A revision of Physotarsus Townes (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae: Ctenopelmatinae), with description of 18 new species Author Zhaurova, Kira Author Wharton, Robert text Zootaxa 2009 2207 1 52 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.189753 96bfbb6b-3a6e-4bbb-8985-e57129b08480 1175-5326 189753 Physotarsus castilloi Gauld, 1997 ( Figs 15, 16 ) Physotarsus castilloi Gauld, 1997 : 196 –197. Holotype Ψ in INBio. Physotarsus castilloi : Yu & Horstmann 1997 : 455 (catalog). Diagnosis . Lateral ocelli separated by 0.5–0.6X their widest diameter from each other and about 1.6–1.7X their widest diameter from eye margin. Antenna with 30–32 flagellomeres. Pronotum and mesoscutum glabrous, impunctate. T1 about twice as long as broad. Head orange-brown with face infuscate medially and vertex entirely black. Mesosoma and metasoma orange, ventrally grading to yellowish. Hind legs orange with coxa and trochanter distally infuscate, tarsomeres entirely black. Fore wing very strongly yellowish, distally blackish infumate. This species is most similar to P. c l a v i g e r and P. bonillai in body sculpture and form of the clypeal margin. The fore wing of P. castilloi is distinctly yellow, with the apex infumate, similar to P. adriani , whereas the base of the wing is hyaline in P. bonillai and P. claviger . Description . Female : Body ( Fig. 15 ) 5.0– 5.7 mm , fore wing 5.3–6.0 mm. Head ( Fig. 16 ): Clypeal margin widely truncate laterally, with thick, somewhat angulate central lobe. Clypeus about 4.0X as wide as long, divided medially by transverse depression. Face covered with short setae; setae longer, less dense on clypeus. Anterior tentorial pits elongate and upcurved laterally. Malar space 0.3–0.4X width of mandibular base. Face 1.4X as broad as long, nearly flat, evenly sparsely punctate. Interantennal area slightly concave, area immediately behind antennae weakly concave laterally, turning convex before reaching ocelli. Anterior margin of torulus situated at about 0.7 of eye height. Interantennal distance greater than the distance between lateral ocelli. Widest diameter of torulus 1.1x widest diameter of median ocellus. Lateral ocelli separated by 0.5–0.6X their widest diameter from each other and about 1.6–1.7X their widest diameter from eye margin. Area between lateral ocelli flat, area behind ocelli sharply declivitous. Antenna with 30–32 flagellomeres, first flagellomere about 4.0X longer than wide, 1.3X widest transverse diameter of eye, second flagellomere 0.6X length of first. Occipital carina present on ventral 0.2–0.3 of head. Mesosoma: Anterior margin of pronotum medially slightly emarginate, laterally rounded and upcurved. Lateral groove of pronotum present on dorsal 0.2. Pronotum and mesoscutum glabrous, impunctate. Epicnemial carina parallels anterior margin of mesopleuron. Mesopleuron impunctate, sparsely pubescent ventrally. Propodeum with vestige of pleural carina; impunctate medially, pubescent laterally. Tarsal claws with stout setae basally. Fore wing stigma narrow; marginal cell about 2.5–2.6X longer than wide; Cu1a about 0.6–0.7X length of 2cu-a. Hind wing M+Cu strongly bowed. Metasoma: T1 about 2.0X as long as broad surface in profile largely flat; spiracles protruding in profile. Cerci not protruding. Male : Subgenital plate with very broad but basically V-shaped incision in posterior margin. Otherwise similar to female in structure and color. Color . Head orange-brown with face infuscate medially and vertex entirely black. Antenna entirely black. Mesosoma and metasoma orange, ventrally grading to yellowish. Fore and mid legs yellowish. Hind legs orange with coxa and trochanter distally infuscate, hind tarsomeres entirely black. Fore wing very strongly yellowish, distally blackish infumate; stigma black. Material examined . Paratypes : COSTA RICA , Puntarenas Prov., Golfo Dulce Forest Reserve, 1 Ψ 10 km W of Pan American Highway on road to Rincon de Osa, 100 m , iii-iv.1989 (Gauld) ( BMNH ), 1 ɗ 24 km W of Pan American Highway on road to Rincon de Osa, 200 m , ii.1990 (Gauld) ( BMNH ). Remarks . Gauld (1997) described this species from three specimens, two females and a male, all from dense primary wet forest along the road to Rincon de Osa. Gauld (1997) also noted that this was the only species of Costa Rican Physotarsus from wet forests on the Pacific lowlands, though P. eliethi is found in a similar habitat on the Atlantic side. Gauld (1997) noted that P. castilloi closely resembles P. adriani .