A new Andean genus, Lafontaineana, with descriptions of four new species and two new Neotropical species of Panthea (Noctuidae, Pantheinae) Author Martinez, Jose I. https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4368-2729 Entomology and Nematology Department, University of Florida, Gainesville, 32611, FL, USA & Florida Museum of Natural History, McGuire Center for Lepidoptera and Biodiversity, University of Florida, Gainesville, 32611, FL, USA joemartinez@ufl.edu Author Schmidt, B. Christian https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4160-7629 Agriculture and Agri-food Canada, Canadian National Collection of Insects, Arachnids and Nematodes, K. W. Neatby Bldg., 960 Carling Ave., K 1 A 0 C 6, Ottawa, ON, Canada Author Miller, Jacqueline Y. Florida Museum of Natural History, McGuire Center for Lepidoptera and Biodiversity, University of Florida, Gainesville, 32611, FL, USA text ZooKeys 2021 2021-04-06 1028 113 134 http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.1028.56784 journal article http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.1028.56784 1313-2970-1028-113 E8106BAE1F8544AA929751392D7BC7DA 037142553FCE5698BDAB70D6DE93D7BD Lafontaineana alexandrae Martinez sp. nov. Figures 16 , 30 Type material. Holotype : ♀, Ecuador, Zamora-Chinchipe, Reserva Biologica San Francisco, Montane Rainforest, Blacklight 2 x 15W, 30 Jan. 2013, 19.00-21.30 h, 03°58.94'S , 79°04.84'W , 2212 m, coll. Gunnar Brehm & Yoko Matsumura / DNA Barcode run 2013, COI-5P marker, University of Guelph / Arcec 30166 / leg sampled in ethanol G. Brehm, Green vial caps. deposited in FSU. Etymology. This species is named after the senior authors' sister, Alejandra Martinez, who has supported JIM's work since the beginning of his career. Diagnosis. Lafontaineana alexandrae is the only species in the genus that has a dark hindwing. The female genitalia differ from the rest of the Lafontaineana by the presence of the small projections; small papillae anales-like on the A8 membrane. Description. Head . Palpus marbled in yellow, white, and black; frons covered by a mixture of yellow and black scales. Thorax . Polygons small, outlined by wide yellow lines; setal tuft pale orange; ventrally brown with some dark gray scales. Wing . Forewing length 22-24 mm; yellow with blurry black lines; basal and medial lines absent, and space between antemedial and subterminal lines brown; crescent-shaped orbicular spot; reniform spot arrow tip-shaped, curving inwards on outer margin with lunate marking near inner margin; hindwing completely covered by gray scales; fringe black with some spots in yellow; pattern lines barely visible. Legs . Black with white joints and yellow tufts. Abdomen . Black with yellow intersternal membrane ventrally; dorsally with huge black line of tufts with some scales in white; anal papilla covered by yellow scales. Female genitalia . Anal papilla remarkably short; sterigma considerably wide; posterior apophysis round, 2 x larger than anal papilla; appendix bursae sclerotized, ⅓ x shorter than the corpus bursae; A8 membrane with a projection resembling small anal papilla. Figure 2. Relationships between the species Panthea hondurensis and other Panthea species employing a Maximum Likelihood analysis based on the cytochrome c oxidase I gene (COI). Nodes with black circles represent high support (UFBoot ≥ 95 and SH-aLRT ≥ 80). Nodes with gray circles represent low support (UFBoot <95 and SH-aLRT <80). Black branches represent the outgroups. Genetic characterization. The minimum DNA barcode divergence is 4.28% compared to L. marmorifera . Figures 3-5. Lafontaineana marmorifera 3 head, ♂, Cundinamarca, Colombia MGCL 4 holotype ♂, New Grenada (Colombia), NHMUK 5 holotype genitalia ♂, New Grenada (Colombia), NHMUK. Distribution. The holotype, the only known specimen, was found in the cloud forest of southern Ecuador (Fig. 35 ). Remarks. Known only from the holotype, which has the tornus of the left forewing broken (Fig. 16 ), and the right forewing broken at cell R5. The DNA voucher label (Arcec 30166) is different from the voucher published at http://barcodinglife.com (Arcec 31097) probably by a confusion. Figures 6-20. Adult habitus of Lichnoptera , Lafontaineana , and Panthea 6 Lichnoptera gulo , ♂, MGCL, Cundinamarca, Colombia 7 L. gulo , ♀, MGCL, Cundinamarca, Colombia 8 Lafontaineana marmorifera , ♂, MGCL, Cundinamarca, Colombia 9 L. marmorifera , ♀, MGCL, Cundinamarca, Colombia 10 L. imama , ♂, MGCL, holotype, Tolima, Colombia 11 L. imama , ♀, MGCL, paratype, Tolima, Colombia 12 L. puma , ♂, CNC, holotype, La Alegria, Ecuador 13 L. puma , ♀, CNC, paratype, La Alegria, Ecuador 14 L. thuta , ♂, MGCL, holotype, Loja, Ecuador 15 L. thuta , ♀, MGCL, paratype, Sucumbios, Ecuador 16 L. alexandrae , ♀, FSU, holotype, Zamora-Chinchipe, Ecuador 17 Panthea guatemala , ♂, CNC, San Lorenzo, Guatemala 18 P. hondurensis , ♂, MGCL, holotype, Francisco Morazan , Honduras 19 P. reducta , CNC, ♂, Pedernales, Dominican Republic 20 P. taina , ♂, La Vega, MGCL, holotype, Dominican Republic.