A review of the mite subfamily Harpirhynchinae (Acariformes: Harpirhynchidae) — parasites of New World birds (Aves: Neognathae) Author Bochkov, Andre V Author Oconnor, Barry M. Author Klompen, Hans text Zootaxa 2015 4023 1 1 130 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.4023.1.1 8f4e6997-9864-4b83-9687-c0beffe0b6ae 1175-5326 399838 6BC0B13B-940D-402E-B894-3C80E034840B Harpyrhynchoides Fain, 1972 Harpyrhynchus ( Harpyrhynchoides ) Fain, 1972 : 50 . Harpirhynchus ( Harpyrhynchoides ), Fain 1994 : 112 . Harpyrhynchoides , Fain et al . 1999: 42 . Pseudoharpirhynchus Fain, Bochkov and Mironov, 1999: 39 ( type species Harpyrhynchus ( Harpyrhynchus ) agapornis Fain, 1972 ), syn. nov. Type species: Harpyrhynchus (Harpyrhynchoides) squamosus Fain, 1972 , by original designation. TABLE 1 . Diagnostic characters of females of the genus Harpirhynchus Megnin, 1877 Species Characters I II III IV V VI H. nidulans 0/1 1 0/1 1 1 0 H. dusbabeki 0/1 0 0 0 1 0 H. quasimodo 1 0 0 0 1 0 H. galeridae 0 1 0 0 0 1 I. Subcapitular setae n present (0), absent (1) II. Setae 3a present (0), absent (1) III. Leg setae dG I and II present (0), absent (1) IV. Leg setae l’G I and II present (0), absent (1) V. Leg setae v’G I and II present (0), absent (1) VI. Basal segment of leg III with 2 setae (0), with 1 seta. Diagnosis. FEMALE. Subcapitulum bearing setae n . Palp with full set of setae. Setae vF smooth or serrate. Idiosoma strongly flattened dorso-ventrally, rhomboid or oval in outline. Anterior part of propodonotum between peritrematal branches and striated cuticle smooth or punctated. Dorsal shield distinctly developed, entire, without ornamentation or finely ornamented. Dorsal idiosomal striae not accompanied by tubercles or verrucosities. Idiosomal venter striated, in some species with scales or verrucosities. Full set of idiosomal setae present, excluding h1 absent in some species (setae c2 absent in H. anatum (Fain, 1972)) . Setae vi , ve , and si not clustered; h2 relatively short (only in few species of zumpti group reaching 200), smooth, and never thickened; setae 3a present, situated distinctly anterior to pocket-like vulvar structure, rarely close to this structure. Setae 1a and 3a not shorter than 1c , widely separated from each other. Vulvar slit not longer than 1/3 of idiosomal length. Vulvar apodemes variably developed. Legs I and II inserted laterally; legs III and IV inserted ventro-laterally. Legs I and II not modified, consisting of 5 articulated segments, without basal lobes; their pretarsi bearing paired claws without basal angles and ciliated empodium. Tarsi and tibiae I and II with full complement of setae, genu maximum with 4 setae ( d , l ’, v’ , and v” ), setae d and v” absent in some species, femur with 2 setae ( d and v ), seta v duplicate or triplicate in some species, trochanter with 1 seta v , in some species seta v duplicate or triplicate. Dorsal seta of tibiae and genua I and II smooth or serrate. Leg III consisting of 2 articulated segments; basal segment bearing 1–2 setae, apical segment bearing several setae. Leg IV consisting of 1–2 articulated segments. Preapical segment bearing 1 seta or without setae; apical segment bearing several setae. MALE. Gnathosoma and idiosoma as in female. Genital opening situated in posterior part of dorsal shield (in some species in middle part or in anterior part in H. crotophaga sp. nov . ). Genital setae 3 pairs (2 pairs in H. actitis sp. nov . ). Penis situated anterior or posterior to genital opening, straight or curved. Setae vi variable in length, filiform. Idiosomal and leg I and II setation as in female. Leg III consisting of 2 articulated segments. Leg IV consisting of 1 articulated segment. Species included : Species complex A, alectoris group: Harpyrhynchoides alectoris ( Fain, 1972 ) , H. coturnix ( Fain, 1972 ) ; capellae group: Harpyrhynchoides actitis sp. nov . , H. calidris sp. nov . , H. capellae ( Fritsch, 1954 ) , H. charadrius sp. nov . , H. phalaropus Bochkov and Galloway, 2013 , H. pluvialis sp. nov . herodius group: Harpyrhynchoides botaurus Bochkov and Galloway, 2013 , H. butorides (Boyd, 1968) , H. bubulcus sp. nov . , H. herodius (Boyd, 1968) , H. ixobrychus sp. nov . leptoptinus group: Harpyrhynchoides leptoptinus ( Fain, 1976 ) , H. puffinus Mertins sp. nov . Ungrouped species of complex A: Harpyrhynchoides accipiter Bochkov and OConnor, 2013, H. capitatus ( Fain, 1976 ) , H. clamator Bochkov, 2014 , H. coccyzus sp. nov . , H. columbae ( Fain, 1972 ) , H. kakatoe ( Fain, 1972 ) , H. megascops sp. nov . , H. metropelia ( Fain, 1972 ) , H. numidae (Lawrence, 1959) , H. oenae ( Fain, 1972 ) , H. psittaculae ( Fain, 1972 ) , H. squamosus ( Fain, 1972 ) , H. tracheatus ( Fritsch, 1954 ) , H. zenaida sp. nov . Species complex B, zumpti group: Harpyrhynchoides alaudinus Bochkov, 2000 , H. brevis (Ewing, 1911) , H. heatherae Bochkov and Galloway, 2014 , H. rubeculinus ( Cerny and Sixl, 1971 ) , H. setophaga Bochkov and Klompen, 2014 , H. spizella Bochkov and Klompen, 2014 , H. vulgaris Bochkov and Galloway, 2004 , H. xanthocephalus Bochkov and Klompen, 2014 , H. zumpti ( Fain, 1972 ) . FIGURE 8 . Harpirhynchus quasimodo Bochkov and Mertins, 2010 , female (A, B): A—dorsal view; B –ventral view; male (C, D): C—dorsal view; D –ventral view. Scale bars: A, B = 100 Μm; C, D = 50 Μm. modestus group: Harpyrhynchoides coxatus ( Fain, 1972 ) , H. gallowayi sp. nov . , H. modestus ( Fain, 1976 ) . Ungrouped species of complex B: Harpyrhynchoides aegolius Bochkov and OConnor, 2013, H. agapornis ( Fain, 1972 ) comb. nov . , H. amazona ( Fain, 1972 ) , H. anatum ( Fain, 1972 ) , H. asio ( Fain, 1972 ) , H. athene sp. nov . , H. cristagalli ( Berlese and Trouessart, 1889 ) , H. crotophaga sp. nov . , H. lawrencei ( Fain, 1972 ) , H. parazumpti Fain, Bochkov and Mironov, 1999 , H. psittaci ( Fain, 1972 ) , H. vercammeni (Lawrence, 1959) . Hosts : Accipitriformes : Accipitridae . Anseriformes : Anatidae . Charadriiformes : Charadriidae , Scolopacidae . Ciconiiformes: Ciconidae. Coliiformes : Coliidae . Columbiformes : Columbidae . Cuculiformes : Cuculidae . Galliformes : Numididae , Phasianidae . Passeriformes : Alaudidae , Cardinalidae , Corvidae , Emberizidae , Fringillidae , Icteridae , Muscicapidae , Parulidae , Passeridae , Thraupidae , Turdidae . Pelecaniformes : Ardeidae . Piciformes : Picidae . Procellariiformes : Procellariidae . Psittaciformes : Cacatuidae , Psittacidae . Strigiformes : Strigidae , Tytonidae . Remarks. Within the limits of the genus Harpyrhynchoides , Fain (1994) established species groups A and B for those species whose females have two and one articulated segments of leg IV, respectively. Later, Bochkov and Galloway (2004) established the zumpti species group for most species parasitizing passeriform birds. All of them are also members of species group B sensu Fain (1994) . We consider species groups A and B sensu Fain (1994) as species complexes consisting of several species groups and ungrouped species (see above). The species groups alectoris , capellae , herodius , modestus , and leptoptinus are established and diagnosed in this work (see below). The subspecies Harpyrhynchoides oenae oenae ( Fain, 1972 ) and Harpyrhynchoides oenae lamorali ( Fain, 1972 ) are very weakly distinguishable from each other and, therefore, we consider H. oenae lamorali syn. nov . as a junior synonym of H. oenae . Harpyrhynchoides agapornis ( Fain, 1972 ) comb. nov . is transferred from the subgenus Pseudoharpirhynchus of the genus Harpirhynchus (see remarks for the genus Harpirhynchus ). Microhabitat : free on skin or in skin cysts; female not remaining in tritonymphal skin.