Review of the genus Promalactis (Lepidoptera: Oecophoridae) Meyrick, 1908 (II). The suzukiella group, with descriptions of eight new species Author Wang, Shuxia Author Jia, Yanyan text Zootaxa 2017 2017-12-12 4363 3 361 376 journal article 31184 10.11646/zootaxa.4363.3.3 99c5ebab-c429-40d6-831c-45de0d451d64 1175-5326 1108066 98CDFB1B-574C-4F06-86C4-265185657949 Promalactis sichuanensis Wang , sp. nov. ( Figs 7 , 14 , 20 ) Type material. CHINA : Holotype , Shaoyaogou Protection Station ( 30.78°N 103.20°E ), Anzihe Nature Reserves , Chengdu , Sichuan , 1598 m , 21.VI.2016 , coll. Kaijian Teng and Xiaofei Yang , slide No. JYY17088 . Paratypes (60♂, 16♀): 45♂, 6♀, 19−23.VI.2016 , slide Nos. JYY17089♂, JYY17126♀, JYY17132 , other data same as holotype ; 5♂ , 8♀ , Baliping Protection Station , 1706 m , 17‒25.VI.2016 , slide Nos. JYY17127 , JYY17128 , other data same as holotype ; 6♂ , 2♀ , Mt. Siguniang , Xiaojin County , 3243 m , 4‒6.VII.2016 , coll. Kaijian Teng and Xiaofei Yang , slide Nos. JYY17092 , JYY17093♀; 3♂ , Caoping Village , Sanjiang , Wenchuan , 1557 m , 11‒12.VII.2014 , coll. Kaijian Teng and Xiaofei Yang , slide No. JYY17133 ; 1♂ , Fengtongzhai , Baoxiang , Sichuan , 1600 m , 3.VIII.2004 , coll. Yingdang Ren , slide No. DZH12238. DiagNosis. This new species can be distinguished from its congeners in the male genitalia by the costa produced to a strong arched process that is longer than the uncus and the valva having a slender digitate process set at middle of the apex. DescriptioN. Adult ( Fig. 7 ) wingspan 10.5−17.0 mm. Head with vertex shining white except silvery gray above occiput, frons silvery gray, occiput ochreous brown. Labial palpus with basal and second segments pale yellow on inner surface, dark yellowish brown mixed with brown on outer surface; third segment with basal half white, distal half dark ochreous brown mixed with blackish brown except white tip, approximately as long as second segment. Antenna with scape white on dorsal surface, grayish yellow on ventral surface; flagellum white annulated with black on dorsal surface, black on ventral surface. Thorax and tegula dark ochreous brown. Forewing deep ochreous yellow, with white speckles edged with black scales; costal spot round, beyond basal 2/3, extending downward to midwing; basal fascia extending from above base of fold obliquely to dorsum, slender; antemedian fascia running from beyond basal 1/4 of costa to before basal 3/4 of dorsum, widened anteriorly, narrowed posteriorly; tornal spot blackish gray, with black scales diffused to lower margin of costal spot; cilia white-tipped yellow and tinged with black around apex of wing, rest of cilia gray mixed with black except yellow distally. Hindwing and cilia grayish black. Legs whitish yellow on ventral surface; fore tibia grayish brown marked with a white dot before apex and white at apex on dorsal surface, fore tarsus black on dorsal surface, white at base of first tarsomere and at apices of second and third tarsomeres; mid tibia and tarsus black on dorsal surface, tibia with a tuft of long white scales at apex, tarsus white on entire first tarsomere and at apices of second and third tarsomeres; hind tibia with grayish brown hairs dorsally, tarsus blackish brown marked with white at apex of each tarsomere on dorsal surface. Male genitalia ( Fig. 14 ). Uncus wide basally, slightly narrowed to basal 2/3, broadened to apex from basal 2/3, setose laterally; posterior margin shallowly concave, extending triangularly outward. Gnathos quadrate, almost straight on apical margin. Tegumen branched from posterior 2/5, extending anteriorly in broad V shape. Valva slightly narrow at base, widened to apex, apex with a slender setose digitate process at middle; costa wide, produced to a strong process arched ventrad and bearing an apical spine, setose distally. Sacculus broad, rounded apically, with strong setae on ventral half of distal 2/5. Saccus broad, narrowed to 3/5, distal 2/5 sub-parallel, rounded at apex. Juxta with fine spines basally; juxta lobes broad at base, narrowed to pointed apex; basal lobe slender, slightly shorter than saccus. Aedeagus straight, thickened distally, about 1.5 times length of sacculus; cornutus with basal 2/3 smoothly uniform and straight, distal 1/3 bearing dense spines, apical spine extremely produced, longer and curved. Female genitalia ( Fig. 20 ). Apophyses anteriores shorter than half length of apophyses posteriores. Ostium bursae small and rounded. Lamella postvaginalis narrow, concave medially on both anterior and posterior margins. Ductus bursae thick at base, thinned to basal 2/3 where it is curved, thereafter widened toward corpus bursae, partially sclerotized laterally. Corpus bursae elliptical, approximately half length of ductus bursae; with two elliptical signa bearing dense denticles. DistributioN. China (Sichuan). Etymology. This specific name is from the type locality.