The shallow-water New Caledonia Drilliidae of genus Clavus Montfort, 1810 (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Conoidea) Author Kilburn, Richard N. Natal Museum, Private Bag 9070, Pietermaritzburg 3201, South Africa Author Fedosov, Alexander A. N. Severtzov Institute of Ecology and Evolution, Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninski Prospect 33, Moscow 119071, Russia Author Kantor, Yuri A. N. Severtzov Institute of Ecology and Evolution, Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninski Prospect 33, Moscow 119071, Russia text Zootaxa 2014 2014-06-18 3818 1 1 69 journal article 36833 10.11646/zootaxa.3818.1.1 8a58eff4-656e-41fe-90c1-3a2cd3feb7cc 1175-5326 286276 D1BB59ED-E41F-461E-A2A9-B034C846A205 Clavus lamberti (Montrouzier, 1860) ( Figs. 12 C, D, 13 A–G) Pleurotoma lamberti Montrouzier 1860: 117 , pl. 2, fig. 10. Drillia lauta Pease 1868: 220 , pl. 15, fig. 18; Johnson 1994: 16, pl. 7, fig. 8. Pleurotoma mariei Crosse 1869: 178 ; Crosse 1871: 67, pl. 2, fig. 5. n. syn. Other references. Drillia ( Crassispira ) lamberti ; Tryon 1884: 198, pl. 13, fig. 76. Drillia (Clavus) lamberti ; Bouge & Dautzenberg 1914: 139. Turridrupa lamberti ; Habe 1970:128, pl. 40, fig. 1; Clavus lamberti ; Cernohorsky 1978: 153, pl. 55, fig. 2; Wells 1991: 16, pl. 4, figs. 3–4 (as “ syntype ”); Sysoev in Poppe 2008: pl. 674, fig. 2. Clavus (Clavus) lamberti ; Higo et al. 1999: 298. Clavus (Tylotia) lamberti ; Hasegawa et al. 2000: 621, pl. 309, fig. 12. ? Drillia “mariesi Souverbie”; Melvill & Standen 1897: 397. Type data. P. lamberti : Holotype in MHNBx 2004.TY.39.1, type locality: Art Island , New Caledonia . The MNHN specimen figured by Wells (1991) as “ Holotype ” (in his caption to the figures) is not a type (pers. comm. Virginie Héros). D. lauta : lectotype (designated by Johnson 1994) ANSP 15692, paralectotype MCZ 49981; type locality: Paumotus [Anaa Is., Tuamotus], Polynesia. P. mariei : types not traced (but see below); type locality: Nouméa, New Caledonia . New caledonian material examined (total 42 lots, 143 spms): New Caledonia , Nouméa: LAGON Stns. 1339 (1 spm), 1340 (1 spm), 1341 (1 spm), 1343 (3 spms), 1350, 1352 (4 spms), 1354 (1 spm), 1356 (6 spms), 1357 (5 spms), 1371 (4 spms), 1374 (16 spms); EXPÉDITION MONTROUZIER, Koumac Stns. 1286 (1 spm), 1291 (1 spm), 1298 (5 spms), 1299 (1 spm), 1303 (4 spms), 1308 (2 spms), 1310 (1 spm), 1311 (1 spm), 1312 (3 spms), 1314 (2 spms), 1316 (3 spms), 1318 (1 spm); 1319 (7 spms). Touho Stns. 1240 (9 spms), 1242 (1 spm), 1253 (2 spms), 1254 (3 spms), 1255 (3 spms), 1259 (5 spms), 1264 (2 spms), 1266 (3 spms), 1268 (1 spm), 1269 (2 spms), 1271 (3 spms), 1272 (7 spms), 1273 (1 spm). Loyalty Islands , Lifou: LIFOU 2000, Stns. 1421 (1 spm), 1429 (1 spm), 1454 (1 spm), 1457 (1 spm); Distribution. S. Japan (Amami Islands), Samoa and Tuamotus to New Caledonia , Loyalty Islands and Western Australia , west to Mauritius , sand and stones, and under coral slabs, intertidal to 60 m , in our material confirmed live to ca 30 m . Description. Shell claviform, adult length to 12 mm , breadth/length 0.40–0.41, aperture/total length 0.40–0.43, with coeloconoid spire, drawn apex and truncate base. Teleoconch of 6–7 whorls of somewhat angulated outline; concave subsuturally with periphery at whorl's mid-height. Suture wavy, adpressed to previous whorl. Base broad, shallowly indented with distinct fasciole in adult shells. Outer lip with wide indistinct stromboid notch; anal sinus widely open U-shaped. No subsutural cord or sulcus. Terminal varix situated about 1/ 4–1/5 whorl behind lip. Axial ribs strong, opisthocline, on last whorl extended to parietal area and reaching fasciole, but indistinct on subsutural slope. Last adult whorl with 10–13 axials. Fasciole with 4–5 coarse, declivous ridges, entire shell surface covered with dense, collabral growth lines. Background colour light grey or yellowish, with lighter projections of axials. Whorl peripheries and shell base with intricate pattern of reddish or brown lines. Whorls peripheries fringed with fine brown lines with interstices between axial elements also coloured brown and one fine spiral line overriding axials. Similar brown chain-like band situated on parietal area of shell, and another one marks fasciole. FIGURE 13. Clavus lamberti (Montrouzier, 1860) . A, B. Holotype of Pleurotoma lamberti Montrouzier, 1860 , MHNBx 2004.TY.39.1, New Caledonia, Art Is, SL 9.8 mm; C, D. New Caledonia, EXPÉDITION MONTROUZIER, Touho Stn. 1273, 10.5 x 4.3 mm; E. Radula voucher, same locality as previous, SL 10.4 mm; F, G. New Caledonia, EXPÉDITION MONTROUZIER Touho, Stn. 1255, SL 4.5 mm. Protoconch ( Fig. 13 F–G) cylindrical-domed, of two smooth whorls, except very fine incremental lines in lower part of second whorl. Diameter about 710 Μm, height about 670 Μm. Protoconch-teleoconch transition indistinct, marked by change in suture morphology and appearance of strong axial rib. Radula ( Fig. 12 C, D): Rachidian very narrow, length nearly three times exceeds width, with rounded slightly convex anterior edge, with strong median cusp and fine side denticles. Lateral teeth medium broad, arcuate, with 13–14 cusps, 2nd–4th from inner side being the longest and gradually diminishing in length towards outer side, where they evanesce. Marginal teeth medium long, narrow, with slightly broader long blade. Blade edges very weakly thickened. Accessory limb broad, weak. Remarks. This well-known species has been described and figured by Cernohorsky (1978) and Wells (1991). It is characterised by its glossy surface and vivid colour pattern of dark brown spiral lines on a yellowish or brown ground. New Caledonian examples of C. lamberti appear to be mostly paler than those from the central west Pacific, and several examples are uniform white. Largest and smallest adult from New Caledonia : 10.5 x 4.3 mm ; 7.3 x 3.3 mm . The type figures of Pleurotoma mariei appear to show a very pale or bleached example of C. lamberti . Supporting evidence is provided by a label accompanying a sample of C. lamberti received from Marie himself, now in the MacAndrew collection (NHMUK); this is annotated “= mariei Crosse ”. Although one specimen in this sample closely matches the type figure of P. mariei , there is no evidence to confirm its type status.