Taxonomy and diversity of hydroids (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa) of Sergipe, Northeast Brazil Author Castro Mendonça, Luana M. Instituto de Ciências Biológicas e da Saúde, Universidade Federal de Alagoas. Avenida Lourival Melo Mota, & Programa de Pós-Graduação em Zoologia, Departamento de Zoologia, Setor de Ciências Biológicas, Universidade Federal do Paraná. Caixa Postal 19020, 81531 - 980 Curitiba, PR, Brazil. mahaddad. 2014 @ gmail. com Author Parisotto Guimarães, Carmen R. Departamento de Biologia, Centro de Ciências Biológicas e da Saúde, Universidade Federal de Sergipe. Avenida Author Haddad, Maria A. Instituto de Ciências Biológicas e da Saúde, Universidade Federal de Alagoas. Avenida Lourival Melo Mota, text Zoologia 2022 e 21032 2022-11-25 39 1 65 journal article 10.1590/S1984-4689.v39.e21032 1984-4689 13176475 2B189EA2-803A-428C-AE26-C3669A5F3100 Clytia linearis (Thornely, 1900) Fig. 9B Synonyms available from: Calder (1991) . Obelia linearis Thornely, 1900: 453 , pl. 44, fig. 6. Description: Colonies erect or less frequently stolonal, up to 3.16 mm high, arising from a creeping hydrorhiza. Erect colonies with few branches, disposed alternately, each one giving rise to a hydrotheca. Perisarc thin and smooth, annulated at the base and the distal end or completely annulated (mainly in the erect colonies). Hydrothecae cylindrical, 0.45–0.56 mm high, 0.12–0.3 mm of marginal wide, walls with a thin perisarc. Diaphragm thin, straight, and near the hydrothecal base. Margin with 8–10 deep and sharp cusps, separated by U-shaped embayments, with a visible pleat as a vertical line in the space. Material examined: PCS – few infertile colonies from the dry and rainy seasons; VB – few infertile colonies from the dry and rainy seasons; SE – three infertile colonies from the dry season. CZUFS CNI-00003; CNI-00050; CNI-00115; CNI-00116. Station: PCS – 1, 4, 5, 7, 12, 14, 17; VB – C1P12, C1P56, C2P34, C3P34; SE – C1P34, C1P56, C2P56. Bottom: gravel, sand, and mud. Distribution: BrazilPernambuco ( Oliveira et al. 2009 , abstract), Bahia (Kelmo and Attrill 2003), Espírito Santo ( Grohmann et al. 1997 , 2003 ), Rio de Janeiro ( Nogueira et al. 1997 , Miranda et al. 2015 ), São Paulo ( Migotto 1996 , Marques et al. 2001 , Lindner and Migotto 2002 , Shimabukuro 2007 , Oliveira and Marques 2011 , Silveira and Morandini 2011 , Fernandez et al. 2014 , 2015 , Miranda et al. 2015 ), Paraná ( Miranda et al. 2015 , Cangussu et al. 2010 ), and Santa Catarina ( Miranda et al. 2015 , Denise M. Menon unpub. data). World distribution – considered circumglobal in tropical and subtropical regions ( Medel and Vervoort 2000 ). Remarks: The PCS material was colonizing algae, Bryozoa, and the hydroid Amphisbetia distans . Estuarine material found on Bryozoa, Polychaeta tubes, Ascidiacea, and the hydroids Bougainvillia muscus , Ectopleura dumortierii , Eudendrium merulum , Obelia oxydentata , and Pennaria disticha . Clytia macrotheca (Perkins, 1908) Fig. 9C, H Synonyms available from: Calder (1991) . Campanularia macrotheca Perkins, 1908: 146 , pl. 3, fig. 12, 13. Description: Colonies stolonal, up to 2.2 mm high, arising from a creeping hydrorhiza. Pedicels with thin and smooth perisarc, with annulations at the base and distal end. Hydrothecae cylindrical, elongated, 403-460µm high, 205-391µm wide at the margin.Margin smooth, perisarc thin, with 8 square-shaped cusps, separated by U-shaped embayments. Diaphragm thin and straight. Material examined: PCS – three infertile colonies from the rainy season. CZUFS CNI-00004; CNI-00289. Stations: 5, 12. Bottom: sand. Distribution: BrazilBahia (Kelmo and Attrill 2003). World distribution – Atlantic North and Caribbean Sea (Calder 2019). Remarks: Found on Bryozoa. Clytia noliformis (McCrady, 1859) sensu Calder, 1991 Fig. 9 F-G Synonyms available from: Calder (1991) . not Campanularia noliformis McCrady, 1859: 194 , pl. 11, fig. 4 [=? Clytia hemisphaerica (Linnaeus, 1767) ] [medusa and hydroid]. Campanularia ptychocyathus Allman, 1888 ;– Vannucci 1951a [polyp]. Clytia folleata Vannucci Mendes 1946 ; – Vannucci 1951a [non Epenthesis folleata McCrady, 1859 ] [polyp]. Phyalidium folleatum –Correia 1983 [medusa]. Phyalidium noliforme –Correia 1983 [medusa]. Clytia noliformis auct. Calder, 1991: 65–68 , fig. 36. Description: Colonies stolonal, up to 1.9 mm high, arising from a creeping hydrorhiza. Pedicel with perisarc moderately thick and waved along its length or annulated in both ends. Hydrothecae cylindrical, 0.31-0.46 mm high, 0.27-0.31 mm wide at the margin, cup-shaped, and slightly deep. Margin thin, perisarc moderately thick. Margin with 10–12 short, triangular to round cusps, separated by U-shaped embayments. Diaphragm thick and straight. Gonothecae pot-shaped, 0.52-0.64 mm high, 0.38-0.47 mm wide, with a constriction in the distal end, arising from a creeping hydrorhiza in short pedicels. Material examined: PCS – abundant colonies with and without gonothecae from dry and rainy seasons. CZUFS CNI-00005; CNI-00117; CNI-00118. Stations: PCS – 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 14, 15, 18. Bottom: gravel, sand, and mud. Distribuition: BrazilBahia ( Allman 1888 , Vannucci 1951a , Kelmo and Attrill 2003, Grohmann et al. 2003 ), Espírito Santo ( Grohmann et al. 2003 ), Rio de Janeiro ( Miranda et al. 2015 ), São Paulo ( Vannucci 1951 a , Lindner and Migotto 2002, Oliveira et al. 2006 , Oliveira and Marques 2011 , Silveira and Morandini 2011 ), Paraná (Maria A. Haddad unpub. data), and Santa Catarina ( Miranda et al. 2015 ). World distribution – circumglobal, with records from warm waters from the eastern Atlantic, including the Mediterranean Sea, Indian Ocean, and eastern Pacific ( Calder 1991 , 2013 ). Remarks: Colonizing algae, Polychaeta tubes, Bryozoa, Brachyura (Majoidea), and the hydroid Sertularelloides cylindritheca . Clytia paulensis ( Vanhöffen, 1910 ) Fig. 9D, E, I Synonyms available from: Cornelius (1995b) . Campanularia paulensis Vanhöffen, 1910: 298 ; fig. 19. Description: Colonies stolonal, up to 1.4 mm high, arising from a creeping hydrorhiza. Pedicels with a thin and smooth perisarc, annulated in both ends or, less frequently, with 1–2 in the median portion. Hydrothecae cylindrical, 0.42–0.52 mm high, 0.19–0.21 mm wide at the margin. Margin with thin perisarc, apparently with 6–7 bicuspidate cusps, separated by U-shaped embayments. Diaphragm thin and slightly oblique. Gonothecae urn-shaped, 0.58–0.73 mm high, 0.25–0.32 mm wide, arising from the hydrorhiza in short and annulated pedicels. Material examined: PCS – few colonies with and without gonothecae from the rainy season; VB – few infertile colonies from the dry and rainy seasons; SE – two infertile colonies from the dry season. CZUFS CNI-00051; CNI-00120; CNI-00122. Station: PCS – 1, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 14, 16, 17; VB – C1P34, C1P56, C2P12, C2P34; SE – C1P12, C1P56. Bottom: gravel, sand, and mud. Distribution: BrazilPernambuco ( Calder and Maÿal 1998 ), Alagoas ( Shimabukuro 2007 ), Espírito Santo ( Grohmann et al. 1997 ), and Rio de Janeiro ( Grohmann et al. 2011 ). World distribution – widely distributed in warm tropical and temperate waters ( Calder et al. 2019 ). Remarks: The PCS material was found on algae and Bryozoa. The estuarine material was found on the plates as well as on Ascidiacea, and the hydroids Corydendrium parasiticum and Pennaria disticha .