The shallow-water New Caledonia Drilliidae of genus Clavus Montfort, 1810 (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Conoidea) Author Kilburn, Richard N. Natal Museum, Private Bag 9070, Pietermaritzburg 3201, South Africa Author Fedosov, Alexander A. N. Severtzov Institute of Ecology and Evolution, Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninski Prospect 33, Moscow 119071, Russia Author Kantor, Yuri A. N. Severtzov Institute of Ecology and Evolution, Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninski Prospect 33, Moscow 119071, Russia text Zootaxa 2014 2014-06-18 3818 1 1 69 journal article 36833 10.11646/zootaxa.3818.1.1 8a58eff4-656e-41fe-90c1-3a2cd3feb7cc 1175-5326 286276 D1BB59ED-E41F-461E-A2A9-B034C846A205 Clavus squamiferus new species ( Figs. 18 E, F, 21 E–I) Type material. Holotype : New Caledonia , EXPÉDITION MONTROUZIER, Touho Sector, Haut-Fond de Tié, Stn. 1271, 20°52.7’S , 165°19.5’E , 5–25 m , MNHN IM–2000–26932; Paratypes : EXPÉDITION MONTROUZIER, Touho, Stn. 1273, 20°50.4’S , 165°22.8’E , 20 m (2— MNHN IM–2000–26935). FIGURE 21. Clavus laetus (Hinds, 1843) (A–D) and Clavus squamiferus n. sp. (E–I). A, B. Holotype of Clavatula laeta NHMUK 1879.2.26.67, New Guinea and Straits of Makassar, 7–10 fath.[13–18 m]; C . Loyalty Islands, Lifou, LIFOU 2000, Stn. 1446, SL 10.2 mm; D . Protoconch, New Caledonia, EXPÉDITION MONTROUZIER Touho, Stn. 1270, SL 8.5 mm; E, F. Clavus squamiferus , Holotype; G . Paratype, MNHN IM–2000–26933 SL 10.2 mm; H . Paratype, Radula voucher, MNHN IM–2000–26935, New Caledonia, EXPÉDITION MONTROUZIER, Touho Stn. 1273, SL 11.5 mm (radula—Fig. 18 G, H); I . Protoconch, New Caledonia, EXPÉDITION MONTROUZIER Touho, Stn. 1269, SL 3.3 mm. Other new caledonian material examined (total 9 lots, 22 spms, including type material): New Caledonia , EXPÉDITION MONTROUZIER , Touho Stns . 1255 ( 5 spms), 1256 (3 spms), 1259 (1 spm), 1265 (1 spm), 1269 (6 spms), 1270 (1 spm), 1272 (2 spms) . Loyalty Islands , Lifou: LIFOU 2000, Stn. 1466 (1 spm). Etymology. squama —a scale, fere —to bear, Latin. Distribution. At present known only from New Caledonia and Loyalty Islands, 5–45 m , confirmed live to ca 30 m . Diagnosis. Breadth/length 0.37–0.40, aperture/total length 0.28–0.36; fasciole feeble, base of siphonal canal shallowly indented; anal sinus somewhat linguiform, strongly constricted; stromboid notch well-developed; axial ribs with sharp, hooked angles at midwhorl, their tips weakly squamiform, in t/s sharply angular, compressed and recurved, narrower than their intervals, 11–12 on penultimate whorl, ribs weakly reaching suture, anteriorly reaching rostrum; axial ribs forming 1–2 rows of nodules towards their base; a hump-like terminal varix ca 0.25 whorl behind lip; faint sinuous collabral threads; 5–7 angular ridges on rostrum and microscopic striae in interstices on base. Protoconch bluntly cylindrical, breadth 0.67–0.76 mm . Dull, pale brownish, with several spiral rows of pale orange-brown dots, plus an occasional blotch of brown below suture; protoconch tipped with orangebrown. Attains 15.0 mm. Description. Claviform (breadth/length 0.37–0.40, aperture/total 0.28–0.36), spire turreted, moderately blunt, whorls with a sharp more or less median peripheral angle; suture sinuous, base relatively broad, fasciole barely developed, base of siphonal canal truncate to very slightly oblique, shallowly indented, siphonal canal wide. Outer lip strongly convex, with wide, moderately deep stromboid notch; anal sinus linguiform, adapically sloping, strongly constricted by an angular peripheral nodule. Axial ribs forming sharp, adapically hooked angles, their tips weakly squamiform, opisthocline, in t/s sharply angular, compressed and recurved, narrower than their intervals, 7–8 on first teleoconch whorl, 11–12 on penultimate whorl, weak above shoulder but reaching suture, anteriorly reaching the rostral lirae; axial ribs forming 1–2 rows of nodules towards their base; a hump-like terminal varix ca 0.25 whorl behind lip; faint, sinuous collabral threads. No spiral sculpture except for 5–7 angular ridges on rostrum and microscopic striae in interstices on base. Protoconch ( Fig. 21 I) nearly cylindrical, blunt, of 2.25 smooth, except scattered micropustules whorls, posteriormost half whorl with fine incremental slightly sinuouse lines. Diameter about 760 Μm, height about 660 Μm. Protoconch-teleoconch transition distinct, marked by thin but distinct axial riblet in the shape of anal sinus and appearance of strong axial definitive rib. Dull, ground colour pale brown to brownish-white, with several spiral rows of light orange-brown dots around middle of last whorl, showing on spire, plus an occasional blotch of brown on upper half of each whorl. Protoconch tipped with orange-brown. Attains 15.0 mm. Measurements. Holotype : 10.9 x 4.4 mm ; paratype (Stn. 1273) 11.4 x 4.2 mm . Largest shell (non-type, Lifou Stn. 1466) length 15.0 mm (lip broken). Radula ( Fig. 18 E, F): Rachidian narrow, length more than 1.5 times exceeds width, anterior edge rounded. Teeth with large median cusp and fine side denticles varying in size and number from row to row. Lateral teeth broad, arcuate, with 10–11 cusps, 3rd–5th from inner side being the longest and gradually diminishing in length towards outer side, where they evanesce. Marginal teeth relatively short and broad, with large blade. On posterior edge of the tooth blade constitutes 1/3 of teeth length, on anterior edge its border is indistinct. Accessory limb weak. About 25 rows of teeth. Remarks. Very similar to Clavus laetus but broader, surface dull, not glossy, ribs narrower, sharper and more sinuous, reaching suture (if weakly) and their shoulder angle is distinctly squamiform.