Three new genera of oriental Xyleborina (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) Author Hulcr, Jiri Author Cognato, Anthony I. text Zootaxa 2009 2204 19 36 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.189700 f48b8ba7-9ec3-455c-8087-9082458a6f72 1175-5326 189700 AA07F2AD-8D1C-408E-9F44-A7696CF3B1AE Diuncus haddeni ( Schedl 1933b ) comb. n. Previous genus: Xyleborus Diagnosis: A relatively large Diuncus . Very similar to many representatives of D. haberkorni , except the elytral spine in interstria 2 is minute, only the spine in interstria 3 is large. Both are pointed, not conical, and at the very summit of declivity. Length: 2.0– 2.3 mm . Discussion. Several characters differ between the holotype from Philippines and the specimens from New Guinea , such as the bulging elytral disc. Monophyly of this morphotype is uncertain. Described by Schedl (1933a) as allied to X. dossuarius , X. javanus and X. quadrispinosulus . The most similar are D. haberkorni and D. gorggae from New Guinea , which were not mentioned by Schedl. Examined material: Philippines , Luzon, Mt. Makiling ( holotype , NHMW ); PNG , Gulf Prov., Ivimka ( UCD ); PNG , Madang Prov., Ohu (J. H. coll. 2006).