New Formicidae, with notes on some little-known species. Author Clark, J. text Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria 1930 43 2 25 journal article 6104 Eubothroponera dentinodis , n. sp. (Text-fig. 1, Nos. 6, 6a.) Worker.-Length, 4.4- 5 mm. Castaneous. Mandibles, antennae and legs lighter, eyes and posterior margin of the node black. Subopaque. Head finely redoliate, with some large, very shallow, punctures. Mandibles densely punctate. Scapes and thorax densely and very finely punctate, the punctures larger on the end of the epinotum. Node more coarsely punctate, almost rugose. Gaster microscopically punctate, with some large, isolated, shallow punctures. Hair yellow, erect, long and abundant on the head, thorax, node and gaster, none on the antennae and legs. Pubescence yellow, very fine and moderately abundant, particularly on the apical segments of the gaster, very abundant and adpressed on the antennae and legs. Head slightly longer than broad, the occipital border feebly, the sides strongly convex. Frontal carinae overhanging the antennal insertions in front, hardly defined behind. Clypeus large, convex above, level with the top of the carinae. Eyes large and convex, placed at the middle of the sides. Scapes extending beyond the occipital border by twice their thickness; first segment of the funiculus as long as the second, the others subequal. Mandibles triangular, abruptly bent at their base, edentate. Thorax one and three-quarter times longer than broad. Pronotum fully one-third broader than long, convex in front and on the sides, the suture strongly impressed. Mesonotum and epinotum united without traces of a suture, the posterior border straight, feebly margined; in profile convex longitudinally, the declivity face straight, at an obtuse angle, the sides feebly margined. Node one-fourth broader than long, convex in front and on the sides. the posterior border sharply margined; there is a strong, tooth-like projection at the middle, directed backward; in profile higher than long, the anterior face vertical, as long as the dorsum, the posterior face concave ; there is a long, broad, blunt tooth below in front, and a smaller one behind directed backward. First segment of the gaster one-third broader than long. There is a decided constriction between the first and second segments, the latter broader than long. Legs long and slender. Habitat.-Western Australia: Bungulla (J. Clark).