106 journal article 1313-2970-884-81 AC4289EF56024BB9807D578B858BB0B1 8DBA9A85768052D8B3603886F5DA2BE8 Themus (Telephorops) cavipennis (Fairmaire, 1897) Figs 3A , 6B , 9B Tryblius cavipennis Fairmaire, 1897: 228. Themus ancoralis Champion, 1926: 128. Synonymized by Wittmer 1975 : 251. Themus (Tryblius) cavipennis : Pic 1929a : 195; Wittmer 1975 : 251, fig. 1 (aedeagus illustration). Themus (Telephorops) cavipennis : Wittmer 1983b : 197; Okushima 1999 : 59, figs 10 (habitus photo), 34 (female abdominal sternite VIII illustration). Type material examined. 1♂ ( holotype , MNHN), [p]"Himalaya \ Sikkim", [h]" Tryblius \ cavipennis \ Fairm., Sikkim", [p] "HOLOTYPUS" , [h]" Themus \ ( Tryblius ) \ cavipennis \ Fairm. \ det. W. Wittmer". Other material examined. CHINA : Xizang : 1♂, 1♀ (IZAS), Bomi, Tangmai, 2300m, 2005.VIII.31, leg. X.J. Wang; 1♀ (IZAS), Nyingchi, Pelong , 2100 m, 2005.IX.2, leg. X.L. Chen; 1♀ (IZAS), same data, 2005.IX.1; 1♀ (IZAS), same locality and date, 2115 m, leg. X.J. Wang; 1♀ (IZAS), Nyingchi, Zayue , Shang Zayue , 1960m, 2005.VIII.23, leg. X.L. Chen; 1♀(IZAS), Zayue , Zhowagoin, Xungjug, 1938 m, 28.6067N, 97.2816E, 2014.VIII.29, leg. H. Liu; 1♀(MHBU), Shang Zayue , 2005.VII.14, leg. A.M. Shi; 1♀(MHBU), Nyingchi, Pelong , 2007.IX.23.-28, leg. F.M. Shi. Supplementary description. Male ( Fig. 3A ). Female. Like male, but antennomeres IV-X without impressions along outer edges (while present with smooth narrow longitudinal or oblong impressions in male), terminal abdominal ventrite wide (while narrow and triangular in male) ( Fig. 9B ) with posterior edge narrowly and triangularly emarginate medially between paired rounded middle protuberances, each protuberance narrower than the distance between it and apicolateral angle and exceeding apex of apicolateral angle. Internal genitalia ( Fig. 6B ): diverticulum narrowed apically and nearly pointed at apex, about twice as long as its maximal width; spermatheca abruptly expanded apically. Distribution. China (new record: Xizang), Bhutan, Nepal, northern India. Figure 3. Male habitus, dorsal view A Themus cavipennis Champion, 1926 (the specimen of Xizang) B T. crassimargo Champion, 1926 (the specimen of Sichuan). Scale bars: 5.0 mm. Figure 4. Habitus, dorsal view A Themus crassimargo Champion, 1926 (lectotype) B Themus (Telephorops) subcaeruleiformis Wittmer, 1983 (holotype) C Triblius laboissierei Pic, 1929 (lectotype) D Themus (Tryblius) separandus Wittmer, 1975 (holotype). Figure 5. Aedeagus ( A, D ventral view B, E dorsal view C, F lateral view) A-C Themus crassipes Pic, 1929 D-F T. impressipennis (Fairmaire, 1886). Scale bar: 1.0 mm. (vp: ventral process of each paramere; dp: conjoint dorsal plate of parameres; lp: laterophyse; bp: basal piece).