A Generic Classification of the Thelypteridaceae Author Fawcett, Susan Author Smith, Alan R. text 2021 BRIT Press Fort Worth, Texas, USA book 10.17348/jbrit.v15.i2.1206 14111022 KEY TO GENERA OF THELYPTERIDACEAE 1. Adaxial costae not grooved;veins terminating before reaching laminar margins. 1. Adaxial costae grooved;veins mostly reaching laminar margins . 2. Laminae ovate to lanceolate;sori indusiate;scales restricted to stipe bases ________________________________________ Metathelypteris 2. Laminae deltate,ovate,or lanceolate;sori exindusiate or with very small indusia < 3 mm diam.;scales sometimes present on stipes and costae. 3. Sori exindusiate,linear to elongate;sporangial capsules densely setulose;veins mostly simple; x = 36 __________________ Leptogramma 3. Sori indusiate or exindusiate,round to slightly oblong; sporangia glabrous or with few setae;veins mostly forking; x = 30,31. 4. Medial pinnae mostly adnate;laminae pinnatifid or pinnate-pinnatifid; stipe scales with marginal setae; x = 30;temperate or paleotropical-montane ________________________________________________________________________________ Phegopteris 4. Medial pinnae free (adnate only towards frond apices);laminae pinnate-pinnatifid to bipinnate or more divided;stipe scales with marginal and surperficial setae; x = 31; paleotropical. 5. Medial pinnae mostly opposite; sori exindusiate; stipe scales brown, and of uniform thickness; hairs on laminae unicellular____________________________________________________________________________________ Pseudophegopteris 5. Medial pinnae mostly alternate;sori indusiate or exindusiate; stipe scales typically pale and thickened at base;hairs on laminae often septate ____________________________________________________________________________ Macrothelypteris 6. Veins free. 6. Veins connivent at or near sinuses,or anastomosing below the sinuses and forming an excurrent vein to sinus. 7. Three or more pairs of proximal pinnae greatly reduced. 7. Fewer than three pairs of proximal pinnae greatly reduced,or none reduced. 8. Proximal pinnae abruptly reduced to a series of auricles subtended by peg-like aerophores; strictly paleotropical ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Pseudocyclosorus 8. Proximal pinnae gradually reduced,rarely abruptly reduced to auricles subtended by peg-like aerophores;mostly neotropical,temperate,or boreal. 9. Stipe scales with papillose outgrowths along margins;boreal and paleotropical-montane; x = 34 _____________________ Oreopteris 9. Stipe scales various, often marginally setulose; mostly neotropical, subtropical, or north-temperate; x = 27, 29, 31 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Amauropelta 10. Fronds winter-deciduous;plants mostly of temperate regions;rhizomes creeping. 10. Fronds not winter-deciduous;plants of tropical and subtropical regions;rhizomes various. 11. Fronds weakly dimorphic; ovate scales present on abaxial costae; veins often forked; laminar glands lacking; x = 35 __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Thelypteris 11. Fronds monomorphic;scales absent on abaxial costae;veins almost always simple;sessile or stipitate glands sometimes present on lamina; x = 27, 31, 32,33. 12. Pinna segments subentire, often tapering, oblique to costae and apices acute; glands absent or orange-yellow, spherical or hemispherical;most spp. x = 27, 31 ______________________________________________________ Amauropelta 12. Pinna segments entire, parallel sided, nearly perpendicular to costae and apices rounded or truncate; glands usually reddish,viscid and hemispherical; x = 31,32,33_______________________________________________ Coryphopteris 13. Plants mostly of rocky riverbeds and streamsides;rhizomes (caudices) erect;spores trilete _____________________ Trigonospora 13. Plants of various habitats;rhizomes creeping,ascending or erect;spores monolete. 14. Pinnae with peg-like aerophores at bases;developing fronds covered in mucilage;neotropical ________________ Steiropteris 14. Pinnae without aerophores (except Cyclogramma ), or these present as inconspicuous swellings; mucilage rare or unknown;paleotropical. 15. Indument of abaxial axes and sporangia of hooked and straight setae; spores coarsely echinate or with reticulate crests ____________________________________________________________________________ Cyclogramma 15. Indument of abaxial axes lacking hooked hairs;sporangia usually lacking setae;spores variously ornamented. 16. Plants mostly < 50 cm ; rhizomes forming erect caudices; abaxial laminae with hemispherical resinous glands;scales often present on abaxial axes__________________________________________________ Coryphopteris 16. Plants mostly> 50 cm ; rhizomes creeping to erect; glands absent or various; scales typically absent on abaxial axes. 17. Abaxial laminae with amber to reddish translucent hemispherical glands; fronds drying reddish and bicolorous____________________________________________________________________________ Mesopteris 17. Abaxial laminae lacking glands, or glands spherical, sulfur-colored and opaque; fronds drying greenish or brown and concolorous. 18. Sori inframedial,often overlapping costules;all pinnae opposite or subopposite________ Glaphyropteridopsis 18. Sori medial to inframarginal;distal pinnae usually alternate. 19. Medial pinna with bases asymmetrical, cuneate or rounded; laminae chartaceous to stiffly coriaceous ____________________________________________________________________ Plesioneuron 19. Medial pinna with bases more or less symmetrical, truncate; laminae membranaceous to chartaceous _________________________________________________________________ Amblovenatum 20. At least some veins connivent at sinuses or running to sinuses without merging. 20. At least one pair of veins anastomosing below the sinus,forming excurrent vein. 21. Veins running alongside non-vascularized cartilaginous keel below sinus. 21. Veins connivent at or just below sinuses,cartilaginous keel absent. 22. Sporangial stalks each with a multicellular stalk capped by a spherical reddish to orange gland;costae,costules,and veins abaxially bearing narrow scales;paleotropical____________________________________________________ Mesophlebion 22. Sporangial stalks lacking stalked glands;axes usually lacking scales abaxially;neotropical_______________________ Steiropteris 23. Sessile glands absent from laminar axes and tissue,but short-stipitate light yellowish glands often present;all veins connivent at or just below sinuses;neotropical________________________________________________________ Pelazoneuron 23. Glands present on abaxial laminae;veins connivent at or just below sinuses,anastomosing below sinuses,or sometimes free;paleotropical. 24. Adaxial laminar axes with hyaline acicular hairs; abaxial laminae with opaque sulfur-colored or pale yellow spherical glands;laminae drying concolorous green or olivaceous____________________________________ Amblovenatum 24. Adaxial laminar axes glabrous, or with short-stipitate glands, abaxial laminae with translucent reddish to orangish hemispherical glands;laminae drying bicolorous and reddish___________________________________ Mesopteris 25. Pinnae entire,subentire,or shallowly lobed,typically incised less than 1/3 to costae. 25. Pinnae incised more than 1/3 to costae. 26. Sori linear to slightly elongate, exindusiate; adaxial laminae with abundant simple hairs between veins; sporangial capsules densely setulose. 26. Sori mostly round (sometimes elongate),indusiate or exindusiate;adaxial laminae glabrous or sparsely hairy; sporangial capsules glabrous,glandular,or setulose. 27. Spores winged; endemic to Hawaiian Islands __________________________________________________________ Hoiokula 27. Spores echinate;native to Eurasia,Africa, Mexico or Alabama. 28. Veins with two or fewer intersegmental areoles,or veins free ______________________________________ Leptogramma 28. Veins with at least three intersegmental areoles,or veins irregularly anastomosing ___________________ Stegnogramma 29. Stellate or furcate hairs usually present, most easily observed on costae, rachis, and stipe base scales; neotropical ___________________________________________________________________________________ Goniopteris 29. Hairs all unbranched (some furcate in Ampelopteris ); paleotropical (except Meniscium ). 30. Sporangial stalks each with a multicellular stalk capped by a spherical reddish to orange gland; fronds abundantly proliferous;mature fronds continuing to elongate_____________________________________ Ampelopteris 30. Sporangia stalks all lacking a reddish to orange multicellular gland;fronds proliferous or not; mature fronds with determinate growth. 31. Hook-shaped (hamate) hairs present on laminae,these most easily observed on abaxial axes ___________ Grypothrix 31. Hairs needle-shaped (acicular). 32. Fronds nearly always with proliferous buds in axils of distal pinnae;endemic to Africa ______________ Menisorus 32. Fronds rarely proliferous;rare or absent in Africa. 33. Fronds strongly dimorphic to subdimorphic; pinnae mostly < 4 cm wide; 4 or fewer vein pairs usually anastomosing below sinuses; sessile yellowish glands typically present on laminae, sporangia,and/or indusia. 33. Fronds monomorphic to subdimorphic; pinnae often> 4 cm wide; 5 or more vein pairs usually anastomosing below sinuses;sessile yellowish glands usually absent. 34. Proximal pinnae not reduced;hairs lacking from adaxial laminae between veins___________ Pronephrium 34. Proximal pinnae usually reduced; hairs sometimes present on adaxial laminae between veins ___________________________________________________________________ Sphaerostephanos 35. Sporangial capsules usually setulose;sori usually medial and discrete ____________________ Abacopteris 35. Sporangial capsules usually glabrous;sori inframedial or coalescent along cross-veins. 36. Laminae often drying reddish; proliferous buds absent; Asian, Malesian, and Hawaiian _________________________________________________________________________ Menisciopsis 36. Laminae drying greenish, olivaceous, or brown; proliferous buds sometimes present in axils of pinnae;neotropical_____________________________________________________ Meniscium 37. Stellate or furcate hairs usually present, most easily observed on adaxial costae, rachis, and stipe base scales; neotropical_______________________________________________________________________________________ Goniopteris 37. Hairs all unbranched;mostly paleotropical. 38. Rhizomes forming trunk-like erect caudices;pinnae opposite;endemic to New Zealand and Australia _______________ Pakau 38. Rhizomes creeping,ascending or erect;pinnae mostly alternate,at least distally;mostly paleotropical. 39. Rhizomes long-creeping (internodes> 3 cm ),subterranean;fronds sclerophyllous,often in full or partial sun. 39. Rhizomes creeping (internodes < 3 cm ), ascending,or erect;fronds membranaceous to chartaceous. 40. Ovate scales present on abaxial axes of laminae;sporangial stalks each with a multicellular stalk capped by a spherical reddish to orange gland; plants aquatic, of freshwater marshes and swamps; pantropical ________________________________________________________________________________________ Cyclosorus 40. Scales absent from abaxial laminae; sporangial capsules with sessile glands or setae; plants not of permanently inundated habitats;paleotropical_____________________________________________ Strophocaulon 41. Hairs usually appressed and often present on adaxial laminae between veins. 41. Hairs,if present on adaxial laminae,usually spreading,mostly restricted to costae and rachis. 42. Proximal pinnae typically gradually reduced; glands, if present, typically orange and clavate or pear-shaped;most diverse and abundant in continental southeast Asia and Indian subcontinent ______ Christella 42. Proximal pinnae mostly abruptly reduced;glands,if present,sessile,typically yellowish and spherical or oblate;most diverse and abundant in Malesia ______________________________________ Sphaerostephanos 43. Sori inframedial to costular;stipe scales terete or linear-lanceolate and thickened,dark brown to black, dense and persistent,spreading _____________________________________________________________ Chingia 43. Sori medial to inframarginal;stipe scales not terete,ovate to lanceolate,brown,often caducous,often appressed. 44. Aerophores peg-like, projecting from pinna and sometimes pinnule bases; proximal pinnae abruptly reduced to vestigial laminar fringe; fronds drying bicolorous,reddish ____________ Pneumatopteris 44. Aerophores inconspicuous;proximal pinnae gradually reduced;fronds mostly drying concolorous green or olivaceous _______________________________________________________________ Reholttumia