Revision of the genus Placospongia (Porifera, Demospongiae, Hadromerida, Placospongiidae) in the Indo-West Pacific Author Becking, Leontine E. text ZooKeys 2013 298 39 76 journal article 1313-2970-298-39 Geodia labyrinthica (Kirkpatrick, 1903) Placospongia labyrinthica Kirkpatrick 1903 : Plate V fig. 1 a-b , Plate VI fig. 1 a-f . Reviewed material. Holotype. BMNH, South Africa, East London Coast, 33°06'30"S , 028°11'E . Spicules. Megascleres styles, oxea; microscleres sterrasters, chiasters Remarks. This species was originally described as 'Placospongia labyrinthica' ,butdoes not have the characteristic cortical plates of Placospongia . The specimen furthermore has sieve pores, sterrasters with star-like plates, euasters, styles and oxea characteristic of the Geodiidae . In the original description, Kirkpatrick (1903) stated "the presence of chiasters is so exceptional that I thought at first that I had to deal with a geodine sponges, but there were no triaenes to be found" and as a result placed this species in the Placospongia rather than Geodia . Genus transfer to Geodia is, however, required as suggested on the World Porifera Database ( van Soest et al. 2011 ).