Two new Erythrophylloporus species (Boletaceae) from Thailand, with two new combinations of American species Author Vadthanarat, Santhiti Author Amalfi, Mario Author Halling, Roy E. Author Bandala, Victor Author Lumyong, Saisamorn Author Raspe, Olivier text MycoKeys 2019 55 29 57 journal article 1314-4049-55-29 Erythrophylloporus Ming Zhang & T.H. Li, Mycosystema 37(9): 1111-1126 (2018) Description. Basidiomata stipitate-pileate with lamellate hymenophore, small to medium-sized; Pileus subhemispheric to convex when young becoming convex to plano-convex to plano-subdepressed when old, dry, pruinose or velutinous, subtomentose to tomentose, yellowish-orange to red; pileus context vivid yellow to yellowish-orange. Hymenophore lamellae, slightly thick, decurrent, deeply yellowish-orange to deep orange or reddish-orange to orange red or brownish-orange to red. Stipe central to slightly excentric, cylindrical or clavate, yellowish- to reddish-orange to yellowish red, with scattered yellowish- to reddish-orange to red scales on surface, with bright yellow basal mycelium; stipe context solid, yellow to reddish-yellow or yellow with olivaceous brown. Staining none or slightly reddening or greening or gradually bluing or dark violet, greyish to blackish-blue when bruised on the basidiomata or context or lamellae. Spore print olivaceous brown. Basidiospores ovoid or ellipsoid to broadly ellipsoid to subovoid, thin-walled, with non-bacillate surface. Basidia clavate to narrowly clavate. Cheilocystidia and pleurocystidia present, subcylindrical or narrowly conical to narrowly fusiform to ventricose with slightly or obtuse apex, thin-walled, sometimes thick-walled, originating more or less deeply in the sub hymenium or from hymenophoral trama, hyaline or sometimes containing yellowish-brown pigments. Pileipellis a subcutis to cutis to trichoderm to palisadoderm, composed of thin to slightly thick-walled hyphae. Clamp connection absent in all tissues. Typus species. Erythrophylloporus cinnabarinus Ming Zhang & T.H. Li. Known Distribution. Asia (China and Thailand), North America (Mexico) and Central America (Costa Rica). Remarks. Erythrophylloporus is easily distinguished from other lamellate Boletaceae genera by a combination of the following characters: the intense orange to red colour of the pileus and lamellae; bright yellow basal mycelium; ovoid or ellipsoid to broadly ellipsoid to subovoid basidiospores with non-bacillate surface; pleurocystidia originating more or less deeply in the subhymenium or from hymenophoral trama.