A newly recognised Australian endemic species of Austrolecanium Gullan & Hodgson 1998 (Hemiptera: Coccidae) from Queensland Author Lin, Yen-Po Author Ding, Zheng Yee Author Gullan, Penny J. Author Cook, Lyn G. text Zootaxa 2017 4272 1 119 130 journal article 32968 10.11646/zootaxa.4272.1.6 d0bf1467-a87c-4578-acfd-c0cf4a8523ba 1175-5326 583400 C82221EA-6A5B-42CF-92B5-9EC5E98A216A Austrolecanium cryptocaryae Lin & Cook sp. n. ( Fig 4 ) urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:C52B76D7-35E0-4767-92EA-E2978C484BEB Material examined. Holotype . Adult female (ID: LGC00727f2). Australia : Mt Glorious , D’Aguilar National Park , Queensland , - 27.33° S , 152.75° E , on Cryptocarya microneura , 28.iv.2007 , L. G. Cook ( ANIC : 1/ 1 female ). GenBank accession numbers: 18S : KY816391 ; 28S : KY816400 ; COI : KY808494 ; EF-1α : KY824059 ; wingless : KY798546 . Paratype . Adult female (ID: LGC00727f1). Same data as for holotype (ANIC: 1/1 female). GenBank accession numbers: 18S : KY816390 ; 28S : KY816399 ; COI : KY808493 ; EF-1α : KY824058 ; wingless : KY798545 . Paratype . Adult female (ID: LGC00831f1). Australia : Mt Glorious , D’Aguilar National Park , Queensland , - 27.33° S , 152.75° E , on C. microneura , 15.iii.2008 , L. G. Cook ( ANIC : 1/ 1 female ). GenBank accession numbers: 18S : KY816392 ; 28S : KY816401 ; COI : KY808495 ; EF-1α : KY824060 ; wingless : KY798547 . Paratype . Adult female (ID: LGC00831f2). Same data as for paratype LGC00831f1 ( ANIC : 1/ 1 female ). GenBank accession numbers: 18S : KY816393 ; 28S : KY816402 ; COI : KY808496 ; EF-1α : KY824061 ; wingless : KY798548 . Diagnosis. Adult females of A. cryptocaryae can be identified and distinguished from A. sassafras and A. cappari by the following combination of morphological character states (the contrasting states for the other two species are given in Table 3 ); (i) dorsal setae sharply spinose; (ii) dorsal microducts present along body margin; (iii) marginal setae bluntly spinose; (iv) each anal plate with three apical setae and one seta on inner margin; (v) each supporting bar of anal plate with four setae; and (vi) anal ring with four pairs of setae, each longer than 300 Μ m. FIGURE 4. Adult female of Austrolecanium cryptocaryae Lin & Cook , sp. n. A: marginal seta; B: dorsal microductule; C: dorsal seta; D: preopercular pore; E: anal plate and anogenital fold; F: anal ring; G: pregenital disc-pore; H: leg; I: stigmatic area; J: ventral microduct; K: ventral seta; L: spiracular disc-pore; M: antenna. The scale lines against each structure are: E, F, H, I and M = 100 Μ m; A, B and K = 10 Μ m; C, D, G, J and L = 5 Μ m. Austrolecanium cryptocaryae differs from A. sassafras at the following DNA sequence positions (mapped to the GenBank reference sequence listed for each gene): 18S : Reference sequence: KY816394 . Site# 22 (A), 309 (-). 28S : Reference sequence: KY816403 . Site# 9 (C), 29 (G), 49 (G), 87 (A), 89 (A), 90 (C), 143 (T), 154 (T), 166 (C), 167 (T), 175 (T), 255 (T), 381 (C), 454 (-), 476 (T), 514 (G), 544 (T). COI : Reference sequence: KY808497 . Site# 3 (A), 12 (A), 18 (T), 24 (T), 27 (C), 33 (C), 36 (C), 41 (A), 43– 45 (TTA), 47–48 (CT), 51 (T), 61 (G), 63 (T), 69 (T), 72 (T), 75 (C), 79 (C), 87 (C), 93 (C), 105 (T), 108 (T), 120 (G), 123 (T), 126 (A), 128 (T), 141 (T), 144 (A), 151–154 (AGAT), 156–157 (TT), 159 (A), 165 (A), 168 (G), 174 (C), 177 (A), 183 (T), 187 (T), 189 (A), 192 (A), 195 (T), 198 (A), 206 (A), 213–214 (TT), 222–223 (CT), 225 (A), 227 (T), 240 (T), 243 (T), 255–258 (TTTC), 261 (T), 271 (C), 273 (T), 283 (T), 290–291 (CA), 294 (G), 297–298 (TT), 300 (A), 301–303 (ACA), 309 (C), 312–313 (TT), 328 (A), 330 (C), 336 (G), 339 (C), 343 (A), 345 (A), 348 (T), 354 (T), 360 (C), 363 (A), 366 (C), 369 (T), 373 (T), 375–376 (AA), 378 (T), 381–382 (AT), 385 (G), 387 (T), 389–391 (GAC), 396 (C), 398 (A), 405–406 (AA), 410–412 (TTT), 417 (T), 419 (A), 421 (A), 423–424 (TT), 426 (T), 429 (T), 435 (C), 450 (A), 456 (T), 459 (T), 462 (T), 465 (T), 468–469 (TC), 471 (T), 474 (A), 477 (C), 480 (C), 483–484 (TT), 489 (A), 492 (A), 495 (A), 501 (T), 505 (A), 507–508 (AT), 510 (T), 513 (C), 528 (C), 537 (T), 547 (A), 554–555 (AT), 558 (A), 565 (G), 567 (T), 570 (C), 572 (A), 579 (T). EF-1α : Reference sequence: KY824062 . Site# 9 (T), 18 (C), 24 (G), 165 (C), 171 (G), 183 (A), 189 (T), 216 (C), 249 (G), 292 (T), 321 (C), 324 (A), 412 (T), 459 (C). wingless : Reference sequence: KY798543 . Site# 33 (A), 123 (G), 126 (C), 129 (G), 156 (T), 159 (G), 171 (C), 183 (A), 201 (C), 205 (T), 207 (G), 215–216 (GT), 247 (C), 255 (A), 276 (T). Description. Adult female ( Fig. 4 ) (drawing and measurements based on four specimens: LGC00727f1, LGC00727f2, LGC00831f1 and LGC00831f2, all in good condition). Unmounted specimens . Live insects ( Fig. 1A ) bright green with a shiny dorsum, partially transparent near body margin. All specimens were found on the underside of leaves of the host plant. Mounted specimens . Body oval and symmetrical, 5.3–6.5 mm long, 4.6–5.2 mm wide. Dorsum. Dorsum mostly membranous but sclerotized around inner margin of each stigmatic cleft and on dorsal derm around anal plates. Dorsal setae sharply spinose, each 5–12 Μ m long, scattered throughout dorsum. Dorsal pores of 2 kinds: (i) microductules, each about 1 Μ m in diameter, with inner ductule tubular, 8–15 Μ m long, filamentous distally, frequent along margin; and (ii) preopercular pores, each 3–8 Μ m in diameter, scattered over dorsum, but most situated in a broad area anterior to anal plates, forming a cluster of 528–692 pores. Anal plates each triangular with anterior and posterior margins subequal in length, 294–354 Μ m long, 96–126 Μ m wide; with 3 setae apically on each plate plus 1 seta on inner margin anterior to apical setae. Anogenital fold with 2 pairs of setae along anterior margin, each 23–30 Μ m long; also with a distinct supporting bar on each margin, each bar with 4 setae (50–68 Μ m long), 2 marginally and 2 posteriorly. Anal tube shorter than length of anal plates, 213–300 Μ m long; anal ring 96–116 Μ m in diameter, bearing 4 pairs of setae, each seta 342–432 Μ m long. Margin . Each marginal seta with a rounded apex, longer than a dorsal seta, 11–29 Μ m long, arranged in a single marginal row, with 16–22 setae on head between stigmatic clefts, 4–10 on each side between anterior and posterior stigmatic clefts, and 11–18 on each side of abdomen; marginal setae on anal lobes not differentiated from others. Each stigmatic cleft mushroom-shaped, with narrow cleft broadening into a wide space; each with a well-defined area of sclerotization along inner margin of cleft and with 6–12 stigmatic spines; each spine 12–48 Μ m long, parallel-sided, with a rounded to clavate apex. Venter. Venter membranous; segmentation only visible on abdomen. Ventral setae hair-like, each 5–7 µ m long, sparsely scattered across venter. Pregenital segment (VII) with a single pair of long pregenital setae, each seta 114– 144 Μ m long. A group of 11–15 setae, each 12–39 Μ m long, present near each pregenital seta and just anterior to each group of pregenital disc-pores. Pregenital disc-pores each 5–8 Μ m in diameter, mostly each with 6 loculi, present in 2 groups each of 6–16 pores on either side of anogenital fold. Each stigmatic furrow with a band of spiracular disc-pores, each pore mostly with 5 loculi and about 6 Μ m in diameter, with 87–124 pores present between each spiracle and stigmatic cleft. Ventral microducts minute, each with outer ductule 3–6 Μ m long and inner ductule inconspicuous; sparsely scattered throughout venter but concentrated around mouthparts. Ventral tubular ducts absent. Spiracles well developed: anterior spiracle plus peritreme 108–162 Μ m long, 60–132 Μ m wide; posterior spiracle plus peritreme 126–162 Μ m long, 108–144 Μ m wide. Legs much reduced, each 91–130 Μ m long, trochanter fused with femur; tarsal digitules narrower than claw digitules, each 9–17 Μ m long, with minute apical knob; claw digitules each 15–23 Μ m long, with minute apical knob; claw without a denticle. Antennae each with 6 segments but segmentation often obscure, each antenna 132–192 Μ m long in total; all setae on terminal 3 segments fleshy, each 8–27 Μ m long. A pair of interantennal setae present, each 27–33 Μ m long. Mouthparts positioned at centre of body. Clypeolabral shield 174–180 Μ m long, 120–150 Μ m wide. Labium 84 Μ m long, 90– 120 Μ m wide. Etymology. The other two species of Austrolecanium are named after their host plants, so we continue this tradition here. The species epithet cryptocaryae is derived from the genus name of the host plant, Cryptocarya microneura , and means "of Cryptocarya ". Biological notes. No natural enemies, including parasitoids or predators, of A. cryptocaryae were found in this study.