The cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) of Suriname including the description of two new species, five new combinations, and three new records Author Sanborn, Allen F. 0000-0001-5729-7106 Department of Biology, Barry University, 11300 NE Second Avenue, Miami Shores, FL 3316 - 6695, USA text Zootaxa 2020 2020-11-20 4881 3 453 481 journal article 9525 10.11646/zootaxa.4881.3.2 1f301d41-4842-4f5f-ad27-c52b70c04ab5 1175-5326 4283890 0A4C1899-9AA5-46E5-AD0A-98CE695A43AB Zammara guyanensis n. sp. ( Fig. 1 ) Zammara brevis (non Distant) Thouvenot 2007: 13–14 , Fig. 1 . Zammara eximia (non Erichson) Sanborn 2011a: 378–379 . Zammara eximia (non Erichson) Sanborn 2013: 62. Zammara guyanensis nom. nud. Goemans 2016: 175–183 , Figs. 45–47. Type material. Holotype . “ FRENCH GUIANA : / 13 km W of Risquetout / 8-VI-2005 , J.E. Eger & / M. T . Messenger , coll. // N04°54.028’ / W052°34.494’ / MV Light” male ( FSCA ) . Paratypes . “FR. GUIANA : 13 km / sse of St Laurent / 8-VI-1986 , E. G. / Riley & D.A. Rider // collected at / mercury vapor” one female ( AFSC ); “FR. GUIANA : Hwy. ext. / N1, 20 km sse of St. / Laurent, 7-VI-1986 , / E.G. Riley & D.A. Rider // collected at / mercury vapor // 86.GF.SL.HWY.01 / Zammara eximia ” one male ( AFSC ); “French Guiana / main Road 2, Kilometer 79 / 12-II-1994 / M. Thouvenot coll.” one female ( AFSC ); FRENCH GUIANA / Montagne de Chevaux / Soc. Ent. Antilles-Guyane coll.” one female ( AFSC ); FRENCH GUIANA / Montagne de Chevaux / Automatic Light Trap / 4-III-2013 / Soc. Ent. Antilles-Guyane coll.” one male ( AFSC ); FRENCH GUIANA / Montagne de Chevaux / Automatic Light Trap / Polyvie 04-V-2013 / Soc. Ent. Antilles-Guyane coll.” one male ( FSCA ), one male ( AFSC ); FRENCH GUIANA / Montagne de Chevaux / Automatic Light Trap / Polyvie 01-VI-2013 / Soc. Ent. AntillesGuyane coll.” one male ( FSCA ), one male ( AFSC ); FRENCH GUIANA / Montagne de Chevaux / Automatic Light Trap / polyvie 13-VI-2013 / Soc. Ent. Antilles-Guyane coll.” one male ( AFSC ); FRENCH GUIANA / Montagne de Chevaux / Automatic Light Trap / Polyvie 07-XII-2013 / Soc. Ent. Antilles-Guyane coll.” one male ( AFSC ); “ FRENCH GUIANA / Montagne de Chevaux / Automatic Light Trap / Polyvie 10-VIII-2013 / Soc. Ent. AntillesGuyane coll.” one male ( AFSC ); FRENCH GUIANA / Montagne de Chevaux / Automatic Light Trap / Polyvie 19V-2013 / Soc. Ent. Antilles-Guyane coll.” one male ( FSCA ), two males ( AFSC ); FRENCH GUIANA / Montagne de Chevaux / Automatic Light Trap / Gemlight 19-V-2013 / Soc. Ent. Antilles-Guyane coll.” one male ( AFSC ); FRENCH GUIANA / Montagne de Chevaux / Automatic Light Trap / Polyvie 20-IV-2013 / Soc. Ent. AntillesGuyane coll.” one male ( AFSC ); FRENCH GUIANA / Montagne de Chevaux / Automatic Light Trap / Polyvie 13-IV-2013 / Soc. Ent. Antilles-Guyane coll.” one male ( AFSC ); FRENCH GUIANA / Montagne de Chevaux / Automatic Light Trap / Gemlight 13-IV-2013 / Soc. Ent. Antilles-Guyane coll.” one male ( AFSC ); FRENCH GUI-ANA / Montagne de Chevaux / Automatic Light Trap / Polyvie 08-V-2013 / Soc. Ent. Antilles-Guyane coll.” one male ( AFSC ); FRENCH GUIANA / Montagne de Chevaux / Automatic Light Trap / Polyvie 25-V-2013 / Soc. Ent. Antilles-Guyane coll.” one male ( FSCA ), one male ( AFSC ); FRENCH GUIANA / Montagne de Chevaux / Automatic Light Trap / Gemlight 15-IV-2013 / Soc. Ent. Antilles-Guyane coll.” one male ( FSCA ), one male ( AFSC ); FRENCH GUIANA / Montagne de Chevaux / Automatic Light Trap / Gemlight 09-V-2013 / Soc. Ent. AntillesGuyane coll.” one male ( AFSC ); FRENCH GUIANA / Montagne de Chevaux / Automatic Light Trap / Gemlight 08-VI-2013 / Soc. Ent. Antilles-Guyane coll.” one male ( AFSC ); FRENCH GUIANA / Montagne de Chevaux / Automatic Light Trap / Gemlight 01-II-2014 / Soc. Ent. Antilles-Guyane coll.” one male ( AFSC ); FRENCH GUI-ANA / Montagne de Chevaux / Automatic Light Trap / Polyvie 04-I-2014 / Soc. Ent. Antilles-Guyane coll.” one male ( AFSC ); FRENCH GUIANA / Montagne de Chevaux / Automatic Light Trap / Polyvie 18-I-2014 / Soc. Ent. Antilles-Guyane coll.” one female ( AFSC ); FRENCH GUIANA / Montagne de Chevaux (forest on / quartzite), N4° 44’31.4” O 52° 25’53.02” / altitude 90m , commune de Roura / Polyvie 07-VI-2014 Automatic Luminating / Trap with Gemlight / Soc. Ent. Antilles-Guyane leg.” one male and one female ( AFSC ); FRENCH GUIANA , Mont Itoupé / altitude 600m , commune de / Maripasoula, 29-XI-2014 / Automatic Light Trap / Soc. Ent. AntillesGuyane leg.” one male ( AFSC ); FRENCH GUIANA , Mont Itoupé / altitude 600m , commune de / Maripasoula, 28-XI-2014 / Automatic Light Trap / Soc. Ent. Antilles-Guyane leg.” one male ( AFSC ). Localities for the species reported by Goemans (2016) . Goemans (2016) lists specimens from French Guiana collected in Cayenne at the edge of the Contée, Duranton; Degrad Saramaca pk. 14, Duranton; DZ 5, Liaison Régina-St Georges; Forest preserve E. of Cacao; Iracoubo, Forêt de Patagaïe; Main road 2, Kilometer 79; Marais de Kaw, Piste PK 52; Mt. St. Marcel. Camp, Couleuvre; Piste Coralie PK 10.5; Piste de Regina PK 53; Roches De 177 Kourou; Route Nat. 1. PK 79; Route Nat. 1. PK 80; Saut Parare, Region de L’Arataye; in Saint-LaurentduMaroni, Saul; Sinamary, Pt Saut, PK 21; Camp Pinot between Trois Sauts & Mt. St. Marcel; Crique Montabo; environs confluent Orapu Crique Grillon; Montsinery, piste Risque-Tout, PK14; Piste Coralie P.K. 11; Saut Awali [nec: Anali] sur la Crique Alice; Saut Dalles; Saut Leodate, PK 5; Saut Leodate, PK. 6; Saute Mouche Sinnamary; and Puntarenas, Gromaco, 34km . SE. of Potrero Grande, on Rio Coto Brus. Goemans (2016) also lists a male collected at Brownsberg National Parc, Suriname expanding the range out of French Guiana and into Suriname . This specimen is why the new species is described in this work even though the majority of specimens were collected in French Guiana . Etymology. The name is a combination of guyan -and - ensis (L., suffix denoting place, locality) in reference to the distribution of the species in French Guiana ( Guyane in French) and Suriname (formerly Dutch Guiana ). Remarks. Goemans (2016) identified the taxon previously identified as Zammara brevis ( Distant, 1905a ) and Zammara eximia ( Erichson, 1848 ) from French Guiana as a new species but has not published a formal description in five years so I am using this opportunity to validate the taxon using a series of specimens provided by SEAG. Goemans (2016) disclaimed all taxonomic actions of the dissertation for nomenclatural purposes as recommended by Article 8 of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN 1999) but I conserve the name he proposed here as I have done when validating other unofficial taxa (e.g. Sanborn 2005 ; Sanborn et al . 2008 ). Goemans (2016) also determined that the true Zammara eximia has three-segmented tarsi so it cannot be a member of the genus Zammara nor the specimens previously determined as the species inhabiting French Guiana. As a result, he proposed to transfer the species to Zammaralna Boulard & Sueur, 1996 . I take this opportunity to reassign the species to Zammaralna officially to become Zammaralna eximia ( Erichson, 1848 ) n. comb. since it supports the erection of the new species. In addition, Zammaralna eximia ( Erichson, 1848 ) n. comb. has a more westerly distribution than the new species with specimens being confirmed from Guyana and Venezuela ( Goemans 2016 ) further supporting the idea it is a distinct taxon from the new species. Description. Ground color green marked with piceous and castaneous. Green altered to tawny in softening jar and in chemical traps. Head. Head not as wide as mesonotum, ground color with castaneous fascia extending from medial lateral ocelli to supra-antennal plate along posterior of anterior arms of cruciform elevation, expanding laterally over anterior vertex to anterior half of eye margin, ground color spot in castaneous portion of vertex in some paratypes , supraantennal plate castaneous, posteromedial corner ground color in some paratypes , laterad curved piceous fascia from anterior cranial depression to central vertex, posterior cranial depression piceous, piceous spot on posterior angle of median eye, castaneous mark posterior to eye, absent in some paratypes . Head covered with sparse, short golden pile dorsally, longer posterior to eye. Ocelli rosaceous, ochraceous in some paratypes , eyes castaneous, ochraceous in some paratypes . Ventral head ground color, gena castaneous along medial eye and margin with postclypeus, lorum ground color with castaneous mark on anteromedial corner, castaneous centrally, piceous along posteromedial margin not reaching posteromedial corner. Postclypeus weakly sulcate posteroventrally, ground color with castaneous fascia along midline expanding on central ventral surface not reaching apex, dorsum castaneous, anterior half of eleven transverse ridges castaneous. Anteclypeus ground color with castaneous anterolateral corner, short cas-taneous fascia on either side of midline on middle carina, and posterior margin. Short golden pile on gena, lorum, lateral postclypeus and lateral anteclypeus, long golden pile radiating from gena, lorum and anteclypeus. Mentum ground color, labium ground color with lateral castaneous spot at base, becoming castaneous then piceous distally, reaching to abdominal sternite II. Scape, pedicel and first flagellar segment piceous, remaining antennal segments castaneous. Thorax. Dorsal thorax ground color marked with castaneous and piceous. Prothorax with castaneous fascia on midline expanding anteriorly, castaneous within fissures except posterior paramedian fissure, marks in fissures expanding onto disks, mark in paramedian fissure curving from central fissure onto disk between paramedian and lateral fissures, mark in lateral fissure connected to posterior ambient fissure, incomplete in some paratypes , mark in posterior ambient fissure incomplete in some paratypes , transverse piceous mark on dorsal midline of posterior ambient fissure, short golden pile on disc and within fissures, denser in some paratypes . Pronotal collar ground color, castaneous expanding from lateral ambient fissure onto medial pronotal collar, posterior lateral angle margin marked with piceous, covered with short golden pile, denser laterally, pronotum width about 1.56X head width. Mesothorax ground color, submedian sigillae castaneous, castaneous reduced to anterolateral portion in some paratypes , castaneous on disc posterior to submedian sigillae, mark extending anteriorly as thin fascia between submedian sigillae, posteriorly on midline across cruciform elevation, separated from cruciform elevation in some paratypes , posterolateral regions extending posteriorly to encircle piceous scutal depressions, medial and posterior lateral sigillae castaneous, mark continuing posteriorly to posterior mesothoracic margin, cruciform elevation ground color with piceous marks on either side of anterior portion of anterior arms of cruciform elevation and posterior medial margin, posterior lateral mesonotum castaneous on right side of holotype and bilaterally in some paratypes , posterior wing groove with piceous mark. Short golden pile on disc, longer and denser golden pile in wing groove. Metanotum piceous with ground color posterior margin. Ventral thoracic segments ground color, castaneous on ventral side of pronotal collar lateral angle. Thoracic sternites covered with short golden and radiating long golden pile, white pubescence in some paratypes . Wings. Fore wing and wings hyaline, apical cells smokey. Venation ground color at base becoming castaneous distally, castanteous mark on anterior base of radius & subcostal vein, arculus, base of cubitus anterior and base of cubitus posterior + anal vein 1, costal margin ground color, piceous spot at node, subcostal vein piceous beyond node, only distally in some paratypes , anal vein 2 + 3 piceous. Basal cell green, pterostigma present, infuscation on medial vein between divergence of median vein 1 + 2 and node, on radial crossvein extending anteriorly across anal cell 1, restricted to radial crossvein in some paratypes , on distal radius anterior 2 expanding into distal apical cell 1, anterior distal apical cell 2, across ambient vein and onto wing margin, on radiomedial crossvein extending into apical cell 1 and along base of median vein 1, extending completely across ulnar cell 1 in some paratypes , on median crossvein, and small spot on mediocubital crossvein, absent in some paratypes , mottled infuscation in apical cells, radiating infuscation on wing margin, basal membrane of fore wing grayish with darker posterior margin. Hind wing venation ground color proximally becoming castaneous distally except castaneous anal vein 3. Anal cell 3 and anal cell 2 along anal veins 2 and 3, anal cell 1 along anal vein 2 grayish, grayish margined with infuscation anal cells 2 and 3, infuscation along hind wing margin. Legs. Legs ground color marked with castaneous and piceous. Castaneous marks on anterolateral coxae and distal coxae reduced in some paratypes , spots on anterior and posterior surfaces of trochanters, femora with castaneous base and striped with castaneous longitudinal fascia, fore and middle tibiae becoming castaneous distally, fore and middle tarsi castaneous, hind tarsi ground color with castaneous distal pretarsus, pretarsal claws castaneous with piceous tips. Fore femora with small, finger-like proximal spine acutely angled, secondary spine almost perpendicular to femoral axis, triangular base with small finger-like extension to tip, tertiary spine small, parallel to secondary spine, all spines piceous. Tibial spurs and tibial combs castaneous with darker tips. Legs with short golden pile and radiating long golden pile. Meracanthus elongated triangle, ground color with castaneous spot on medial base, reaching slightly beyond posterior opercular margin extending to anterior of sternite II in male. Female meracanthus as in male except reaching anterior of sternite III. Opercula. Male operculum ground color with transverse castaneous fascia near base from meracanthus to lateral margin, extending anteriorly to medial and lateral base, no anterior extensions in some paratypes , slightly expanded point at lateral base, lateral margin curving mediad from base, curved posterior margin forming an obtuse angle, rounded medial margin, not meeting medially, not reaching middle of hind coxa medially, not reaching to anterior of sternite II posteriorly, not covering tympanal cavity medially or posteromedially. Female operculum similarly colored, smaller with posterior extension reduced forming a smoothly curved posterior margin, reaching to medial meracanthus medially and anterior of sternite II posteriorly. Abdomen. Abdominal tergites ground color, castaneous fascia across dorsal midline becoming wider and darker in posterior tergites, expanding across entire tergites 5–8, tergites 2–4 covered with golden pile, piceous pile on tergites 5–8, golden pile across posterior of tergites 7 and 8, pile reduced or denser in some paratypes . Timbal cover bulbous, ground color with large castaneous spot posterolateral to dorsal U-shaped opening, castaneous along posterolateral margin of opening, incomplete exposing timbal dorsally, anterolateral margin rectangular, ventral margin closing ventral timbal cavity. Timbal white with dark castaneous markings, five ribs visible through opening in timbal cover. Male sternites ground color, transverse piceous fascia on membrane between sternites II and III, reduced to piceous spots on either side of midline in membrane between sternites II and IV and IV and V, piceous reduced or absent in some paratypes , male sternite VII with arching posterior margin, sternite VIII ground color with open U-shaped when viewed from the posterior, male sternites III–VI translucent, long golden pile radiating from sternites, short and long golden pile radiating from sternites VIII, epipleurites ground color, white pubescence present in some paratypes . Female sternite VII ground color with single V-shaped notch connecting to sinusoidal posterior margin, posterolateral margin extends beyond posterior notch. Female abdominal segment 9 with transverse castaneous anterior extending on anterior dorsolateral surfaces, stigma castaneous with piceous mark, dorsal beak and posterior margin piceous, radiating long golden pile ventrally, covered with short golden pile, short piceous pile on posteroventral margin. Dorsal beak extending slightly beyond castaneous anal styles. Posterior margin of abdominal segment 9 sinusoidal. Genitalia. Male pygofer ground color with castaneous anterior base and anterior dorsolateral surfaces, posterior and posteroventral margins piceous, basal lobe with castaneous margin, uncus ground color with transverse piceous fascia across base, anal styles ground color with castaneous base. Dorsal beak triangular, about as long as broad at base. Pygofer basal lobe angled laterally from base to more than half its length, bending to form an adpressed, finger-like extension along pygofer axis with rounded terminus, extending less than half of pygofer length. Upper pygofer lobes absent. Median uncus lobe short, dorsal crest absent, lateral branch of uncus elongated, S-shaped, tapering distally to point, large ventral apophysis formed, ventral apophyses meeting under the median uncus lobe forming a large plate to support aedeagus. Aedeagus dark castaneous with a ochraceous terminal membrane, one long ochraceous and castaneous spine and three short piceous spines at base of theca, two single short piceous spines along thecal margin. Female gonocoxite IX ground color. Gonapophysis IX castaneous, gonapophysis X piceous. Ovipositor sheath extends as long as anal styles. Long golden pile radiating from ovipositor sheath, anal styles and ovipostior sheath covered with short golden pile. Measurements (mm). N = ten males or seven females, mean (range). Length of body: males 24.56 (22.5526.35), females 25.86 (23.90–27.30); length of fore wing: males 32.01 (29.25–33.90), females 34.71 (32.80–36.05); width of fore wing: males 10.73 (10.15–11.50), females 11.44 (11.00–11.70); length of head: males 4.21 (4.004.40), females 4.29 (4.15–4.40); width of head including eyes: males 7.76 (7.35–8.35), females 8.15 (7.70–8.60); width of pronotum including suprahumeral plates: males 12.04 (10.45–13.00), females 12.76 (11.60–13.35); width of mesonotum: males 8.50 (7.90–9.05), females 8.81 (8.15–9.40). Diagnosis. Zammara guyanensis n. sp. can be distinguished from the majority of species of Zammara by the small body size (wingspan < 80 mm ), ratio of head width to pronotum width, and the pattern of infuscation in the fore wing. Only Z. calochroma Walker, 1858a , Z. olivacea Sanborn, 2004 , and Z. smaragdula Walker, 1858b are of similar body size to Z. guyanensis n. sp. but all can be distinguished by possessing a spot of infuscation on the fore wing cubitus anterior 1 that is lacking in the new species ( Goemans 2016 ). The ratio of the head width to the pronotum width is about 0.64 in Z. guyanensis n. sp. , 0.75 in Z. calochroma , 0.70 Z. olivacea and 0.75 Z. smaragdula ( Goemans 2016 ) further distinguishing these species from Z. guyanensis n. sp. Thouvenot (2007) illustrates the variability in the fore wing infuscation pattern found in the species. Distribution. The species is known from a number of localities across French Guiana and a single specimen from Suriname ( Goemans 2016 , present study).