Revision of Leucothoe (Amphipoda, Crustacea) from the Southern Ocean: a cosmopolitanism concept is vanishing
Krapp-Schickel, Traudl
Zoologisches Forschungsmuseum A. Koenig, Adenauerallee 160, D- 53113 Bonn, Germany E-mail: traudl. krapp @ uni-bonn. de (corresponding author) & urn: lsid: zoobank. org: author: E 1 B 1 DCCF- 04 CB- 4 B 1 A-A 69 B-A 7 C 25 EC 95 A 38
Broyer, Claude De
Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, rue Vautier 29, B- 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium E-mail: claude. debroyer @ naturalsciences. be & urn: lsid: zoobank. org: author: 970067 BF-A 792 - 48 A 9 - B 32 A-B 91 F 0 E 41 C 354
European Journal of Taxonomy
journal article
Key for Antarctic and sub-Antarctic
1. Cx 2 and Cx 4 anterodistally with acute angle [eyes yellowish]......................................................... ..........................................................................
L. merletta
sp. nov.
2.5 mm
, depth range unknown)
– Coxae anterodistally never acutely pointed....................................................................................... 2
2. P 5-7 basis ratio l:w clearly> 2, proximally widest ............................................................................ .............................................................................
L. longimembris
sp. nov.
15 mm
, depth:
1030 m
– Basis P 5-7 ratio l:w <2, medially widest ......................................................................................... 3
3. Gn 1 propodus and carpus distally very narrow and elongate, propodus ratio l:w> 5, dactylus ≤ 1/3 of propodus length; Gn 2 propodus with palmar corner; peraeopod dactyli> 1/2 length of propodus; Ep 2 posterodistally acutely lengthened [eyes small, compact and dark red].....................................
L. orkneyi
Holman & Watling, 1983
4-9 mm
, depth-range
11-1584 m
– Gn 1 propodus ratio l:w ≤ 5, dactylus ≥ 1/3 of propodus-length, Gn 2 propodus without palmar corner; peraeopod dactyli ≤ 1/2 length of propodus.......................................................................... 4
4. Gn 1 propodus robust, ratio l:w = 3.0-3.5. [Cx 3 narrow with nearly parallel margins; P 5-7 basis ovoid, hind margin in P 7 scarcely serrate, Ep 3 posterodistal corner minutely lengthened, posterior margin excavate]........................................
L. macquariae
sp. nov.
6-10 mm
, depth-range
5-111 m
– Gn 1 propodus ratio l:w more than 3.5 .............................................................................................. 5
5. Gn 2 dactylus very long, reaching up to about 2/3 of propodus length; Gn 1 propodus ratio l:w = 5; Ep 3 posterodistal corner rectangular .............
L. campbelli
sp. nov.
5-7 mm
, depth-range
10-25 m
– Gn 2 dactylus about half length of propodus or little more............................................................... 6
6. P 7 basis regularly rounded, ratio length to width about 1.3. Eyes large, ommatidia separated ......... ..........
L antarctica
Pfeffer, 1888
4-9 mm
, depth-range
24-335 m
, doubtful material from
1584 m
– P 7 basis ratio length to width about 1.7. Eyes large, ommatidia fused .............................................. ................................................................
L. weddellensis
sp. nov.
10-24 mm
, depth range
9-602 m