Moss inhabiting flea beetles of the West Indies III: Erinaceialtica, a new genus from Hispaniola (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, Galerucinae, Alticini) Author Konstantinov, Alexander S. Systematic Entomology Laboratory, USDA, c / o Smithsonian Institution, P. O. Box 37012, National Museum of Natural History, Washington, DC 20013 - 7012, USA Author Linzmeier, Adelita M. Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul, Rua Edmundo Gaievski, 1000, P. O. Box 253, 85.770 - 000, Realeza, PR, Brazil text ZooKeys 2020 955 113 145 journal article 1313-2970-955-113 A1F7219FA232450B88A29E63237BB4F9 403AF19A6F345ECEAF984A2B9C170133 Erinaceialtica gabbysalazarae sp. nov. Figs 1 , 2-4 , 5-7 , 8-11 , 12-13 , Map 1 Description. Body length 2.27-2.64 mm, width 1.29-1.51 mm. Vertex dark brown, part of head below vertex mostly antennal calli and frons yellowish. Antennomere 11 slightly lighter than 9. Base of pronotum yellowish, apex dark. Sides of pronotum dark. Antebasal pronotal impression shallow, poorly defined. Elytral disc broadly yellow, except triangular spot on side and below scutellum, sides and slope of elytron, two spots at beginning of elytral slope in male and larger spot in female. Elytral apex yellowish, slightly darker than elytral disc. Ventral side of body orange. Base of pro- and mesofemora and middle of pro- and mesotibiae white. Apex of pro- and mesofemora and base and apex of pro- and mesotibiae dark brown. Basal half of metafemora dark, apical lighter. Setae on orbit bright yellow, directed ventrally. Setae on middle of vertex directed towards middle, forming a small "mohawk" . Pronotal setae directed posteriorly starting from about middle. Median lobe of aedeagus flattened, nearly straight in lateral view, complex ventrally with deep longitudinal impression from base to apex between two sharp ridges and a lobe in middle of impression; narrow before apex, widening towards it, apex itself ogival in shape. Figure 1. Erinaceialtica gabbysalazarae sp. nov., dorsal habitus (illustration by Katie Sayers, USNM and SEL scientific illustrator internship program, summer 2019). Diagnosis. Erinaceialtica gabbysalazarae has a uniquely shaped median lobe of the aedeagus and unique color and can be easily identified using the key at the end of the paper. Figures 2-4. Adult Erinaceialtica gabbysalazarae , male 2 habitus, dorsal view 3 habitus, lateral view 4 habitus, three quarter view. Habitat. Erinaceialtica gabbysalazarae was collected at El Cachote forest on a rainy day in moss that was hanging from branches and growing trunks of the trees (Figs 12 , 13 ). Altogether about 5 gallons (= 19 L) of moss was collected in a single pillowcase. Some of it was processed directly with Berlese extraction and some was sifted and then processed with Berlese. Figures 5-7. Adult Erinaceialtica gabbysalazarae , male 5 habitus, frontal view 6 median lobe of aedeagus, ventral and lateral views 7 metatibia, dorsal view. Etymology. The species epithet, gabbysalazarae , is a matronym in honor of Gabby Salazar of Bethesda, Maryland in appreciation for comradery and companionship during collecting trips to the Dominican Republic, which she documented in numerous photos. Figures 8-11. Adult Erinaceialtica gabbysalazarae , female 8 habitus, dorsal view 9 habitus, lateral view 10 hind leg, lateral views 11 head, frontal view. Type material examined. Holotype male: 1) Dominican Republic, Barahona Pr., El Cachote 8.XII 2014, 961m 18°03.295'N , 71°09.778'W WP-189 Leg. A. S. Konstantinov; 2) 2014.12.08 0633 (code for molecular voucher) (USNM). Paratypes with the same labels as holotype (2 USNM). Figures 12, 13. El Cachote, habitat of Erinaceialtica gabbysalazarae .