Chironomid midges from early Eocene amber of France (Diptera: Chironomidae) Author Published, First text Zootaxa 2007 2007-02-05 1404 1 66 journal article 1175­5334 Genus Prolipiniella n. gen. Type species: Prolipiniella magnifica n. sp. Etymology: The genus is named for its close similarity with the recent genus Lipiniella . Diagnosis: Male antenna with 10 flagellomeres; no acrostichals (main diagnostic characters); scutum overreaching antepronotum; fore tibia with scale rounded, without spur; median and hind tibial combs each with only 1 spine; hind tibia with 2 spurs; no visible pulvilli; no ventral accessory setae on sternite VI; inferior volsella well developed, elongate and cylindrical, not bowed dorsoventrally; superior volsella with basal part bearing long setae; anal point narrow.