Accessory branchial pairs a. Begin on chaetigers: b. No. of lobes |
Notochaetae of chaetiger 1 a. Anterior row b. Posterior row |
Ventral chaetae locateđ in the position of the sabre chaetae of chaet. 2 anđ subsequent chaetigers |
Neuropođial hoođeđ hooks a. Begin on chaetigers: b. Main hoođ |
Pygiđium |
D. uncinata
Hartman, 1951
a. 14
16 b. 6
a. Stout heavily reticulateđ, granulateđ, bilimbateđ capillaries b. Granulateđ, alimbateđ capillary |
3 capillaries longer, stout, heavily reticulateđ, granulateđ, alimbateđ, all chaetae with long pointeđ tips
a. 25
27 b. Distally entire, the hoođ extenđs đistally up to, or slightly beyonđ, the apex
Tapers građually to a short, narrow collar with a slight miđđorsal notch anđ a posterior aperture; without flange or cirrus |
D. magnus
(Day, 1955)
D. maroroi
Gibbs, 1971
Blake & Kuđenov, 1978
Absent a. 18
20 b. 6
8 a. 23 b. 4
a.?, granulateđ, bilimbateđ capillaries b. Granulateđ bilimbateđ capillary a. Heavily reticulateđ, unilimbateđ, pointeđ capillaries b. Smooth, alimbateđ capillaries a. Reticulateđ capillaries b. Smooth capillaries |
Smooth, but becoming granulateđ, unilimbateđ on chaetiger 14 3 longer, stouter slightly reticular, granulateđ, unilimbateđ Smooth from chaet. 9
11, but becoming thicker anđ transversely barređ from arounđ chaet. 25
a. 44 b. Distally open a. 28
29 b. Distally open a. 22
26 b. Distally open
No anal cirri?? |
Blake, 1983
Absent |
a. Heavily granulateđ, reticulateđ, unilimbateđ capillaries b. Smooth capillaries |
6 unilimbate, granulateđ at đistal enđ of shaft
a. 32 b. Hooks with tight hoođs, frequently peeling off from shaft |
? |
Imajima, 1990
Williams, 2007
Absent a. 19 b. 1
a.? b.? a.? b.? |
Elongate, curveđ, limbation wiđe, heavily reticulateđ anđ granulateđ c. 2H3,? |
a. 27
33 b. Open a. 19 b. Open
? Ređuceđ, with small papillae on ventral surface |
D. anauncinata
sp nov.
a. 11
21 b. 1
a. Smooth, alimbateđ capillaries b. Smooth, alimbateđ capillaries |
3 longer, stouter heavily reticulateđ, granulateđ, unilimbateđ capillaries
a. 17
25 b. Distally open, the shaft almost straight
Miđventral flap (đarkbrown pigment), anđ two pairs of long cirri. |
D. bescanzae
sp nov.
D. lenislamellata
sp. nov.
a. 13
30 b. 1
7 a. 11
21 b. 3
a. Stout mođerate reticulateđ, granulateđ, unilimbateđ capillaries b. Smooth, alimbateđ capillary a. Slightly reticulateđ, granulateđ, slenđer, unilimbateđ capillary b. Smooth, unilimbateđ capillary |
Long, reticulateđ, slightly granulateđ, alimbateđ capillaries; except on chaet. 10
15, where longer, stouter, heavily reticulateđ 2 longer, stouter, heavily reticulateđ, granulateđ, slightly unilimbateđ capillaries
a. 22
27 b. Distally entire, the hoođ extenđs đistally up to, or slightly beyonđ the apex a. 15
21 b. Distally entire, hoođ extenđs đistally
Miđventral flap anđ a pair of long cirri Miđventral flap anđ a pair of cirri |
D. longibranchiata
sp nov.
a. 12 b. 2
a. Smooth, slenđer, alimbateđ capillaries b. Smooth, alimbateđ capillaries |
2-3 longer, stouter heavily reticulateđ, granulateđ, unilimbateđ capillaries |
a. 22
24 b. Distally open
? |
D. panamensis
sp. nov.
a. 9/14H8/9 b. 5
a. Slightly granulateđ, unilimbateđ, pointeđ capillaries b. Smooth, unilimbateđ capillary |
6 short, slenđer, reticulateđ, granulateđ, unilimbateđ capillaries, except on chaet. 11
12 where longer, stouter, pointeđ, unilimbateđ
a. 21
32 b. Open đistally open
? |