Revision of the Eurybrachidae (XV). The Oriental genus Purusha Distant, 1906 with two new species and a key to the genera of Eurybrachini (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Eurybrachidae) Author Constant, Jérôme text European Journal of Taxonomy 2020 2020-02-07 602 1 40 journal article 24120 10.5852/ejt.2020.602 33d1cdcb-a25e-48a8-b935-362bc7275059 3659448 D11E0841-00AF-4A10-BC58-AB57828AE6F1 Purusha vietnamica sp. nov. 0E0ECE6E-2ED5-464A-813D-3856ACCEB70F Figs 4 , 19–21 Diagnosis Male Easily separated from the males of P. paradoxa , P. pulverosa and P. reversa by the following combination of characters: (1) tegmina with concentric rows of narrow brown stripes on membrane, parallel to apical margin ( Fig. 19 A–B); (2) posterior wings pale brownish white with concentric rows of narrow brown stripes parallel to apical margin ( Fig. 19 A–B); (3) head, pro- and mesonotum brown, concolorous ( Fig. 19C ). Female Immediately recognized by the combination of the following characters: (1) tegmina with concentric rows of narrow brown stripes on membrane, parallel to apical margin but without basal band of white wax and oval white waxy spot along costal margin; (2) posterior wings pale brownish white with concentric rows of narrow brown stripes parallel to apical margin; (3) head, pro- and mesonotum brown, concolorous. Differential diagnosis Male Easily separated from the males of P. paradoxa , P. pulverosa and P. reversa by the combination of characters (1)–(3) of diagnosis; it should be separated from P. bellissima sp. nov. by the examination of the aedeagus. Etymology The species epithet refers to the country from which the species originates, Vietnam . Material examined Holotype ( Fig. 19 ) VIETNAM ; Tonkin, Cho-Ganh; [ 20°10′ N , 105°57′ E ]; L. Duport leg.; I.G.: 17.865; “ Coll. R.I.Sc.N.B. , Nord Vietnam, Tonkin, Cho-Ganh, L. Duport ”; “ R.I.Sc. N.B. I.G. 17.865”; RBINS . Paratype ( Fig. 20 ) VIETNAM ; Tonkin; Jun. 1917 ; R.V. de Salvaza leg.; “Tonkin, June 1917 , R.V. de Salvaza ”; “Pusa Coll. 1915–164”; BMNH . Measurements and ratios : LT (n = 1): 23.4 mm ; LTg/BTg = 2.1; BV/LV = 4.5; BF/LF = 1.66; LP+LM/BT = 0.6. : LT (extrapolated; n = 1): 28.1 mm ; LTg/BTg = 2.1; BV/LV = 4.4; BF/LF = 1.68; LP+LM/BT = 0.6. Description Male ( Fig. 19 ) HEAD ( Fig. 19C, E ). Dark reddish brown, slightly narrower than thorax. Vertex strongly transverse, concave and with anterior margin slightly curved in dorsal view. Frons broader than long, slightly convex and with lateral angles produced laterally. Subocular spine strongly developed, surpassing external margin of eye and visible from above. Antennae dark brown with scapus short and cylindrical and pedicel elongate, barrel-shaped. Clypeus elongate and narrow, slightly longer than frons. Labium brown, reaching metacoxae. Fig. 19. Purusha vietnamica sp. nov. , holotype, ♂ (RBINS). A . Habitus, dorsal view. B . Habitus, ventral view. C . Head and thorax, dorsal view. D . Labels. E . Normal view of frons. C–E not to scale. THORAX ( Fig. 19C ). Dark reddish brown with anterior half of pronotum slightly paler; broader than length of pro- and mesonotum taken together; pronotum shorter than mesonotum and with obsolete median carina; mesonotum with 3 longitudinal obsolete carinae. TEGMINA ( Fig. 19 A–B). Reddish brown, with base and a transverse unclear band after mid length darker; apical 1/5 yellow brown, paler zone extending along costal, narrowing to basal ⅓; on apical 1/5, several concentric, irregular and interrupted rows of narrow dark brown lines, parallel to apical margin of tegmen, number of rows varying from 2 anteriorly along costal margin to 4 in middle; costal and sutural margins subparallel; apical margin broadly rounded. HIND WINGS ( Fig. 19 A–B). Very pale yellowish brown, slightly darker towards distal portion; distal third with numerous more or less transverse brown markings arranged in concentric rows parallel to distal margin towards apex; apical margin broadly rounded. LEGS ( Fig. 19 A–B). All femora dark reddish brown; tibiae and tarsi black. Pro- and mesofemora dorsoventrally flattened, widening from base to apex. Pro- and mesotibiae dorsoventrally flattened, broader than corresponding femur and with apicolateral angle rounded; protibiae wider than mesotibiae. Metatibiae with 5 lateral and 9 apical spines. First metatarsomere with strong spine at each apicolateral angle; ventrally, large pad of microsetae and 11 spines arranged in two irregular rows. Second metatarsomere with ventral pad of microsetae. Third metatarsomere with narrow pad of microsetae. Metatibiotarsal formula: (5) 9/11/0. ABDOMEN. Yellow-brown. Male genitalia ( Fig. 21 ) Pygofer with dorsal half of lateral portion of posterior margin strongly projecting in laminate process directed posteriorly and slightly ventrally in lateral view and slightly laterally in ventral view; process rounded apically; ventral half of posterior margin excavate in lateral view; ventral portion of posterior margin slightly sinuate in ventral view; dorsal portion of pygofer strongly narrowing with posterior margin strongly excavate; anterior margin strongly sinuate in lateral view ( Fig. 21A, D ). Anal tube large, broadly obovate, dorsoventrally flattened; apical margin broadly rounded in dorsal view; lateral margins abruptly widening posteriorly to anal column and subparallel on median ⅓ in dorsal view, bisinuate in lateral view, more strongly so near base; anal column at basal ⅓ ( Fig. 21A, C ). Gonostyli elongate, subrectangular with dorsal and ventral margins sinuate in lateral view, with small subapical process on ventral margin directed posteriorly; dorsal margin sinuate in dorsal view, with rather small incurved lamina at posterodorsal angle, ending with tooth anteriorly and posteriorly; lateral hook near posterodorsal angle; ventral margin strongly emarginate on distal half in ventral view, forming a broad opening with mediobasal tooth directed posteriorly ( Fig. 21 A–B, D). Phallobase longer than broad in dorsal view, with dorsal strong elongate pointed process directed posterodorsally, laterobasal laminate strongly upcurved processes and horizontal lateral carina ended in a short, posterior, apically narrowly rounded process directed posteriorly; ventrally, elongate, deeply furcate process slightly curved ventrally, apices of furca pointed; dorsally to furcate process, pair of processes surpassing furcate process, curved ventrally on basal ⅔ and ended with a blunt hook curved dorsally ( Fig. 21 E–F). Phallus with two elongate, subparallel, slightly sword-shaped distally, incurved processes, ventral one longer than dorsal one; dorsal process slightly more curved medioanterodorsally than ventral one; mediodorsally, pair of large elongate processes with excavate portion dorsally before apex ( Fig. 21 E–F). Female ( Fig. 20 ) HEAD ( Fig. 20 C–D). Dark reddish brown with clypeus darker, slightly narrower than thorax. Vertex strongly transverse, concave and with anterior margin very slightly curved in dorsal view. Frons broader than long, slightly convex and with lateral angles produced laterally. Subocular spine strongly developed, surpassing external margin of eye and visible from above. Antennae dark brown with scapus short and cylindrical and pedicel elongate, barrel-shaped. Clypeus elongate and narrow, slightly longer than frons. Labium brown, reaching metacoxae. Fig. 20. Purusha vietnamica sp. nov. , paratype, ♀ (BMNH). A . Habitus, dorsal view. B . Habitus, ventral view. C . Head and thorax, dorsal view. D . Normal view of frons. E . Labels. C–E not to scale. Fig. 21. Purusha vietnamica sp. nov. , holotype, male genitalia (RBINS). A . Pygofer, anal tube and gonostylus, left lateral view. B . Posterodorsal process of left gonostylus, dorsal view. C . Anal tube, dorsal view. D . Pygofer and gonostyli, ventral view. E . Aedeagus, dorsal view. F . Aedeagus, left lateral view. Abbreviations: An = anal tube; G = gonostyli; Py = pygofer. Scale bars = 1 mm. THORAX ( Fig. 20C ). Reddish brown with central portion of mesonotum darker; broader than length of pro- and mesonotum taken together; pronotum shorter than mesonotum, with obsolete median carina and weak transversal groove; mesonotum with 3 longitudinal obsolete carinae. TEGMINA ( Fig. 20 A–B). Reddish brown with base and transverse unclear band after mid-length darker, densely covered in white waxy secretion dorsally; apical 1/5 yellow brown, paler zone extending along costal, narrowing to basal ⅓; on apical 1/5, several concentric, irregular and interrupted rows of narrow dark brown lines, parallel to apical margin of tegmen, number of rows varying from 1 anteriorly along costal margin to 5 in middle; costal and sutural margins weakly diverging towards 4/5; apical margin broadly rounded. HIND WINGS ( Fig. 20 A–B). Very pale yellowish brown, slightly darker towards distal portion, covered in white waxy secretion; distal third with numerous more or less transverse brown markings arranged in 5 irregular concentric rows parallel to distal margin towards apex, lines of 2 more distal rows narrower; apical margin broadly rounded. LEGS ( Fig. 20 A–B). All femora reddish brown; pro- and metatibiae and all tarsi black-brown; mesotibiae reddish brown with lateral portion black-brown. Pro- and mesofemora dorsoventrally flattened, widening from base to apex. Pro- and mesotibiae dorsoventrally flattened, broader than corresponding femur and with apicolateral angle rounded; protibiae wider than mesotibiae. Metatibiae with 5 lateral and 9 apical spines. First metatarsomere with strong spine at each apicolateral angle; ventrally, large pad of microsetae and 11 spines arranged in two irregular rows. Second metatarsomere with ventral pad of microsetae. Third metatarsomere with narrow pad of microsetae. Metatibiotarsal formula: (5) 9/11/0. ABDOMEN ( Fig. 20 A–B). Yellow-brown. Distribution North Vietnam ( Fig. 4 ). Biology Unknown.