2373 Author Evenhuis, Neal L. Author O’Hara, James E. Author Pape, Thomas Author Pont, Adrian C. text Zootaxa 2010 2010-02-26 2373 1 265 journal article 1175­5334 512 . Strauzia Robineau-Desvoidy , 1830 : 718 . ORIGINALLY INCLUDED SPECIES: Strauzia inermis Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830 ; Strauzia armata Robineau- Desvoidy, 1830. TYPE SPECIES : Strauzia inermis Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830 , by subsequent designation ( Foote, 1965: 676 ). CURRENT STATUS: Valid genus [ teste Norrbom et al . (1999: 211) ]. FAMILY: TEPHRITIDAE . REMARKS: Robineau-Desvoidy’s 1830 paper came out on 6 June while Wiedemann’s 1830 paper came out less than three months later in September [see References in this paper for dating of the former and Evenhuis (1997: 822) for dating of the latter]. The type species is therefore a senior synonym of Trypeta longipennis Wiedemann, 1830 , but as we have found no use of the name Strauzia inermis Robineau- Desvoidy, 1830 as valid after 1899, it appears to fulfill the requirements for a nomen oblitum . Trypeta longipennis Wiedemann, 1830 is in prevailing usage and has appeared as a valid name in the genus Strauzia in at least 25 publications by more than 10 authors during the past 50 years including the following: Arnett (1985) , Bisby et al . (2008), Bridges (1972) , Charlet et al . (1987) , Charlet et al . (1992) , Denoroy (1996) , Eaton & Kaufman (2007) , Fast (1966) , Foote (1964 , 1965 ), Foote & Steyskal (1987) , Foote et al . (1993) , Frost (1964) , Hilgendorf & Goeden (1981) , Hill (1987) , Hoes & Huang (1975) , Kays & Nottingham (2008) , Marshall (2006) , Norrbom et al . (1999) , Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (2006), Steck & Sutton (2001) , Steyskal (1972 , 1986 ), Stoltzfus (1988) , Sutton & Steck (2005) , Westdal & Barrett (1960 , 1962 ), Williams et al . (1998) . In the interests of nomenclatural stability, we hereby invoke reversal of precedence (ICZN Code Article 23.9.2) and declare Strauzia inermis Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830 a nomen oblitum and Trypeta longipennis Wiedemann, 1830 a nomen protectum . Norrbom et al . (1999: 211) alleged that the emendation by Loew (1873: 243) to Straussia was justified, but they rejected it in the interests of stability. The same emendation by Agassiz (1846b: 354) is earlier, but the dedication by Robineau-Desvoidy (1830: 718) stating for whom the genus-group Strauzia is being named is “M. Straus”, not “Strauss”, thus the emendations listed below are all unjustified (and would be so in any case as Robineau-Desvoidy’s repeated use of “ Strauzia ” is a clear indication that this was the intended spelling). Loew (1873: 17) remarked that Strauzia was named for Hercule “Strauss- Dürkheim” [also spelled as “Straus-Dürkheim”] (an anatomy professor at the Collège de Paris ). Loew may have been correct but there is no etymology of this name in Robineau-Desvoidy (1830) other than the aforementioned dedication to “ M. Straus , anatomiste ”. EMENDATIONS: Straussia Agassiz, 1846b: 354 (unjustified); Straussia Loew, 1873: 17 , 243 (unjustified); Straxissia Verrall in Scudder, 1882: 319 (unjustified), n . syn .